Body vibrations when falling asleep or waking?

Posted by cricketlips @cricketlips, Jun 2, 2022

After many google searches for the reason I feel vibration in my head, shoulder and arm just before falling asleep and waking, I found nothing that satisfactorily explained it. Of course anxiety seems to be a common explanation but there was nothing specific enough to help me. I am currently reading Incognito by David Eagleman. It discusses the functioning of the brain as an organ. This morning, going through my routine to get ready for work, I thought of a way to understand the vibrations. Similar to the hypnic jerks we experience occasionally just before we fall asleep, I think the vibrations are intended to arouse me to stay vigilant. Which is the fight or flight mechanism in action. So there is the anxiety connection. Originating in the amygdala. I was thinking Parkinson's or MS but my symptoms don't indicate those conditions, thankfully. It seems counterintuitive to be anxious and sleeping at the same time but the brain can do that. The cerebral cortex sleeps but the life support systems of the brain must stay online, obviously. If you thought you were in danger, sleeping would put you at risk but at some point sleep becomes absolutely necessary. I think the vibrations I have been experiencing are caused by my sympathetic nervous system and not a neurologic disease. Thankfully !

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Thank you for writing this! I have also had vibrating sensations while
falling asleep and waking for years. I've searched and searched for an answer and treatment but nobody, no doctor has been able to explain. I too feel like I've been in a perpetual fight or flight mode.

If nothing else... it's good to know I'm not just losing my mind!

Have you found anything that helps?

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Hello @sjholden, Welcome to Connect. It is a good thing to know that you are not alone. I haven't experienced the vibrating sensations just the shaky hands. There are quite a few other discussions you may want to look at to see if anything sounds familiar or might help:

— Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?
— Internal vibrations/crawling:
— Internal vibration with "nerve firing":
— Internal tremors: What specialist helped you?
— Internal Body Tremors and Tinnitus:


Just curious....has anyone else who has experienced these vibrations been diagnosed with CFS/ME or Fibromyalgia? (CFS - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, also known in some countries as ME - Myalgic encephalomyelitis)


Just curious....has anyone else who has experienced these vibrations been diagnosed with CFS/ME or Fibromyalgia? (CFS - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, also known in some countries as ME - Myalgic encephalomyelitis)

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Hi @jjdove, While you wait for other members to respond I thought I would let you know there are a couple of discussions on ME/CFS that you might find helpful:
-- Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) treatments:
-- Chronic Illnesses of Millions of Women Left Untreated:


Is it possible that you have RLS (restless legs syndrome)?


This has been driving me nuts! Had this since about a week after Christmas.
The only way I can explain it is the sensation of rumbling/trembling when you yawn… except I’m not yawning, I am waking in the night feeling like this. It goes on for about 20ish seconds and I feel it in my head and both arms. It is worse when I’ve been drinking alcohol. I don’t have it at all when I am awake.
I haven’t found anything really on Dr Google until I stumbled on this post. I never connected it to Covid, but I have had covid definitely once in October and possibly mild again in December. This would link up to possibly long covid…. Googling internal tremors and long covid brings up a whole host of anecdotal research.


This has been driving me nuts! Had this since about a week after Christmas.
The only way I can explain it is the sensation of rumbling/trembling when you yawn… except I’m not yawning, I am waking in the night feeling like this. It goes on for about 20ish seconds and I feel it in my head and both arms. It is worse when I’ve been drinking alcohol. I don’t have it at all when I am awake.
I haven’t found anything really on Dr Google until I stumbled on this post. I never connected it to Covid, but I have had covid definitely once in October and possibly mild again in December. This would link up to possibly long covid…. Googling internal tremors and long covid brings up a whole host of anecdotal research.

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Welcome @heymamasar, Since you mentioned your symptoms started after having COVID, I thought you might want to check out the following discussions:

--- Long haul Covid tremors and muscle spasms:
--- Post Covid Symptoms and what has helped me:
Have you discussed your symptoms with your doctor?


This has been driving me nuts! Had this since about a week after Christmas.
The only way I can explain it is the sensation of rumbling/trembling when you yawn… except I’m not yawning, I am waking in the night feeling like this. It goes on for about 20ish seconds and I feel it in my head and both arms. It is worse when I’ve been drinking alcohol. I don’t have it at all when I am awake.
I haven’t found anything really on Dr Google until I stumbled on this post. I never connected it to Covid, but I have had covid definitely once in October and possibly mild again in December. This would link up to possibly long covid…. Googling internal tremors and long covid brings up a whole host of anecdotal research.

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Yep, mine started after having Covid this past July and followed by 2nd vaccine a few weeks later. But now I notice it very slightly in my arms and legs at times during the waking hours as well. Thats all fairly new as it was strictly while sleeping or falling into a sleep previously. Have a doctor appt. on Tuesday due to newer daytime symptoms but I feel as if I'm wasting my time as they don't know squat from what I'm hearing so far. Many post covid clinics have been set up to research these long hauler issues so hopefully somethjing will come of it. I read Senator Tim Kaine as these vibrations 24/7 so his must be really bad. BTW, I tried to set up an appt. with one of these clinics but can't get in without physician referral and proof of test that I had Covid?? Seriously I told them I was diagnosed via an home test, I knew I had it. Frustrating.


Welcome @heymamasar, Since you mentioned your symptoms started after having COVID, I thought you might want to check out the following discussions:

--- Long haul Covid tremors and muscle spasms:
--- Post Covid Symptoms and what has helped me:
Have you discussed your symptoms with your doctor?

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I’m in the UK. You can’t even get a doctors appointment these days on the NHS! 🤣But thank you for the post suggestions… I’ll have a read.


This has been driving me nuts! Had this since about a week after Christmas.
The only way I can explain it is the sensation of rumbling/trembling when you yawn… except I’m not yawning, I am waking in the night feeling like this. It goes on for about 20ish seconds and I feel it in my head and both arms. It is worse when I’ve been drinking alcohol. I don’t have it at all when I am awake.
I haven’t found anything really on Dr Google until I stumbled on this post. I never connected it to Covid, but I have had covid definitely once in October and possibly mild again in December. This would link up to possibly long covid…. Googling internal tremors and long covid brings up a whole host of anecdotal research.

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I started having these along with many other post Covid symptoms. The trembling is the strangest feeling. I feel it most in the abdomen and I can literally see my abdomen trembling.


32 year old F healthy, with no major health concerns. I have been experiencing the exact same symptoms the last couple nights. It's almost as if it's preventing my body from falling asleep. I got about 2 hours of sleep last night, every time I would get close to falling asleep the vibrating though my chest or head would happen, sometimes even a tic or twitch again causing me to stay awake. And I too only experience this at night. Almost like a heartbeat radiating thought my body.

I recently started taking a new medication (Guanfacine), and thought maybe the combination of taking that with another one at bed time (Quetiapine) were causing the issue relating to blood pressure or pulse. However having stumbled across this page on search of answers, it makes me think it is related to my COVID vaccine. I received my 4th booster in September 2022 (never knowingly had COVID) and starting having horrible insomnia (that I never experienced prior) around October. Which is why I'm taking the Quetiapine at night time to help with sleep. It wasn't until beating my head over and over trying to figure out what could be the cause that I realized the ONLY thing that has changed to cause my insomnia was getting my booster. Even now I still cannot sleep at ALL unless I take my medication, and even once it wears off through out the night, I wake up almost immediately. Prior to starting the Guanfacine, I would have a similarly feeling at night in bed, but thought maybe it was just a heart palpitation, but it was very rare and random.

It's reassuring that I'm not alone (and that my concerns are valid) but also very scared that this is now permanent with little solution or way to fix it as from reading many of your stories about all the doctors that have been unhelpful or not willing to consider COVID playing a part. I have a call in to my provider to see about getting off the new med to see if that helps, but all this is still very much in the back of my mind.

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