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372 total results
Comments (312)
Hi There, not sure I'm in the right group, but I have some symptoms that I...
- Itching and tingling when pressure ... dry mouth at times
- hoarseness
- sore ... Acid Reflux and that explains the sore
@acid2come Im so sorry to hear of all that you are going through. I had canker...
I had canker sores in my mouth and baking ... breaths will help with your blood pressure
@abonilla Hello and welcome! I was sleeved almost 5 years ago at the age of 61!...
was going down hill....high blood pressure ... , uncontrollable triglycerides, sore
I am replying to my own post! I think I have figured out the problem (NO...
It is always sore; pulses a little ... bowel movement there seems to be less pressure ... for a while, but still sore.
I'm trying to find some help with my mystery! Background: in 2006, I had a result...
no focus and headaches (I had a bad sore ... frequency to urinate (but no pain), pressure
@contentandwell thank you for your response. Regarding ambulance rides, we have a freeze/thaw situation every winter...
tries over one stretch to get a blood pressure ... left my shoes on and my heals were sore
Hello karenolac, I have had laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis (had to remove an ovary). They will...
remaining carbon dioxide will cause pressure ... Depending on how much is done, expect soreness ... gently to help prevent too much sudden pressure
I’m not exactly sure who to write this to. I’m 70. 15 years ago I lost...
Then came the high blood pressure/cholesterol ... Skins sores like black & blue marks ... I no longer take blood pressure or cholesterol
@abbyk My 1st thought was that your family physician retest your bloods to be sure there...
and stopped headaches, ear and head pressure ... upper back spasms, etc. besides the sore
Hi @kariulrich, I haven't connected with you in a while, but I have kept up on...
point" injections into all the sore ... Also, when he put pressure on my back
Hi Susan, Marie here. You asked about my knee replacement. Some days I forget I had...
done, and then when the barometric pressure ... should give it a rest because it is sore
Justin, I have had my cPAP since October 2012. I developed skin breakdown (bridge of my...
solutions, thinking it was probably a pressure ... I was surprised when the skin sores ... healed, thinking it was still a pressure ... provide enough cushioning to relieve the pressure
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