Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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I have severe deterioration of the spine, plus scoliosis, my Dr has said a spinal replacement I said No. I could become a cripple at any given time. I did the the stimulator because what time I have left walking etc, I would like to do in less pain. I have probably shown every emotion possible, but I want to to get on the fl with Our 2 great gran babies. I want to be human if that makes sense. I take No Narcotics, I do take my pain pills and muscle relaxers as I need them, That is kind of my story, I stilll work FT, married, thank heavens my husband is a big help!

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@debbie2021 Wanting to be human does make sense. Good for you for trudging on, working full time, and not taking narcotics. Great grandbabies might be the best incentive! My husband is a big help to me as well. Count our lucky stars.

How long have you been having success with your spinal stimulator? What kind do you have?


He may also benefit from seeing a registered dietitian such as at the local hospital who could help with strategies to ensure adequate nutrition. If he doesn't have trouble swallowing, for now he may benefit from small frequent portions of high calorie high protein liquids such as Ensure or milkshakes. If swallowing is difficult or painful, the RD may still be able to work on a strategy to help.

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thanks you have been very seems CHRISTMAS TIME this year is a lot more difficult with all the sickness around..Have a GREAT HOLIDAY...M.


If you live near a large teaching hospital they may have a dental school where he could be evaluated by a number of specialists.


Hi, my name is Lisa I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout, Diabetes and Peripheral Neuropathy. I have constant pain and have had several surgical procedures with even more in the very near future.


Hi, my name is Lisa I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout, Diabetes and Peripheral Neuropathy. I have constant pain and have had several surgical procedures with even more in the very near future.

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Hello @ryleigh321, Welcome to Connect. I know it has to be difficult living in constant pain. Are you able to describe the kind of constant pain you are having? Have your doctors started you on any treatments?


Hello, I'm writing this comment in the section I think is related to neuromodulation techniques. Does anyone know the procedure coding related to these physiological methods? My husband has just started being treated (by someone trained in neuromodulation, but has never coded her work), and I'm thinking that these treatments are somewhat therapy-related and naturopathy-related. Can anyone help me know where to learn more?


How about a coach person at your insurance company?


Hello, I'm writing this comment in the section I think is related to neuromodulation techniques. Does anyone know the procedure coding related to these physiological methods? My husband has just started being treated (by someone trained in neuromodulation, but has never coded her work), and I'm thinking that these treatments are somewhat therapy-related and naturopathy-related. Can anyone help me know where to learn more?

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I was introduced to the concept many years ago when my husband's employer, Medtronic, pioneered a form of neuromodulation called deep brain stimulation to reduce the tremors of Parkinson's disease. Since then a number of other forms have been developed, some implantable devices, others used externally. Some examples include spinal cord stimulators and pain pumps.

Usually the technique is used by neurologists, neuroscientists and biomedical engineers. I am not familiar with use by naturopathy. Therapist and chiropractors some times use external TENS units.

Here are a couple of articles I found.

Can you explain more about what is meant by "coding"?



You already know me. I had a bad reaction to the GABAPENTIN (2 300 mgs) and my chest hurt for awhile and I got feeling CRAZY and NERVOUS....Got my heartbeat down from 99 to 78....and still feel shaky..How long does the side effect last when there is a reaction to a MED?


You already know me. I had a bad reaction to the GABAPENTIN (2 300 mgs) and my chest hurt for awhile and I got feeling CRAZY and NERVOUS....Got my heartbeat down from 99 to 78....and still feel shaky..How long does the side effect last when there is a reaction to a MED?

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I do NOT want to go to the HOSPITAL...How do I RELAX after this travesty?

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