Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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I do NOT want to go to the HOSPITAL...How do I RELAX after this travesty?

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@margaretob that had to be really scary for you. I’ve had reactions to medications with similar symptoms and it’s always our first thought, “I don’t want to go to the hospital!”

But seriously if you ever have that happen again, it is best to call 911, especially if you’re having chest pains! Do you live alone?

Now let’s calm you down. Getting water flushed through your body is the best way to start to help recover. Avoid caffeine today.
When you’re feeling a little less shaky, I’d advise you to call the doctor’s office that prescribed the Gabapentin and tell them what happened. They need to know!

Is 600mg your normal dosage? Looking at your bio, I see you’ve been taking Gabapentin for some time. Is this the first time you’ve had this reaction? As we age, our body’s don’t process medications the same as when we’re younger. You might want to speak to the doctor or Nurse Practitioner about reducing the amount of the medication or having an alternative.

For your anxiety today and every day, this is a little trick I’ve used to get me through some pretty rough times. It works really well to bring a sense of calmness.

Sit quietly. Look around you and notice:

5 things you can see: Your hands, a tree or plant in your house, a book
4 things you can physically feel: Your feet on the ground, a pen in your hand, your tongue on the roof of your mouth, etc.
3 things you can hear: The wind blowing, children’s laughter, your breath
2 things you can smell: Fresh-cut grass, coffee, soap
1 thing you can taste: A mint, gum, the fresh air

Try this and let me know if this brings a sense of calmness, Ok? You’re not alone…I’m here.


Has anyone ever had a supraorbital nerve block in their forehead for migraine?


I was introduced to the concept many years ago when my husband's employer, Medtronic, pioneered a form of neuromodulation called deep brain stimulation to reduce the tremors of Parkinson's disease. Since then a number of other forms have been developed, some implantable devices, others used externally. Some examples include spinal cord stimulators and pain pumps.

Usually the technique is used by neurologists, neuroscientists and biomedical engineers. I am not familiar with use by naturopathy. Therapist and chiropractors some times use external TENS units.

Here are a couple of articles I found.

Can you explain more about what is meant by "coding"?


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I believe that our insurance company will help with the costs, but they will need procedure codes; that's what I mean by coding...


I believe that our insurance company will help with the costs, but they will need procedure codes; that's what I mean by coding...

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The doctor or therapist has the resources to determine what codes are to be used. Each insurance policy may have it's own rules about covered procedures and devices.

I would suggest getting a written treatment plan from your provider, complete with specific diagnosis, procedure name(s), name of any device and what it is intended to accomplish. Then contact your insurance company and ask how to proceed so that they will pay all or most of it. If you have a Medicare supplement, your coverage must follow Medicare rules and policies, which may be more or less than a regular policy.

Does this help?



I do NOT want to go to the HOSPITAL...How do I RELAX after this travesty?

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Hi Margaret, I never heard back from you today. Were you able to calm down after the scare this morning? How long did it take for the side effects to wear off?
Let me know, ok?


My name is Steve I have been locked in chronic pain for 3 plus yrs after TKR , I have tried every procedure there is to end or relief the pain too no good results. I now am being seen at UPENN PAIN CENTER where a pain psychologist turned me on to reading ' MANAGING PAIN BEFORE IT MANAGES YOU' 4th edition by Dr. Margaret Caudill. Well I would say any suffering from chronic pain or acute pain should look into this book. Information about pain and tools to use against it are there. Reading it seemed to be reading something that was written just for me.Dr. Cuadill's approach to help is well worth the read. Stay positive, move and best of luck . STEVE ROSA


My name is Steve I have been locked in chronic pain for 3 plus yrs after TKR , I have tried every procedure there is to end or relief the pain too no good results. I now am being seen at UPENN PAIN CENTER where a pain psychologist turned me on to reading ' MANAGING PAIN BEFORE IT MANAGES YOU' 4th edition by Dr. Margaret Caudill. Well I would say any suffering from chronic pain or acute pain should look into this book. Information about pain and tools to use against it are there. Reading it seemed to be reading something that was written just for me.Dr. Cuadill's approach to help is well worth the read. Stay positive, move and best of luck . STEVE ROSA

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@spinrose64 Hey, Steve! Thank you for sharing valuable information you learned at UPENN Pain Center. How great that you found this book about managing pain before it manages you, what a useful tool, and even better that it's working to help you through living with chronic pain. I can tell you will come out on the other side and win the battle.

What was the first pivotal tool you learned that has helped you?


Pain will not win, Walk ,if you can't walk ride a bike , if you can;t ride swim , if you can't swim lift light weights, If you can't lift stretch , if not that read , listen to music , use your mind. Find what you like and do it !!!! Pain does not get to win


I do NOT want to go to the HOSPITAL...How do I RELAX after this travesty?

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Good morning, @margaretob How are feeling today? You were pretty shaken yesterday so I’ll like to know that you’re ok!

Were you able to speak with your doctor’s office about your reaction? Did you take more Gabapentin today?


Good morning, @margaretob How are feeling today? You were pretty shaken yesterday so I’ll like to know that you’re ok!

Were you able to speak with your doctor’s office about your reaction? Did you take more Gabapentin today?

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I quit the GABAPENTIN....will try something else. HAD A RAPID HEARTBEAT FOR TWO HOURS, REFUSED the hospital here. HAD AN HALLUCINATION of someone in a fog looking at me in my dining room, chest pain went away after two hours. GABA is NOT FOR ME...flushed it....will live with the legatrim @ night and a couple of TYLENOL P.M. all day use the cane and I will ice the knee....SURGEON showed me a horrible metal stick with wheels on each side to FIX my knee...NO THANKS..I will take the chair when the time comes..AM 78 and FEISTY....thanks for asking M.A.

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