Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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I am in pain 24/7. Somedays worse than others. Have tried Injections and Ablations with minimal success. No pain pills, just a bunch of creams, muscle relaxers, and Cymbalta. Any one tried BIO-WAVE versus TENS? Looking for some relief anyway I can get it. Life Quality, if you suffer with debilitating pain, I'm sure you know what I mean.


I am in pain 24/7. Somedays worse than others. Have tried Injections and Ablations with minimal success. No pain pills, just a bunch of creams, muscle relaxers, and Cymbalta. Any one tried BIO-WAVE versus TENS? Looking for some relief anyway I can get it. Life Quality, if you suffer with debilitating pain, I'm sure you know what I mean.

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@betterway, This is from 2006 but may provide some information you might find helpful.

Non-Invasive Targeted Electronic Pain Control Device ("Biowave System") Versus Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) for the Symptomatic Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain:


Hello, Jay R here. Chronic pain sufferer looking for help and advice. My dilemma is primarily severe chronic hip girdle tendonitis from several traumatic hip surgeries. I've been doing PRP and did several stem cell procedures as well. I've gotten small gains from those procedures but I'm still in deep water with pain and looking for answers. Nice to meet everyone here.


I am in pain 24/7. Somedays worse than others. Have tried Injections and Ablations with minimal success. No pain pills, just a bunch of creams, muscle relaxers, and Cymbalta. Any one tried BIO-WAVE versus TENS? Looking for some relief anyway I can get it. Life Quality, if you suffer with debilitating pain, I'm sure you know what I mean.

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I know what you are going through! I have had every procedure for my pain, to no avail, so my Dr did a spinal Stimulator and I am probably at this point 90% pain free. I still take an occasional pain pill, & muscle relaxers but, other than the Dr telling me. I will be soon crippled I am good! Good luck


Hello, Jay R here. Chronic pain sufferer looking for help and advice. My dilemma is primarily severe chronic hip girdle tendonitis from several traumatic hip surgeries. I've been doing PRP and did several stem cell procedures as well. I've gotten small gains from those procedures but I'm still in deep water with pain and looking for answers. Nice to meet everyone here.

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Hello Jay R @airjay66, Welcome to Connect. You mentioned you had your left hip replaced 1-1/2 years ago in another discussion. @sueinmn shared the following post in another discussion about a person's gait causing hip pain and improving the gait helps with the pain -

Along with the PRP and stem cell treatments have you tried any physical therapy or exercises to help with the hip pain?


Hello @dphillips221, @betterway, @airjay66 My apologies for not answering you each individually. As I read your posts I realized you are all simply looking for a better quality of life given your chronic pain circumstances. Chronic sucks and for those who have tried every injection, medication, and treatment to no avail and still are in chronic pain, I get it...that was me too.

After I hit a dead end and was desperate for better life quality, I decided to change my perspective and open my mind to rehabilitation. What I have is chronic and never going away so the best choice for me was to learn better ways to live with my pain and symptoms. I found Mayo Clinics Pain Rehabilitation Center. Its a comprehensive 3 weeks program offered at all 3 Mayo Campus's - Minnesota, Arizona and Florida:

Dr. Christopher Sletten heads up the program and offers this presentation on Central Sensitization Syndrome (CSS):

Although I realize this may not be for everyone, it's certainly worth a look. Do you folks mind getting back to me with your thoughts? Do you think this approach might be beneficial for you?


I am in pain 24/7. Somedays worse than others. Have tried Injections and Ablations with minimal success. No pain pills, just a bunch of creams, muscle relaxers, and Cymbalta. Any one tried BIO-WAVE versus TENS? Looking for some relief anyway I can get it. Life Quality, if you suffer with debilitating pain, I'm sure you know what I mean.

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You're not alone. Not sure that helps. Been suffering for 3 years now. Have had maybe 6 weeks of lesser pain throughout that 3 years. Debilitating. Ive also had the, "it's all in your head", diagnosis many times. I believe it is what doctors say when they don't know. Blame the patient. Forge ahead. I'll be speaking with Dr. Gillespie that another member here reccomended.


I know what you are going through! I have had every procedure for my pain, to no avail, so my Dr did a spinal Stimulator and I am probably at this point 90% pain free. I still take an occasional pain pill, & muscle relaxers but, other than the Dr telling me. I will be soon crippled I am good! Good luck

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Hi, where was your pain located and what type of spinal cord stimulator do you have? Thanks


Hi, where was your pain located and what type of spinal cord stimulator do you have? Thanks

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Hi Lower Back. It is an Abbott stimulater. One part is in the spine at 10,11,12 and my battery pack is on the right side, I have had a few issues but all of them were very fixable, I can turn it up or down as needed , Good Luck keep me posted.


I know what you are going through! I have had every procedure for my pain, to no avail, so my Dr did a spinal Stimulator and I am probably at this point 90% pain free. I still take an occasional pain pill, & muscle relaxers but, other than the Dr telling me. I will be soon crippled I am good! Good luck

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From the spinal stimulator or other ailment?

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