Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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Hi Margaret, I never heard back from you today. Were you able to calm down after the scare this morning? How long did it take for the side effects to wear off?
Let me know, ok?

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several hours with the heart pounding. NO MORE GABA for me...I rested watched a JAPANESE show on relaxation from JAPAN, took two tylenol P.M. and hot tea with a little honey. I refused any HOSPITAL treatment. TOOO MUCH MONEY....someone suggested LEGATRIM @ night...that works just as good as the TYLENOL P.M>....scared the dickens out of me...GABA has some evil side effects which do NOT bother most people..JUST ME...


several hours with the heart pounding. NO MORE GABA for me...I rested watched a JAPANESE show on relaxation from JAPAN, took two tylenol P.M. and hot tea with a little honey. I refused any HOSPITAL treatment. TOOO MUCH MONEY....someone suggested LEGATRIM @ night...that works just as good as the TYLENOL P.M>....scared the dickens out of me...GABA has some evil side effects which do NOT bother most people..JUST ME...

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THANKS FOR ASKING...every time I take some prescription it is a crap shoot...OTC doesn't bother me much..Tylenol P.M. LEGATRIM, OCCASIONAL ADVIL or MOTRIN for extreme pain...exercise, slow t.v. shows...ETC....


I am MARGARET a 78 YEAR OLD FEMALE with INSULIN DEPENDENCY GLUCOPHAGE twice a day and I do fine. PAIN in the knee is my waterloo...ICE rest, T.V. TYLENOL, ADVIL, MOTRIN, anything that takes the pain down. NO HOSPITAL...too much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Hi Margaret, I never heard back from you today. Were you able to calm down after the scare this morning? How long did it take for the side effects to wear off?
Let me know, ok?

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I sent two replies that got lost. TWO HOURS OF MY HEART PUMPING...I sat in a chair and prayed, watched a program from JAPAN on peacefulness, and tossed the GABA down the toilet...NO MORE GABA for me..some people take it and it is okay..NOT ME...I will stick with the TYLENOL P.M. and LEGATRIM =@ night....NO HOSPITAL...thanks for asking...


I sent two replies that got lost. TWO HOURS OF MY HEART PUMPING...I sat in a chair and prayed, watched a program from JAPAN on peacefulness, and tossed the GABA down the toilet...NO MORE GABA for me..some people take it and it is okay..NOT ME...I will stick with the TYLENOL P.M. and LEGATRIM =@ night....NO HOSPITAL...thanks for asking...

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Hi Margaret, I see 3 messages from you so I don’t think anything was lost. Wow, you had quite the experience! It’s reassuring that you were able to find some calming programs to watch and being able to pray helped you to recenter your thoughts. I truly understand the cost of hospitalization but really, if you have a situation like that again, I encourage you to call for assistance.

I’m glad you’re better today and I don’t blame you for not wanting to take anymore of the Gabapentin. In the future, please don’t put any medications down the toilet or sink. All the meds people discard eventually end up in the water supply and then we’re all sharing the bi-products. Old pills can either be taken to a pharmacy or police station that offer drug disposal. Or they can be put in your trash in a container mixed with cat litter or coffee grounds. ☺️

Did you take the Tylenol PM and Legatrin last night? Have you discussed the change in meds with your doctor? Legatrin contains acetaminophen and an antihistamine. It the same active ingredients as Tylenol PM. So you don’t want to be doubling up on those two meds.

And I don’t need to be nagging but you mentioned the Gabapentin Advil, Motrin, Tylenol and Legatrin as your pain killers, along with taking insulin twice a day.
Do you think you may have had an insulin reaction?


Has anyone ever had a supraorbital nerve block in their forehead for migraine?

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In reply to @mikaylar… I have had chronic migraines for many years but I have never had this done or even heard of it. If you decide on it, I hope it works for you. Migraines, for me, are a long and winding road…..


Thanks Migizil. Also having a lumbar puncture and MRA (like an MRI).


Pain will not win, Walk ,if you can't walk ride a bike , if you can;t ride swim , if you can't swim lift light weights, If you can't lift stretch , if not that read , listen to music , use your mind. Find what you like and do it !!!! Pain does not get to win

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@sprinrosa64 Cheers to that! 🥂


Pain will not win, Walk ,if you can't walk ride a bike , if you can;t ride swim , if you can't swim lift light weights, If you can't lift stretch , if not that read , listen to music , use your mind. Find what you like and do it !!!! Pain does not get to win

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@sprinrosa64 If you're up for it, do you mind sharing any tips from the book that you feel might help others on Connect? Thank you.


Has anyone ever had a supraorbital nerve block in their forehead for migraine?

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@mikaylar I have not, only Botox and all the stomach injections and meds, but can attest that looking back since discontinuing all migraine injections and medications, and learning self-management tools, I have been much better off. All the blocks are temporary, if they work at all, and we are left to continue managing chronic migraine.

Have you ever learned other management tools for your migraines?

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