Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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The spinal problems befor the Stimulator was in planted.


The spinal problems befor the Stimulator was in planted.

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I have severe deterioration of the spine, plus scoliosis, my Dr has said a spinal replacement I said No. I could become a cripple at any given time. I did the the stimulator because what time I have left walking etc, I would like to do in less pain. I have probably shown every emotion possible, but I want to to get on the fl with Our 2 great gran babies. I want to be human if that makes sense. I take No Narcotics, I do take my pain pills and muscle relaxers as I need them, That is kind of my story, I stilll work FT, married, thank heavens my husband is a big help!

In reply to @martyk "Thanks" + (show)

Continues pain not sleeping sometimes not being able to walk


Hi, I’m Jack. Fused S1-T4, C4-5-6, severe spinal stenosis at C7, L5. Traumatic arthritis. One of the screws traverses the spinal canal at T6, rod busted at T6, screws loose (my wife says this is normal for me) at T4-5. Chronic pain. I take Celebrex and ketorolac. No opiates. Baclofen for spasms. I use a ton of Voltaren and Wisemen healing balm (I’ll try just about anything…).


My name is Margaret...I have DIABETES on INSULIN 27 years, Severe NEUROPATHY on occasion, and a bad right knee that swells enough to get off it and ice it....I am on this site to get help for my son. He had root canal and it aggravated a nerve in his lower throat and neck which causes his voice to be raspy and a lot of pain. He has lost 20 pounds because eating is a chore. Cancer is not there, but the growth swells on and off and he is miserable. BEEN to three doctors who say THEY DONT KNOW....HELP.....he is severely depressed. HOW CAN I HELP HIM?????????? He is only in his forties, and I am 78.....what kind of DOCTOR can he see about this?????? he has seen three who DONT KNOW how to help him...


My name is Margaret...I have DIABETES on INSULIN 27 years, Severe NEUROPATHY on occasion, and a bad right knee that swells enough to get off it and ice it....I am on this site to get help for my son. He had root canal and it aggravated a nerve in his lower throat and neck which causes his voice to be raspy and a lot of pain. He has lost 20 pounds because eating is a chore. Cancer is not there, but the growth swells on and off and he is miserable. BEEN to three doctors who say THEY DONT KNOW....HELP.....he is severely depressed. HOW CAN I HELP HIM?????????? He is only in his forties, and I am 78.....what kind of DOCTOR can he see about this?????? he has seen three who DONT KNOW how to help him...

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Hi Margaret @margaretob, I think your son may need to see and endodontist.

"Endodontists are often known as root canal dentists. They are dental specialists that treat complex causes of tooth pain, such as abscess" --- Endodontics (Root Canal Dentist): What is it, Symptoms ...:

Is your son able to seek help at a major teaching hospital or health facility like Mayo Clinic?


Hi, I’m Jack. Fused S1-T4, C4-5-6, severe spinal stenosis at C7, L5. Traumatic arthritis. One of the screws traverses the spinal canal at T6, rod busted at T6, screws loose (my wife says this is normal for me) at T4-5. Chronic pain. I take Celebrex and ketorolac. No opiates. Baclofen for spasms. I use a ton of Voltaren and Wisemen healing balm (I’ll try just about anything…).

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I take Entodolac,( pain ) cyclobenzprine for muscle spasms, I have tried that Blue Emu rub and it works pretty good! Good Luck


I take Entodolac,( pain ) cyclobenzprine for muscle spasms, I have tried that Blue Emu rub and it works pretty good! Good Luck

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Hi Debi. I’m allergic to tons of this stuff. Opiates and most muscle relaxers. I’m really careful with baclofen. I’ve got Blue Emu too! I don’t know if it’s just all in my head but the wisemen healing balm (frankincense and myrrh) seems to help the deadness in my feet and lower legs. Might be just wishful thinking but there is some documentation on it for neuropathy at Mayo. Voltaren is my normal go to. Sometimes I think about making a dip tank.


My name is Margaret...I have DIABETES on INSULIN 27 years, Severe NEUROPATHY on occasion, and a bad right knee that swells enough to get off it and ice it....I am on this site to get help for my son. He had root canal and it aggravated a nerve in his lower throat and neck which causes his voice to be raspy and a lot of pain. He has lost 20 pounds because eating is a chore. Cancer is not there, but the growth swells on and off and he is miserable. BEEN to three doctors who say THEY DONT KNOW....HELP.....he is severely depressed. HOW CAN I HELP HIM?????????? He is only in his forties, and I am 78.....what kind of DOCTOR can he see about this?????? he has seen three who DONT KNOW how to help him...

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He may also benefit from seeing a registered dietitian such as at the local hospital who could help with strategies to ensure adequate nutrition. If he doesn't have trouble swallowing, for now he may benefit from small frequent portions of high calorie high protein liquids such as Ensure or milkshakes. If swallowing is difficult or painful, the RD may still be able to work on a strategy to help.

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