Heart Rhythm Conditions – Welcome to the group

Welcome to the Heart Rhythm Conditions group on Mayo Clinic Connect.
Did you know that the average heart beats 100,000 times a day? Millions of people live with heart rhythm problems (heart arrhythmias) which occur when the electrical impulses that coordinate heartbeats don't work properly. Let's connect with each other; we can share stories and learn about coping with the challenges, and living well with abnormal heart rhythms. I invite you to follow the group. Simply click the +FOLLOW icon on the group landing page.

I'm Kanaaz (@kanaazpereira), and I'm the moderator of this group. When you post to this group, chances are you'll also be greeted by volunteer patient Mentors and fellow members. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

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I will be anxious to know how your test comes out.


It’s amazing when I read how so many have the same symptoms nation wide, but for some reason the medical field with all of the technology out there doesn’t have any answers.
You would think with ECG, Holters, Echo, Stress Test, on and on would give the doctors direction on how to treat our symptoms. I have done all of the above test numerous times, just to be told nothing abnormal and my heart is healthy.
My cardiologist did do an angioplasty in 2016. He told my husband he didn’t expect to find anything. I had 80% blockage in two arteries. He did inset 2 stents. But it didn’t take care of the episodes and blacking out at times. I don’t want anything to be wrong, I just want answers.
Maybe if several doctors experienced the symptoms and frustration that goes with it, we might be taken more serious. It doesn’t help when we are basically brushed off time and time again.

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Well said.


Hi, I'm Jackie ,61 from Vt.
Just started Eiquis, 2 months, and very unsettled about continuing.
Afib, 3 times with cardio version in the past 8 yrs, nothing in the past 3.
I had a pulmonary embolism 8 yrs.ago, none since.
I take Atenelol,Norvasc, Prevasatin
Multi- vitamin, Co Q10. and .magnesium.
Before Eliquis I was taking daily aspirin and fish oil. I find I would bleed more before the Eliquis .
I've given this pill a 2 .month try and I really dislike it. Just not myself ,haven't changed my eating habits but have 7 new pounds that won't budge, when u r 5'2 that makes a difference.
Feel my cardiologist (new) is more a pill pusher. Returning to have heart moniter to check on afib.
I truly believe if my aspirin dose was higher and back on fish oil I'd be ok.


Hi I am Chris. I have a hiatal hernia, and when the stomach comes into the throat, my heart goes crazy. working with a cardiologist now, echo, lipid bloodwork, etc. But I would like to know if anyone else has the hernia with the palpitations.. Thnks


I was told by a doctor that i have a hiatial hernia. I have Irregular heart beat that gets worse when iam full of gas. It is very nerve wracking to have the irregular heartbeat. I notice when i wake in the morning, i have a full feeling in my upper chest. My hearbeat problems have been worse the last couple of years. I just recently had a 24 hour monitor and Iam waiting results. I have had this on and off for 40 +years. Along with this, i have the sensation of not being able to get a deep breath.


Hi I am Chris. I have a hiatal hernia, and when the stomach comes into the throat, my heart goes crazy. working with a cardiologist now, echo, lipid bloodwork, etc. But I would like to know if anyone else has the hernia with the palpitations.. Thnks

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Hi Chris. I also have a hiatal hernia & am getting to believe that the hernia can be a contributing factor in pvc’s. Mine acts up on a daily basis. I know people who have issues aftereating with their hearts


I was told by a doctor that i have a hiatial hernia. I have Irregular heart beat that gets worse when iam full of gas. It is very nerve wracking to have the irregular heartbeat. I notice when i wake in the morning, i have a full feeling in my upper chest. My hearbeat problems have been worse the last couple of years. I just recently had a 24 hour monitor and Iam waiting results. I have had this on and off for 40 +years. Along with this, i have the sensation of not being able to get a deep breath.

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Bragg vinegar one tablespoon
In half cup water or more
has helped me a lot.
Taking before bedtime..
Bend over after ward and stand up. I can belch like a
Trouper. I try never to eat
Too much just before bed.
That does complicate it a lot.

My way of getting out the gas.


@kanazpereira: Hi.. I have few years since I had this problem of (also called) v.ectopy and have been taking Cordarone 100mg from 2013-Holter- ECG,showing v.ectopy of 2800 /reduced to 86 in 2014, for 5 years. Recently, the dose of medicaion to prevent ventricular tachycardia (cordarone) is reduced to 50 mg, as QT was 537 ms, responded with QT is 444 ms. I have been asymptomatic mostly. I have CAD-LAD stent and stable on medical treatment for
19-20 years...


I was told by a doctor that i have a hiatial hernia. I have Irregular heart beat that gets worse when iam full of gas. It is very nerve wracking to have the irregular heartbeat. I notice when i wake in the morning, i have a full feeling in my upper chest. My hearbeat problems have been worse the last couple of years. I just recently had a 24 hour monitor and Iam waiting results. I have had this on and off for 40 +years. Along with this, i have the sensation of not being able to get a deep breath.

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Thanks for the tip. Do you find that your heartbeat irregularity is worse if you have gas?


Hi, Great site, I am new here! my problem is that when I go to bed I have this fast beating heart and it makes me feel very hyper. I have a very easy life but this insomnia makes me very tired doing the day. I do not take any naps and I am on thyroid medication, that is getting adjusted all the time.

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