Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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So glad I found this thread. I have also been wondering why I've been having persistant post nasal drip, which doesn't seem to go away despite taking antihistamines, a muscus solvant, and nasal spray. I've seen an ENT surgeon, had a nasal endoscopy which was clear. Also seen a respiratory physician and did all the lung function tests. All clear. I had a feeling that the post nasal drip was a result of Covid which I had in 2022. And now after reading this thread, I now know that my thoughts and symptoms are shared by others. I'm going to now try some herbal remedies such as tumeric tea, known for it's anti-inflammatory benefits. Trying to persistently cough out this phlegm is physically exhausting. Hoping that it something will work!

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Yup, I've got the bad PND with a.m. gag I know it's not just me. Like you, I'm trying everything and have recently decided to add some herbal remedies to the mix. I don't think they can hurt. I've been a fan of the late, great Stephen Harrod Buhner, who passed about a year ago. Brilliant man. I rely on his "Herbal Antibiotics" and "Herbal Antivirals." He has a Lyme protocol that seems to work for many with that issue. (I saw some research pointing to cellular similarities between Lyme disease and long-term Covid.) I'm adding an organic 10-mushroom powder (Amazon, pretty cheap for the many doses!), mullein tea, an immune booster, and maybe more. Also, Grandma's old gargling with warm salt water is an effective quickie. Good luck!


It is exhausting to constantly be thinking of this phlegm and how to get rid of it. Does gargling with salt water help? My throat feels coated with this yuckiness all of the time. I used to clear my throat and after several tries could feel it “break up” a little and I’d get some relief. Now that doesn’t work. It’s even hard to get to sleep. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Omg I’m the same!!! Had Covid for the first time 5 weeks ago and now for 3 weeks have constant thick mucas build up in my throat 🙁 I hate it so much!!! It comes out and it’s disgusting and then keeps building up I’m so over it!! I find it hard to talk to ppl and working is a challenge 🙁 have you recovered ? How long did you have it for?


I too was experiencing the same long covid symptoms with endless phlegm and nasal drip after recovering from my 2nd round of covid infection. My first round was March 2020 then again in Novemebr 2022. I never had allergies or any related seasonal issues my entire life so having this drip and thick mucus was all new to me. Found an interesting article about Cardamon and gave it try. After 3 weeks of steady cardamom tea I began to notice fewer and fewer instances of throat clearing and after the 4th week I haven't had any phlegm or nasal drips. Hopefully this method is helpful for others as it was for me. I can't remember any other time in my life that I drank that much tea to the point where I gave up my morning cup of coffee.

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Yes pls let us know how many teas did you drink per day please? Dying for relief 🙁


Is there anyone that has actually gotten over this excessive mucus build up in a matter of weeks? This is unbelievable the feeling 😔😔😔


The Flonase is doing a good job of drying my eyes out, but my nose is still pouring water. I don’t see how it’s seasonal allergies as the last couple of days it has poured rain and I’ve been mainly inside. So frustrating. I can’t continue taking it. No benefit and bothering my existing dry eye.


Omg I’m the same!!! Had Covid for the first time 5 weeks ago and now for 3 weeks have constant thick mucas build up in my throat 🙁 I hate it so much!!! It comes out and it’s disgusting and then keeps building up I’m so over it!! I find it hard to talk to ppl and working is a challenge 🙁 have you recovered ? How long did you have it for?

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I have not yet recovered from long-COVID; I've had it for 1 year. I'm 83 soon to be 84.


I had a phone consult with a client today and I was embarrassed at the way I sounded. I apologized saying it was allergies. I could barely talk due to congestion in my throat. I’m afraid I’ll be judged if I say it’s long covid, even though I’ve been diagnosed with it.


Is there anyone that has actually gotten over this excessive mucus build up in a matter of weeks? This is unbelievable the feeling 😔😔😔

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1) Take NAC once/twice/day. It loosens phlegm and it is precursor for glutathione (master detoxifier).
2) gargle with 50% diluted hydrogen peroxide 3% + water. (So ends up 1.5% sol)
Do not swallow!
Salt water gargles also good.
Best wishes


I had a phone consult with a client today and I was embarrassed at the way I sounded. I apologized saying it was allergies. I could barely talk due to congestion in my throat. I’m afraid I’ll be judged if I say it’s long covid, even though I’ve been diagnosed with it.

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Do not be afraid. We will all get through this one way or another. We must be strong. I too struggle with LC since I had covid a few months ago, some days are good, others are not. In strength you will survive and live a long happy life.


Omg I’m the same!!! Had Covid for the first time 5 weeks ago and now for 3 weeks have constant thick mucas build up in my throat 🙁 I hate it so much!!! It comes out and it’s disgusting and then keeps building up I’m so over it!! I find it hard to talk to ppl and working is a challenge 🙁 have you recovered ? How long did you have it for?

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My husband and I both suffered from this symptom, he was blessed and had his last bout a week ago. As for me, now I have a secondary virus plus the phlegm. I give up on doctors. I eat an anti inflammatory diet, take fermented supplements when need, make my own quercetin, and am waiting for an order of mullein tea to arrive. So far............bupkis! Hang in everyone, we will make it through this. We now know what it is like to have a chronic illness.

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