Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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Has anyone tried fasting 24 hours or more or intermittent fasting as a way to reset the immune system? I am going to do intermittent fasting (12pm - 8pm) and see how this impacts my symptoms. Also, while it may be difficult to combine, intense exercise can depress your immune system. I'm wondering if the combination of "resetting" with intermittent fasting and natural depression of the immune system will stop the chronic over-activation of our immune system that is likely perpetuating these long covid symptoms. I just started and will let you know if I'm able to stick to it and symptom relief. Curious to hear if anyone has tried/is trying/or thinks this makes sense. My phlegm is also definitely much worse after eating (particularly in the morning) so hopefully this will address that.

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I have tried fasting for 12hrs for a month, it didnā€™t help my symptom.
Wish you all the best.


I found my cure!!!! Hi guys I posted on here recently bec I was struggling for 3 weeks with constant build up of phlegm in my throat. It was disturbing my daily life so much and found it difficult to talk and work šŸ™ I went to my local health shop in Melbourne, Australia and picked up this Cough Lung Tonic that cured me within 3 days of having 15mls, 3 times a day. Itā€™s a Chinese medicine formula and it specially targets stubborn phlegm, Iā€™ve attached a photo of the product for you. I feel 100% again, itā€™s like night and day the difference in me. Hope that you guys can try it too. All the very best ❤️


I have tried fasting for 12hrs for a month, it didnā€™t help my symptom.
Wish you all the best.

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Sorry to hear that it didn't help. Regardless it seems like eating, coffee, exercise makes phlegm production worse and it lasts a couple hours. Need to avoid these activities prior to speaking to people at work which is frustrating.

Has anyone tried oral prednisone for a couple weeks combined with fluticasone spray?
Saw this article on pubmed where 4 day course of Prednisone 30mg allowed immune system to revert somewhat back to a more balanced state.,be%20effective%20in%20this%20situation.

I'm not sure if this will apply and regulate what is happening with the ENT region and long covid immune over-activity (that we assume).


Sorry to hear that it didn't help. Regardless it seems like eating, coffee, exercise makes phlegm production worse and it lasts a couple hours. Need to avoid these activities prior to speaking to people at work which is frustrating.

Has anyone tried oral prednisone for a couple weeks combined with fluticasone spray?
Saw this article on pubmed where 4 day course of Prednisone 30mg allowed immune system to revert somewhat back to a more balanced state.,be%20effective%20in%20this%20situation.

I'm not sure if this will apply and regulate what is happening with the ENT region and long covid immune over-activity (that we assume).

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Good idea, I might try it.
We just have to keep trying different things and pray something may work for us.
Itā€™s really depressing,
I guess different things might benefit different people, maybe you should try the fasting.
All the best.


Good idea, I might try it.
We just have to keep trying different things and pray something may work for us.
Itā€™s really depressing,
I guess different things might benefit different people, maybe you should try the fasting.
All the best.

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I am on my 3rd day of Predisone 20mg daily and fluticasone nasal spray and I think that overall symptoms have improved. Exercise or eating will trigger but not as bad and able to speak a bit better.

Also, I started eating Dark (65% cocoa) and it is very soothing to throat. There is a lot of interesting data on flavanoids, antioxidants and other properties in dark cocoa and it coats the throat in a way that protects it from further irritation while acting as local anti-inflammatory.

This triple approach of oral (systemic) and nasal spray (local) steroid combined with dark chocolate has provided me the best relief I have experienced in the last two years. I've been disappointed before but hoping this will continue and thought I would share in real time so others who are suffering can try to find relief.


I am on my 3rd day of Predisone 20mg daily and fluticasone nasal spray and I think that overall symptoms have improved. Exercise or eating will trigger but not as bad and able to speak a bit better.

Also, I started eating Dark (65% cocoa) and it is very soothing to throat. There is a lot of interesting data on flavanoids, antioxidants and other properties in dark cocoa and it coats the throat in a way that protects it from further irritation while acting as local anti-inflammatory.

This triple approach of oral (systemic) and nasal spray (local) steroid combined with dark chocolate has provided me the best relief I have experienced in the last two years. I've been disappointed before but hoping this will continue and thought I would share in real time so others who are suffering can try to find relief.

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Try this product !! It cured me I posted a couple of days ago above you can see my post. This stuff is amazing !!!


Try this product !! It cured me I posted a couple of days ago above you can see my post. This stuff is amazing !!!

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I will give it a try. How chronic were your symptoms prior to trying this solution?


I will give it a try. How chronic were your symptoms prior to trying this solution?

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Terrible šŸ™ I could barely speak because the glug and mucus just kept building up in the same spot in my throat. I would get it out and then again it would come back within minutes. For 3 weeks I was a mess and this product cured me, Iā€™m so relieved I feel like myself again 🙏🏼


Terrible šŸ™ I could barely speak because the glug and mucus just kept building up in the same spot in my throat. I would get it out and then again it would come back within minutes. For 3 weeks I was a mess and this product cured me, Iā€™m so relieved I feel like myself again 🙏🏼

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I see this is made in Australia. Is it available in Canada?

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