Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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Sorry to bring some more sobering news but Nasalcrom and Claritin not the long term solution I was hoping for. I think symptoms are worse after eating but I do not think this is from reflux. I'm looking for answers once again. Any thoughts on whether getting covid vaccine who helps or make symptoms worse?

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Same here. I really thought it was going to be the solution but…. I too denied reflux since I never had heartburn. I lot of chest pain and phlegm and eventually nausea. Then I did a barium swallow test and there was acid shooting up to the carina. I guess the respiratory system goes into defensive mode? Now I’m on esomeprazole 40mg 2x/day. (GI prescribed 20/ PCP upped to 40) And still take a Famotodine &/or Zyrtec if phlegm develops. I feel like the affliction is bad and the treatment is worse. I don’t know how long before the meds cause damage to kidneys, liver, whatever. Update if you find the solution please!


Sorry to bring some more sobering news but Nasalcrom and Claritin not the long term solution I was hoping for. I think symptoms are worse after eating but I do not think this is from reflux. I'm looking for answers once again. Any thoughts on whether getting covid vaccine who helps or make symptoms worse?

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Oh but regarding your actual question, I had a Covid booster last fall, the 2023 update. I found neither improvement nor decline as a result. I’m hearing there is a 2024 booster available now and I will but haven’t yet gotten it.


Sorry to bring some more sobering news but Nasalcrom and Claritin not the long term solution I was hoping for. I think symptoms are worse after eating but I do not think this is from reflux. I'm looking for answers once again. Any thoughts on whether getting covid vaccine who helps or make symptoms worse?

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Stay away from Big Pharma


It will be three years this September for my post covid nasal/sinus/congestion. Its horrible. My congestion is so bad i have liquid that comes out from my ear canal.
Tired of having Kleenex at every video or in person meeting…
No help. Only ENT telling me surgery is the only option…and no guarantee of success.

This has changed my life, not for the better.

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ENT's advice is a shot in the dark. A good doctor would tell everyone they don't have a clue, mine did and I respect him for that.


Can anybody relate? Wow - I sure can! And while I am sorry for others who may be afflicted with this 'drip' or whatever it is - I am happily surprised to find myself in good company. I had convinced myself that I had throat cancer or the like, as I am 64 and never had anything like this incredibly annoying phlegm assault.

I did a radio show for over 20 years, and related to that daily hour I was always hyper-aware of my vocal projection, modulation etc. The way I am now if I talk for 5 minutes or more my voice gets hoarse and if I don't clear it ( and I have to do so very forcefully ie loudly) I can barely speak. It seems like such a minor thing to someone reading about this, I'm sure, but the extent to which it bothers me on an hourly basis literally affects my quality of life.

Not to be too gross about it here but if anyone else experiences this thing or anything like it I would sure appreciate hearing about it. One thing I have found really weird is how I cough the stuff up. It always comes up in the exact same form - an inch or inch and a half stringy thing as though it was cut from a ball of string. Never is it 'loose' or shapeless - which until now is always how I experienced 'spittle' in my life.
Thanks all for sharing, and please touch back with any noteworthy news.


Does anyone feel the phlegm
Coming from the left side of the throat or the left side of the nostril.
That’s where I feel my one.
My right side is fine clear no issue.


I’m never without a tissue in my hand. It is quite unbelievable. Being a long hauler whatever doctor you go to will put you in the box with all the others with the same symptoms who have never had Covid! Just because there is no box for long haulers…yet. So I would bet any ENT has told more than just me that it’s sinusitis and told you to use a nasal spray, saline, and otc sinus meds. Of course none of it helps….
We have some bizarre leftover Covid cytokine infiltration and I’m hoping some of the bazillion supplements I’m taking will eventually bring some relief by happenstance.
All I would like to know for now is if anyone has this off balance feeling when walking. I believe it is a result of all that is going on in the related glands…but it is a little scary…


I’m never without a tissue in my hand. It is quite unbelievable. Being a long hauler whatever doctor you go to will put you in the box with all the others with the same symptoms who have never had Covid! Just because there is no box for long haulers…yet. So I would bet any ENT has told more than just me that it’s sinusitis and told you to use a nasal spray, saline, and otc sinus meds. Of course none of it helps….
We have some bizarre leftover Covid cytokine infiltration and I’m hoping some of the bazillion supplements I’m taking will eventually bring some relief by happenstance.
All I would like to know for now is if anyone has this off balance feeling when walking. I believe it is a result of all that is going on in the related glands…but it is a little scary…

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Definitely have off balance, especially when turning/swiveling. Had my opthamologist check for peripheral vision issues but like all my myriad tests...all normal. I cannot even briefly close my eyes to envision a task....must open my eyes particularly wide & fiercely concentrate. I drop stuff regularly too.
Say goodbye to multitasking!!!
I have disciplined myself to be hypervigilant when driving as well.


Definitely have off balance, especially when turning/swiveling. Had my opthamologist check for peripheral vision issues but like all my myriad tests...all normal. I cannot even briefly close my eyes to envision a task....must open my eyes particularly wide & fiercely concentrate. I drop stuff regularly too.
Say goodbye to multitasking!!!
I have disciplined myself to be hypervigilant when driving as well.

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Thank you…Yes, a large percentage of us have all normal test results. That gets the doctors off the hook…If tests are normal that’s the medical profession’s case closed and pass us on to the next “specialist.”
Most of us are saving our own lives since we tend to keep up with the latest research and the doctors are too overwhelmed to even think Covid.
I have seen dozens of doctors in the last 3 years and not one has offered any assistance on any level except for a referral to the next doctor. If Big Pharma doesn’t have a Covid pill doctors can’t help.
I do every supplement that is supported by Covid research . I am totally functioning and living life with leftover symptoms.
Grateful to be alive…


Epipharnyx at back of nose & throat remains inflamed. Gargle with salt water is good. Gargling with 50% diluted 3% Hydrogen Peroxide is very good. Follow with zinc lozenges. Do not swallow hydrogen peroxide solution. Docs in Japan are rubbing the epipharnyx weekly with some anti bacterial solution.

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