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892 total results
Discussions (75)
Nerve biopsy
random twitches and what feels like electrical ... shocks in my arm, some times they are
Sparodic episodes nerve pain or muscle spasms backside of ribcage
full year now I have been getting electric ... shock like episodes in the backside
RA and neuropathy
pain other than an occasional brief electrical ... shock.
Can an EMG study stir up pains? Lumbosacral polyradiculopathy anyone?
Twice I had electric shock like pain
Leg-Foot Cramps with Lyrica?
occasional jolts that are like an electrical ... shock.
National Jewish for SFN?
throughout the day, eg, starting with electric-shock
Femoral nerve damage after kidney transplant
hit the floor I felt like I had an electric ... shock and almost collapsed.
I think it might be MS ?
shock pain of my arms and legs approximately ... (Left leg) electrical shock pain travel ... A electric shock from left to right ... middle to lower back pain an electrical ... shock wave
All in the pm left arm
I am afraid to take the nerve test.
into leg (thigh I think) and applying electric ... shock.
Neuropathy and other strange symptoms
It feels like there is an electric shock
I recently had a lumbar epidural of L5 vertebrae
shot sent what felt like an intense electric ... sock down through my butt, and down
After three vaccines my girlfriend is disabled
She describes it as shocks throughout ... She says it's like electricity flashing
Persistent Chest Pain - Please help
pain comes and goes and feels like an electric ... shock type pain right underneath my
Palpitations triggered by cocaine
chest pain and a sensation of tingling/electric ... shock in the arms.
Autonomic? Or issues with the brain?
body when laying down, kind of like electric ... shock
-buzzing in feet and legs ... back pain complaint)
-head/eye shocks
Sudden, Sharp Pain on Upper Left Side of Head? Seeking Advice
started experiencing sharp shooting, electric-shock ... jerking and body jolts due to the shock-like
Cellulitis and MRSA infection, this stuff is bad: Thoughts?
The pain is like an electric shock that
Anybody else have these weird symptoms?
Just the electric symptoms, no taste ... Sometimes when I'm wearing socks ... like there may be wrinkles in the socks ... don't get this when just wearing socks ... , or socks and crocs, or flip flops,
Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD)...17 total and counting
I started having pains & electrical ... shocks and currents all over like I
Neurologic disorder or autoimmune?
( Brachioradial Puritus)
*03/2021 Electric ... shock sensation that goes through my