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2,066 total results
Comments (1,910)
Hello, I was told I have drusen two years ago. I had no idea what it...
#39;s soft drusen and intermediate dry ... never told me) and his sister has it, dry ... with late stage /wet in one eye and dry ... much more important to me than the needle
Support Group: Eye Conditions
Posted: Aug 6 10:53am
I hope your podiatrist has an open mind and heart to considering that there can be...
#34;one group" and I don't need ... question, not hesitant to voice what I need ... She is so sweet when done, gently drying
Posted: Jul 30 8:09am
Yes, tubing is not something you can clean or sterilize. If there is moisture left in...
the compressor for a few minutes to dry ... pulmonologist recommends - your neb cups need
Support Group: MAC & Bronchiectasis
Posted: Sep 7 11:33am
I have bronchiectasis and am being treated for MAC (been on the Big 3 for 13...
My BE is the dry kind so I have very ... You may need weekly testing (if your ... Also, you need to account for hot weather
Support Group: MAC & Bronchiectasis
Posted: Sep 7 6:54am
My wife's psychiatrist diagnosed her over 40 years ago, with schizoaffective disease, takes an anti-psychotic med...
depression... with Xanax .25mg, on an as needed ... beginning, 10 years ago... but kept needing ... effects, for her it's nausea with dry ... start the TMS until the nausea and dry
Support Group: Sleep Health
Posted: Jul 13, 2022
@dancing1 Hello again! Did you get any answers about your dry mouth from your dentist? Any...
Did you get any answers about your dry ... Sounds like you need to have someone ... help with your dry mouth!
Posted: Jul 4, 2022
Yes, we even have heat (or what seems like heat to us, mid-sixties) on the Oregon...
house due to all the trees as they need ... amazing to see that the front deck is dry ... in a row; I'll take this lovely dry
Support Group: Just Want to Talk
Posted: Jun 26, 2022
Hi @mild835, jaw pain and pain in the temples can be symptoms of Giant Cell Arteritis...
Prednisone (usually 40 - 50 mg) is needed ... and temple pain continue, you may need ... tender scalp, difficulty seeing, and a dry