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372 total results
Comments (312)
I have used a pessary for a number of years. The first one began coming out,...
irritated tissue, sometimes causing a sore ... vacation from the pessary to let the sore ... Without the pessary, I felt tremendous pressure
Thank you for the advice. Probably lost in the thousands of comments on here but I...
and everything starting after bad sore ... Also echo, pressure etc.
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and Erathema Nodosum I recently saw there are many people with these two...
It has been replaced by very sore swollen ... Painful with pressure and movement but ... not red and hot, just swollen and sore
@marye2, lioness Nice to wake up to such a good suggestion... I am overwhelmed with paperwork,...
puff test they did on my eyes for pressure ... ten years I was having terribly dry sore ... never, ever, mentioned my high eye pressure ... NOW high eye pressure does not mean ... Glaucoma and low eye pressure does not
@amandajro I'm scheduled for laser surgery this Wednesday, March 17, to help or alleviate high eye...
17, to help or alleviate high eye pressure ... to sensitivity, red eyes, red lids, soreness
Hi, @sundance6 it is ok to be sore, actually it is to be expected. The therapist...
Hi, @sundance6 it is ok to be sore, ... #39;t always recommended due to the pressure
Does anyone have soreness and pain after MFR treatments? I have been going to a physical...
Does anyone have soreness and pain after ... therapist know if he is applying too much pressure
Hello All: I am definitely a newbie to this whole Shingles diagnosis. Was just diagnosed a...
Any pressure I put on my back (including ... down or being propped up in bed) puts pressure ... me an anti-viral med which made the sores
I am in stage 3 and have kept on a strict renal diet. I eat a...
, I am paralyzed and got an ulcer (pressure ... sore) on my tailbone and it got infected ... side in the bed so I can take the pressure
I have no idea at all if this is going to apply to you but here...
and makes it difficult to breathe, sore ... I had personally a feeling of pressure
Thanks for all the ideas!! First I have not taken my arimedex since September, I think....
First time I tried my blood pressure ... Side effects were all joint soreness ... and high blood pressure, but Dr wanted ... He would start me on blood pressure ... Watch your blood pressure is my only
@epvb I was put on prednisone about three weeks ago. I had a reaction to a...
had a reaction to a new high blood pressure ... got better but not the breathing or sore ... asked him should l take the high blood pressure ... Because l been taking high blood pressure
Hi @dkapustin! I had a TKR in May and to be completely honest, it sounds like...
The soreness will last for awhile, but ... therapy pool, it takes most of the pressure ... the knee some and helped with the soreness ... Even though it is really sore, it is
I actually stopped seeing my psychiatrist and am now dealing only with my family doctor who...
and burning sensation in my mouth), sores ... in mouth, sore glands, body aches everywhere ... , low blood pressure 80's/50'
Hi Anniemaggie......I have been part of this group for quite sometime. Are the ear drops that...
right side too much, and I do get a pressure ... sore on my ear. ... When the sore gets really intolerable ... The Sore heals in a few weeks, then ... After several weeks, I get the sore
Hi, @magicalladyj – I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @lisalucier. I...
Dreamstation CPAP machine with the pressure ... having trouble sleeping that puts the pressure ... Sometimes the high pressure will " ... I would get a large sore on top the
I am new to this forum and discovered it while searching for information about splenectomies. After...
about feeling run down, tired and sore ... 'm constantly feeling achy and sore ... and that has limited a lot of the soreness ... #39;m experiencing, I feel a lot of pressure ... Headaches and mild sore throats are
Hi everyone, I have been keeping a detailed diary of my activities, pain level, diet and...
When there is a low pressure weather ... and my right elbow have become so sore ... when a low pressure system moves into
Hi Justin, The surgeon looked at the post op x-rays and said everything was good. The...
Somethings a sharp poke, others more of a sore ... Maybe it is putting pressure all over
Is the definition of scoliosis still a 20 percent discrepancy from a straight line? This medical...
adolescence, beginning with a stiff and sore ... now, consider whether you feel more pressure
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