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892 total results
Comments (811)
Hello Chris, thanks for the greeting! My symptoms began years ago, with pain in the side...
up my leg, to my waist- numbness, electric ... same time, feels like rocks under my socks
I have utterly no music skills and so totally admire artists -- especially piano. I can...
my hands wander from a low-voltage electric ... shock to totally numb, and heaven help
Hi, I am glad you mentioned all the symptoms you had after your THR. I am...
burning, tingling, stabbing and even electrical ... type shocks down my thigh from the
I also had the Sanexas treatments with the vitamin injections (24 treatments) on legs & feet...
nerves were damaged & with the electrical ... shocks along with the vitamins help
I have had excellent care over the last 21 Yrs but everything has been tried except...
leg flew up when I felt a severe electric ... shock shoot down my Rt hip, leg and ... It shocked me a little in the left heel
@gcranor Hello, I am a fellow spine surgery patient and my spine issues were cervical having...
if I flexed my neck, I sent a big electric ... shock down my entire body.
@ralphysmom I was a spine surgery patient at Mayo Rochester with Dr. Jeremy Fogelson for spinal...
bent my neck forward, it sent a big electric ... shock down my entire body. ... across the bone spurs and causing the shock
Hello everyone, The first time I felt symptoms were May of 2021. I started feeling extremely...
pause followed by a heavy pound and an electric ... shock in center of chest)
Oh my...I thought I was alone in not being able to sleep through the night..but so...
.oy....I use heated up rice filled socks ... of back well as a small electric ... go round...I don't like using electric ... blankets or electric heating pads. ... all that safe to be constantly using electricity
@msmunro I wanted to let you know that John @johnbishop isn't a consultant with Mayo Clinic....
compression and was generating an electric ... shock down my entire body when I bent
Good afternoon @thisismarilynb, Oh my dear......I am quite honored to make your acquaintance. You have managed...
sold my CA home and moved to MN lock, stock ... I am not running for election for trying
Joann, I find it interesting we have a certain activity that brings on anxiety, but it...
but was worried that the water and a shock ... Being I worked around electricity all ... and occasionally would get a minor shock ... was working on I always was taught Electricity ... It the anxiety more than the shock I
Howdy. I have a similar story. February of 2019 I had a sudden and intense onset...
Sharp stabbing, electrical shock, burning
I have secondary EM and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy. I have found several things that improved my...
temp as stable as possible with warm socks ... Turned off the wifi to any and all electrical ... .
7) Spend time outside away from electrical
@dablues I’m wondering if what you had was a nerve conduction velocity study (NCVS). I have...
and as you said, felt like very mild electrical ... shocks.
I hate to be the bad guy here but may be you didn't have it. You...
pain is until you are hit with an electric ... shock therapy in one of your legs.
I have seen multiple doctors regarding this problem. Many jump straight to a diagnosis of Restless...
feeling is like a small or moderate electrical ... The shock and movement always startles ... medication, then both legs will do the shock
@slw18 I would advise a consult with a spine specialist and a current MRI to determine...
You mentioned "electrical stimulation ... When I bent my neck forward, I got an electric ... shock down my entire body.
Eight years ago I took a step down and landed on my left heel. It felt...
It felt like an electric shock going
@constancebabe Thank you for your question, Connie. I presume that you are able to walk, but...
could bend my neck forward and send an electrical ... shock down my entire body.
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