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2,202 total results
Comments (1,998)
I promise to go back and read in detail the CDC info. But, to answer several...
I had a Sleep Study which showed I had ... no RLS or apnea.
There are any number of things affecting sleep patterns. One of the areas to consider is...
are any number of things affecting sleep ... One of the areas to consider is apnea ... one needs a doc to send you for a sleep ... determine the time in each stage of sleep ... but doesn’t help you sleep well.
Thank you @johnbishop @tinkerbell and @654321 for your response. It really helps to have others with...
fatigue discussion is helpful and apnea ... It almost always happens when I am sleeping ... I normally sleep on my right side. ... wake and think ahhhh that was a good sleep ... clock and realize it was one hour of sleep
That's so nice for you to be helping your Mom. I think what worked for me...
hang of it and realized I was able to sleep ... so I did not feel guilty about my apnea
@johnhans and JK @contentandwell, thank you -- I'm pretty sure things will get better but probably...
related to my bad knee and the pain sleeping ... I try to stay sleeping on my side because ... the apnea is worse when I sleep on ... my back and forget about sleeping on ... Spring may help with that part of the sleeping
Thanks for asking John. I have metal in my face and hip and since a wreck...
this, thyroid - my hair fell out, sleep ... disturbances - had sleep study and ... no apnea noted, neurological tingling
This week, @DrDonaLocke, director of the Mayo Clinic HABIT program in AZ posted a blog about:...
The Importance of Treating Sleeping ... Apnea in MCI: Getting Started: https ... newsfeed-post/the-importance-of-treating-sleeping-apnea-in-mci-getting-started
Hi, my Apnea (I was told) is mild and that I could sleep with a ball...
Hi, my Apnea (I was told) is mild and ... that I could sleep with a ball or pillow ... The sleep clinic didn’t seem too concerned
I saw a neurologist at Mayo for follow-up after an episode of Transient Global Amnesia. She...
oximetry test which showed evidence of apnea ... The Mayo sleep doctor ordered a sleep ... I went back to my hotel wearing my sleep
@hosta I'm afraid I cannot offer any insight to you about central apnea. My problem is...
offer any insight to you about central apnea ... is insomnia and then when I do fall asleep
Thanks for your update, @hosta. Sorry to hear you are still not sleeping well at night....
Sorry to hear you are still not sleeping ... Mayo Clinic information on central apnea ... members who have mentioned central apnea ... worried about your being tired and not sleeping ... purpose of the oxygen for your central apnea
If you suspect anpea, the sleep study will justify your Dr. to prescribe a CPAP machine...
If you suspect anpea, the sleep study ... to keep your airways open while you sleep
@jpaul, So, do you have any apneas during either phase of your sleep? Is it more...
@jpaul, So, do you have any apneas during ... either phase of your sleep? ... were too tired to do anything but sleep ... They would then return to sleep until ... I am interested in your pattern of apneas
@baxter33, I certainly can understand your frustration. I have used a CPAP/BiPAP for about 15 years...
anything on her face when trying to sleep ... to assume that you initially had a sleep ... that can be done to help with the apneas
I had a supervised sleep study a few months ago that resulted in getting an oral...
I had a supervised sleep study a few ... in getting an oral appliance due to apnea ... and then a home sleep study to verify
I think I am pretty lucky. I started with my CPAP on Monday and got a...
fit, 7+ hours of usage, less than 2 apneas ... Sleeping on my back for the first time ... My apnea level pre-CPAP was 23 events ... per hour, but that was at the sleep
@mzzmimm Narcolepsy is different from apnea. My understanding is that with narcolepsy, you fall asleep waiting...
Narcolepsy is different from apnea ... is that with narcolepsy, you fall asleep
I use a cushion pillow which fits under the nose only. I think it is the...
comfortable but the alternative of having apneas ... Is it to correct a sleeping problem?
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