Iron Depletion in Blood related to COVID?

Posted by stellm @stellm, Jun 11, 2021

Has there been any reports of iron depletion in the blood after receiving the Pfizer vaccine?

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I’m glad to hear that your levels are in the normal range! Hopefully they stay that way. I’ve taken the supplements for 3 months now and there is virtually no improvement in my levels, in fact the hemoglobin went down slightly. Speaking with the doctor shortly to determine next steps. I have not seen a hematologist. My colonoscopy and endoscopy also negative for bleeding.

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My regular doc gave me the oral supplements as well, I didn't see a difference until my hematologist gave me the infusions.


Had my Hematologist follow-up yesterday, after 3 infusions my ferritin and hemoglobin levels are in the normal range, now scheduled for a two month follow-up. My endoscopy and colonoscopy were both negative for bleeding as well, so I'm pretty sure this was caused by the two Pfizer vaccines I took.

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My dr. wanted me to go through the endoscopy and colonoscopy route too, but I told her I wanted to do a stool sample first and sure enough no bleeding.


My dr. wanted me to go through the endoscopy and colonoscopy route too, but I told her I wanted to do a stool sample first and sure enough no bleeding.

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Did that as well, also negative. I got hit with about $2000 in deductables my insurance didn't cover (so far). Thanks Pfizer.


I am a 63 year old postmenopausal woman with no history of anemia. After 2 doses of the Moderna vaccine (and possible asymptomatic covid, or I may have had covid before the vaccines also) within 2 months I began to experience difficulty exercising (ie would have to stop and catch my breath every 10 minutes, extreme thirst, dizziness when I bent over. Being able to only climb 2 flights of stairs without stopping (at sea level, I live at 4 thousand feet) difficulty hiking at altitude or sea level, etc. Then came ski season (9 to 10,000 feet) and I could barely make it down the hill.
Needless to say, I went to the doctor for a bunch of tests, if I would have gotten the blood done first that would have told the problem, I was severely anemic. Of course if you are anemic with no obvious cause they assume it is GI tract bleeding (which I was sure I didn't have anyway) so sent me off for upper and lower GI, NO BLEEDING.
All things being equal, same diet, etc. I think either the covid or the vaccine or both caused the anemia, lacking any other symptoms.
Of course, I have been hearing the same stuff as in this thread ie oh no we haven't heard of that. I am sure that both Covid 19 and the vaccines have a whole lot of effects we haven't heard of yet.

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I have been experiencing the same symptoms. I can only make it halfway up my stairs. Fatigue
dizziness and shortness of breath. This started after receiving the Moderna booster.
I went to the Dr. and found out that I was severely anemic. My hemoglobin was 5.5 it should be 15. I was sent to the hospital where I was given blood transfusions. I am now receiving iron infusions weekly. Of course they are checking for GI tract bleeding.
I will be going back to the Dr. next Friday July 1, for more labs.
I am feeling a little better but have no energy.


I have had iron depletion after receiving the moderna booster


I have had iron depletion after receiving the moderna booster

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I have seen several articles about severe anemia (aplastic) after the mRNA vaccines. I became very interested after a relative received the vaccine and then was diagnosed with blood cancer within a few months. This individual was as healthy as some of you are describing. The mRNA technology is somehow disrupting blood cells in some people.

I am disappointed that I have to keep searching for answers when so many people are reporting this to their physicians, who from what I understand, are obligated to report it as well.

I hope there will be some answers soon.


It’s happening to many of us, just read through the comments on this post and this is just the folks that found this blog. I have had 3 iron infusions so far.

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My thoughts exactly, I suspect the vast majority with similar issues are not on this blog.


After taking the Moderna vaccine in 8/2021, I began to feel weak and tired. In Feb 2022, my hemoglobin was 6. My immune system is weak and I've been getting flu-like symptoms ever since. 2 month ago, I was coughing up green mucus for 5 weeks. Today I got sick again. This time I am using a nebulizer with saline and food-grade peroxide to knock out the virus/bacteria.


After taking the Moderna vaccine in 8/2021, I began to feel weak and tired. In Feb 2022, my hemoglobin was 6. My immune system is weak and I've been getting flu-like symptoms ever since. 2 month ago, I was coughing up green mucus for 5 weeks. Today I got sick again. This time I am using a nebulizer with saline and food-grade peroxide to knock out the virus/bacteria.

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Hope you get well quickly. Did anyone check your Iron to see if it was low. Most of us on this blog have low or have had low Iron. If not, get it checked.


My granddaughter received the J&J vaccine at age 17 for her job. She has since experienced low iron. She had a series of tests. But, nothing showed a cause. She was put on vitamin regiment for 6 months. Her latest labs show her iron to be lower than before. She recently received iron transfusions. They still cannot find a cause. She did not have this problem until after the vaccine. Coincidence?

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