Iron Depletion in Blood related to COVID?

Posted by stellm @stellm, Jun 11, 2021

Has there been any reports of iron depletion in the blood after receiving the Pfizer vaccine?

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Hello @stellm. I am not aware of any reports of iron depletion in the blood post Pfizer vaccine and when doing a quick search for information, did not come up with any either. Conversely, there is quite a bit of information on the importance of not going into the vaccine with iron deficiency due to the way in which the vaccine works. This article can shed light on the details.

- Normal Iron and Hemoglobin Levels Are Needed for Optimizing the Response to COVID-19 Vaccination:

Can you start by sharing more about why this is of interest to you to perhaps bring in other members who may be able to relate?

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I was iron deficient when I got the vaccine.It's because I am recovering from anemia after being diagnosed with celiac disease but my levels were climbing.I didn't know about needing optimal iron levels for the vaccine and no one told me either.My ferratin,hemoglobin and iron have all dropped even lower than they were when I was diagnosed over 3 years ago! I am trying to see a doctor to get an iron shot.Supplements will take forever and I am sick of being tired! I sure hope this will be the end of the anemia!


I was iron deficient when I got the vaccine.It's because I am recovering from anemia after being diagnosed with celiac disease but my levels were climbing.I didn't know about needing optimal iron levels for the vaccine and no one told me either.My ferratin,hemoglobin and iron have all dropped even lower than they were when I was diagnosed over 3 years ago! I am trying to see a doctor to get an iron shot.Supplements will take forever and I am sick of being tired! I sure hope this will be the end of the anemia!

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It probably won't be a shot, most likely an Infusion. I am not a doctor, just know what myself and others on this feed have had to do to get irons levels back up close to normal. Find you a Hematologist and start getting well again.


It probably won't be a shot, most likely an Infusion. I am not a doctor, just know what myself and others on this feed have had to do to get irons levels back up close to normal. Find you a Hematologist and start getting well again.

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I've ordered FeraMAX Pd Therapeutic 150 Iron Supplements.I'll be taking two a day.The ones I was taking before were nowhere near as strong.After reading about so many people having had endoscopies for nothing,I think I'll pass.I'll see how the supplements work.The gastroenterologist I saw wants to do another endoscopy (I had one when I was diagnosed with celiac disease but it wasn't him) Funny that when I met him,I mentioned that I had chosen to see him because he was voted one of the best gastroenterologists and he replied to never believe reviews.Now after having met him,I have to agree.He seems unknowleagable and uninterested and has told me practically nothing.He made a few comments that made he have little respect for him.Everything I have learned is from my own research.This thread has been very helpful and I am certain that the deficiencies were caused by the vaccines now.I got vaccinated in January 2022.I waited so long because I didn't want to be vaccinated, but in the middle of a harsh winter,to be told that if I didn't get vaccinated,I wouldn't get the passport and I wouldn't be able to do anything .I got vaccinated and then right after that,the restrictions were lifted.No one told me that I shouldn't be vaccinated if I was already low on iron.I even went to a vaccine clinic before deciding to get vaccinated to ask questions but no one mentioned that.I regret it now.Thank you!


I've ordered FeraMAX Pd Therapeutic 150 Iron Supplements.I'll be taking two a day.The ones I was taking before were nowhere near as strong.After reading about so many people having had endoscopies for nothing,I think I'll pass.I'll see how the supplements work.The gastroenterologist I saw wants to do another endoscopy (I had one when I was diagnosed with celiac disease but it wasn't him) Funny that when I met him,I mentioned that I had chosen to see him because he was voted one of the best gastroenterologists and he replied to never believe reviews.Now after having met him,I have to agree.He seems unknowleagable and uninterested and has told me practically nothing.He made a few comments that made he have little respect for him.Everything I have learned is from my own research.This thread has been very helpful and I am certain that the deficiencies were caused by the vaccines now.I got vaccinated in January 2022.I waited so long because I didn't want to be vaccinated, but in the middle of a harsh winter,to be told that if I didn't get vaccinated,I wouldn't get the passport and I wouldn't be able to do anything .I got vaccinated and then right after that,the restrictions were lifted.No one told me that I shouldn't be vaccinated if I was already low on iron.I even went to a vaccine clinic before deciding to get vaccinated to ask questions but no one mentioned that.I regret it now.Thank you!

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My Hematologist wanted me to do the Endoscopy also but I didn't do it. Also wanted Colonoscopy too but haven't done it either. (I am overdue for that one so need to get it done at some point) I still suggest going to Hematologist rather than a Gastro. It is a blood issue and that is what the Hematologist does. I didn't need a referral to see one. I am taking an iron supplement also and have received two infusions. The infusions really helped. Good luck!


My Hematologist wanted me to do the Endoscopy also but I didn't do it. Also wanted Colonoscopy too but haven't done it either. (I am overdue for that one so need to get it done at some point) I still suggest going to Hematologist rather than a Gastro. It is a blood issue and that is what the Hematologist does. I didn't need a referral to see one. I am taking an iron supplement also and have received two infusions. The infusions really helped. Good luck!

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Mine wanted to do a colonscopy too.I went to the gastroenterologist for celiac.I will seek a Hematologist now.Thanks!


Mine wanted to do a colonscopy too.I went to the gastroenterologist for celiac.I will seek a Hematologist now.Thanks!

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I have had this issue also, the anemia was found incidentally, colonscopy and endoscopy showed nothing. I have been on Feramax 150, one per day, for about 3 months. Will get tested shortly so hopefully improves, if not I expect next step will be a hematologist. Had AZ-Pfizer-Pfizer.


I've ordered FeraMAX Pd Therapeutic 150 Iron Supplements.I'll be taking two a day.The ones I was taking before were nowhere near as strong.After reading about so many people having had endoscopies for nothing,I think I'll pass.I'll see how the supplements work.The gastroenterologist I saw wants to do another endoscopy (I had one when I was diagnosed with celiac disease but it wasn't him) Funny that when I met him,I mentioned that I had chosen to see him because he was voted one of the best gastroenterologists and he replied to never believe reviews.Now after having met him,I have to agree.He seems unknowleagable and uninterested and has told me practically nothing.He made a few comments that made he have little respect for him.Everything I have learned is from my own research.This thread has been very helpful and I am certain that the deficiencies were caused by the vaccines now.I got vaccinated in January 2022.I waited so long because I didn't want to be vaccinated, but in the middle of a harsh winter,to be told that if I didn't get vaccinated,I wouldn't get the passport and I wouldn't be able to do anything .I got vaccinated and then right after that,the restrictions were lifted.No one told me that I shouldn't be vaccinated if I was already low on iron.I even went to a vaccine clinic before deciding to get vaccinated to ask questions but no one mentioned that.I regret it now.Thank you!

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I think you are smart to try a non-invasive solution first. I also had a precipitous drop in my Hgb, Hct, serum iron and ferritin. I used Vitron-C iron supplements and was back to normal in n no time. Invasive procedures always carry risk…. Endoscopies are not a first line diagnostic tool for low iron…. May be appropriate if the low iron is coupled with occult or frank blood being seen.


I have had this issue also, the anemia was found incidentally, colonscopy and endoscopy showed nothing. I have been on Feramax 150, one per day, for about 3 months. Will get tested shortly so hopefully improves, if not I expect next step will be a hematologist. Had AZ-Pfizer-Pfizer.

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Are you feeling better?


Are you feeling better?

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I’m feeling slightly better, but I didn’t feel THAT bad before. It’s interesting, before I found out I was anemic (Mar 2022) I had times where I was much more tired than I should have been and had put it down to stress. Now looking back I’m wondering just how long I had been anemic. I definitely was not anemic in 2020 as I had bloodwork done. I’ll find out shortly if the supplements have worked.


I think you are smart to try a non-invasive solution first. I also had a precipitous drop in my Hgb, Hct, serum iron and ferritin. I used Vitron-C iron supplements and was back to normal in n no time. Invasive procedures always carry risk…. Endoscopies are not a first line diagnostic tool for low iron…. May be appropriate if the low iron is coupled with occult or frank blood being seen.

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It's because I have celiac disease I think but I won't be getting one or seeing that doctor again.I pity anyone who trusts him.

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