Iron Depletion in Blood related to COVID?

Posted by stellm @stellm, Jun 11, 2021

Has there been any reports of iron depletion in the blood after receiving the Pfizer vaccine?

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The Pfizer Booster, my fourth, I believe, has cost me months of health problems. I am now getting regular blood infusions. My energy is way down. My social life nil. I have some health coverage, thank goodness. My arms are both covered in blood spots and IV bruises. Skin is so paper thin. Regular visits to hematologist. What were they thinking? The lifesaving shots are almost killing us. In what world is this concoction "safe" ? Thanks again for all who are sharing our disturbing and similar health effects due to the Pfizer Covid shots. I certainly will not trust any more propaganda from anyone, but the invitations to please go get the next Covid shot are
still being published in my doctor's statements. The warning that should be there, at least for certain populations such as seniors, is not published or heard loud and clear so others dont have to go through this.

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Just a suggestion, get blood draws every month to check blood levels, this causes your body to replenish new RBC's that in time your blood will become normal again, no more fatigue,or lack of energy. Stay safe and I agree no more vaccines for Covid 19 bivalent mRNA did me in almost killed me.


"...iron deficiency anemia caused by the xpili bacteria..."

Can you please clarify this statement? 'pili' is a common term - "Fimbriae and pili are thin, protein tubes originating from the cytoplasmic membrane of many bacteria {}

I am not finding a specific 'xpili bacteria'; that would seem to indicate any bacteria that did not have pili protein projections.

As to Flagyl {metronidazole}, I took it some years ago and got rid of an ulcer; __it also got rid of a decades long painful rosacea__. I am still free of the rosacea many years later. I cannot point to any deleterious side effects to the Flagyl. It is specifically indicated in treatment of h-pylori bacteria that cause ulcers. I have since pushed Flagyl in treatment of rosacea. corsair9

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Flagyl is carcinogenic long term in animals. I suggest Tretinoin cream 0.1% rx only By PERRAGO.


Vitamin C and Iron supplements might not do it. Vitatron C did nothing, Iron Folic did nothing (used to pre vax), Ferraris Sulffate constipated like crazy, Heart & Soil Life blood mildly helped but never increase. My Ferritin was 5 - my hair was falling out, dry skin, brittle nails, heart palpitations, super tired, and now bone pain. My PCP and Hematologist said the extreme low Ferritin was to blame. Did IV Iron at the end of last summer even though technically not anemic but my symptoms dramatically improved after 5 doses of IV iron. Level went from 5 to 128!!! Unfortunately over the last 8 months I've been steadily dropping and back down to 11 as of a week ago. For your health, please keep an eye on this and potentially get a Hematologist referral if you're experiencing any odd symptoms (especially any of the above I've listed).

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liquid IRON ABSORBS SLOWLY IN THE GUT i TOOK IT FOR A YEAR UNTIL MY BLOOD LEVELS WERE NORMAL Blood draws are beneficial allows the body to make new RBC's.Your bones hurt talk to a hematologist maybe your bone marrow? Your dropping levels means your body is not maintaining normal levels. Get your thyroid levels checked, cause possible hair loss.



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Functional med did not work supplements caused pain and suffering.

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