Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?

Posted by redladyjoni @redladyjoni, Nov 26, 2018

I started having the only way I can explain it is internal vibrations. I've had them for 3 months now, I went to t hihe ER and they told me it was anxiety. A doctor diagnosed me at a clinic as having Lyme disease I've started a 21-day prescription of Doxycycline I'm on day 7. I went to a psychiatrist a week ago to get something because of my nerves are just over the brink. He prescribed me Gabapentin and Valium I've only been on them a few days.
Has anyone experienced these internal vibrations?I have them almost 24/7 chest neck stomach from the hips down. I have more lab tests that should be in today, but the doctor's office said that they would not call unless there was some abnormality in the lab work.

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The waxing and waning part is a mystery of this condition and probably has to do with why Neuros know so little about it.

The good news is that we can have lots of good days.

Interesting about the mercury. There has to be some reason why you continue to register those levels.

“Not a doctor” disclaimer but I doubt it’s a neck pinch at the root cause.


I just returned from Mayo with internal tremors as a major symptom. I learned about damage to the central nervous system and the various effects, one of which is the tremors. There have been changes to the brain as a result of a number of causes, including trauma. There are ways to manage, and Mayo has a self-directed course. I am going to get to work on it and expect a good outcome, although I know it will take some time.

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Same here. I returned from Mayo 2 weeks ago. I start the telemed course in November.


Same here. I returned from Mayo 2 weeks ago. I start the telemed course in November.

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Let’s compare notes!


Have them but no luck with doctors they don't know what it is


Hi! I also have the internal vibrations from my trunk area and it radiates to my face. I was told a low B12 level could make them worse. I started B12 shots about 6 weeks ago. I know if I don’t get enough sleep they are worse. Unfortunately these tremors stop me from getting a good night sleep. Drs call it anxiety! They don’t really have an answer for it. I started going to a nutritionist for help & a acupuncturist. Sorry you are going through this. You are not alone.

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Thanks for the reply. I have tried B12, but not on a regular basis. Will try that. I’ll just take high doses for a week or two and see if it has any effect. No help for me. I will have to live with my issues for now since I’m getting blocked by every avenue I try to get a diagnosis. I’m just thankful that it’s not worse. I feel for those people going through health issues that are not getting resolutions.


I have learned the brain takes a long time to heal. Just take it one day at a time. My tremors from Fluoxetine are not lettuce up after almost 3 years. Stay positive!


Could be something in digestive tract that makes your abdomen area treamor after you eat. Too many carbs or eating too late. This has been one of my problems. I am also had problems with trmmors in the chest but mostly when I'm laying down and sleeping most of the time. Can't get any doctors to figure it out. I wish they could just prescribe me and pilll that stops the tremors.
Ive been taking xanax at night least get a few hours of sleep tonight. Its not anxiety!! t's becoming debilitating.


I have internal vibrations from my hereditary neuropathy. I've been on atenolol, a beta blocker for high blood pressure, for 25 years. My internal vibrations and fasciculations I'd had for many years suddenly stopped for 15 years and I always wondered why. I didn't make the connection until I stopped taking atenolol for only a week a few years ago and the massive twitching (50+ at a time), muscle jerks, horrid foot/leg cramps, internal and external tremors went nuts. I started the atenolol again and it all improved about 75%, but never completely stopped again.

Now, cancer meds have caused low blood pressure and low heart rate which is the same thing atenolol does so that's a problem, but I've been afraid to stop the atenolol again. So I cut the dose in half to test the neuro issues. My blood pressure and heart rate have gone up closer to normal so that's good, but immediately all the fasciculations doubled including in both eyelids at once and the internal tremors started up again. No increase in cramps or muscle jerks luckily. Of course, it's all most noticeable when trying to rest. The internal tremors remind me of those beds they had in hotel rooms when I was a kid that you put in a quarter and it vibrates. Very annoying when there is no off switch. I would love to go off atenolol completely, but I don't dare.

My real point in all of this though is that the minute the internal tremors started throughout my body, it made me feel like I'm anxious, but the tremors are just fooling my brain. So when doctors tell so many of you that your tremors are nothing more than anxiety, my question would be, "which came first, the chicken or the egg???" Even if you are prone to anxiety, that doesn't mean that's what is causing your tremors. Hmmm. Good luck to all. I feel for you.

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I thinki havewhat everyone is calling internal vibations. It feels like your muscles want to keep moving. like when you were a kd and you would go roller skating for hours and then when you took your skates off you had a weird sensation. I got diagnosed with hereditary spastic paraplegia but the calcium and potassium channel ions are responsible for carrying the instructions telling your muscles when tostop. there are a lot of things that cause this. Mine was found by a mitochondrial genetic test. look into the ion channelopathies. good luck to ya


I have internal vibrations in feet and legs. It is NOT a series of tremors as I do not shake, it goes on inside of body and I don’t know a soul who can detect it.
Tremors I think is a symptom of Parkinson’s, and I don’t believe I have that.

Other research it could be related to thyroid. So I am seeing and endocrinologist as it only started when I got a higher dose of Levothorixine.m
I am seeing an endocrinologist soon.

I can tell there is frustration about this from the ther letters. I hope someone will get a correct diagnosis.

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