Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?

Posted by redladyjoni @redladyjoni, Nov 26, 2018

I started having the only way I can explain it is internal vibrations. I've had them for 3 months now, I went to t hihe ER and they told me it was anxiety. A doctor diagnosed me at a clinic as having Lyme disease I've started a 21-day prescription of Doxycycline I'm on day 7. I went to a psychiatrist a week ago to get something because of my nerves are just over the brink. He prescribed me Gabapentin and Valium I've only been on them a few days.
Has anyone experienced these internal vibrations?I have them almost 24/7 chest neck stomach from the hips down. I have more lab tests that should be in today, but the doctor's office said that they would not call unless there was some abnormality in the lab work.

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The MRNA vaccine saved millions of lives and continues to do so. Some people out of the millions who received the vaccine have had reactions to it, some more than others and the varying degrees. So say that it was and is ineffective because some people had reactions is a cheap shot and inappropriate. Many of us older folks wouldn’t be here if not for vaccines.

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And unfortunately many of us “older folks” are living with daily severe pain and myriads of other horrible symptoms for the rest of our lives. Im not saying the vaccine like any other modality of controlling the spread wasn't necessary, but minimizing our daily struggles is equally inappropriate.


Sorry to hear you are experiencing this too. I have had that sensation since getting the jab in 21. I had a bad reaction that attacked my nervous system. Now they say its “long covid and me/cfs”. Unfortunately no real cure, inly managing symptoms. Good luck I hope you find the source and cure it!!

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What do you mean when you say “internal vibrations?” Do you mean like tremors?
Sometimes when I’m driving and stopped at a red light, I feel a tremor on my neck. It lasts a few seconds and is gone. It started about six months ago with me. I have peripheral neuropathy in both legs, a bad knee replacement in my right knee and a bone on bone left knee. Always in pain. I take gabapentin but what has really helped me is a recommendation by my dentist to get my doctor to prescribe duloxitine for me. It was originally marketed as an anti depressant but they found it helps nerve pain. And it helps me. The only thing that helped my anxiety was Xanax which was in the past and I’m not taking it anymore. I wish you all the best in finding relief. They don’t have answers but they do try to help, it just isn’t always the best thing for us.


Mine started after getting the covid jab. They told me its “long covid and me/cfs. They gave me amitriptyline for the pain and anxiousness that the vibrations cause. I have only been on it for a few days, i will update when I know more!! Stretching and Qigong helps quiet them as well. Beat wishes for some insight!

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Welcome, @shirazrose. You hit the nail on the head, managing symptoms. I like that you mention stretching and Qigong. I found this beginners guide to Qigong for those who may not be familiar with the practice:

What is Qigong? A Beginner's Guide to This Energetic Movement Prentice:

The mind/body connection can be a powerful self-help and pain management tool. Daily stretches, practicing mindfulness and diaphragmatic breathing are tools that help manage my chronic conditions. Do you have tips or advice for someone who may not yet be practicing these tools? How have they helped you?


What do you mean when you say “internal vibrations?” Do you mean like tremors?
Sometimes when I’m driving and stopped at a red light, I feel a tremor on my neck. It lasts a few seconds and is gone. It started about six months ago with me. I have peripheral neuropathy in both legs, a bad knee replacement in my right knee and a bone on bone left knee. Always in pain. I take gabapentin but what has really helped me is a recommendation by my dentist to get my doctor to prescribe duloxitine for me. It was originally marketed as an anti depressant but they found it helps nerve pain. And it helps me. The only thing that helped my anxiety was Xanax which was in the past and I’m not taking it anymore. I wish you all the best in finding relief. They don’t have answers but they do try to help, it just isn’t always the best thing for us.

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The best way I can describe what internal vibrations are for me, is like my blood is an electrical current running thru my body. I hope that helps. I also feel tremors or “quivers” that you described, which I think are muscle spasms in my neck and shoulders. All these sensations are different for everyone and I feel its hard to convey that to the variety of specialists we have to see to get help. Well actually its hard for us to convey this to each other what we are experiencing. Lol. Together maybe we can all find a cure, or at least some relief.


Oh yes, I am experiencing the same thing, constantly. I was told it is anxiety, but I do not feel anxious. I wonder about Parkinson’s?

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Must be a female! That was my diagnosis, for 5 years. I had no problems with the Covid shots. Friend goes into nuero, quick appt too hot in 2 weeks. I had to wait 4 months. Now he is getting PT, OT and 2 brain scans. I got nothing. Anxiety. Heck yes anxiety, going through stupid hoops with docs. They see you are a women shaking internally, ahhh anxiety. Next! Saw 2 Nuero’s.


The best way I can describe what internal vibrations are for me, is like my blood is an electrical current running thru my body. I hope that helps. I also feel tremors or “quivers” that you described, which I think are muscle spasms in my neck and shoulders. All these sensations are different for everyone and I feel its hard to convey that to the variety of specialists we have to see to get help. Well actually its hard for us to convey this to each other what we are experiencing. Lol. Together maybe we can all find a cure, or at least some relief.

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Sorry. For the heck of it. I had my cortisol checked. It was low. Sent to Endo, been a year now. We have 4-6 min telemed appointments. Cortisol Came up. I picked up Goli Ashwagandha. Took one s day and cortisol doubled. But still shake. But was yelled at, no vitamins, no supplements!!! Thought you are not doing a thing! Word of advice. Don’t tell your pcp who you are seeing, anyone out of box. Drop you quick. Just suffer. Don’t read anything, even this site, or write ups from NIH or Harvard or any reputable place. Go in dumb!!!!


Must be a female! That was my diagnosis, for 5 years. I had no problems with the Covid shots. Friend goes into nuero, quick appt too hot in 2 weeks. I had to wait 4 months. Now he is getting PT, OT and 2 brain scans. I got nothing. Anxiety. Heck yes anxiety, going through stupid hoops with docs. They see you are a women shaking internally, ahhh anxiety. Next! Saw 2 Nuero’s.

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Yes, and the doctors say it in such an off handed way. Of course, it is anxiety. Not listening!


The best way I can describe what internal vibrations are for me, is like my blood is an electrical current running thru my body. I hope that helps. I also feel tremors or “quivers” that you described, which I think are muscle spasms in my neck and shoulders. All these sensations are different for everyone and I feel its hard to convey that to the variety of specialists we have to see to get help. Well actually its hard for us to convey this to each other what we are experiencing. Lol. Together maybe we can all find a cure, or at least some relief.

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Electrical current? YES! Same thing. Plus crash at 2 pm then sustained, live through it. The *8 pm again. Head to bed asap! BP goes up. Sorry the electrical current caught my eyes.


Hi, I have had internal vibrations daily for the past year and a half from my 2nd Shingrix vaccine. My Dr told me to get the shot, with no explanation of severe side effects. Four days after receiving the shot I suddenly started with painful neuropathy, The vibrations wake me up constantly.


Electrical current? YES! Same thing. Plus crash at 2 pm then sustained, live through it. The *8 pm again. Head to bed asap! BP goes up. Sorry the electrical current caught my eyes.

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Same here! 1-2 pm I crash hard. Then around 6ish I regain some energy and then the pain starts around 8:30. Vicious cycle, so frustrating.

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