Internal Body Tremors and Tinnitus

Posted by kkinsley @kkinsley, Jun 29, 2021

I am a 47 year old female who has been in very good health most of my life. I work out daily. In January I had sudden elevated blood pressure and feelings of heart racing/palpitations. I was put on 25 mg of Losartan. An Echo and 7 day heart monitor were normal. 3 weeks into taking the medication, I developed ear ringing and feeling shaky. I was switched to Coreg (beta blocker) to see if symptoms improve.

Symptoms progressed to feelings of internal head vibrations/quivering and sometimes into chest and abdomen as well as a feeling of shakiness in my limbs off and on. I had a CT Scan and MRI as well as lots of blood tests including checking thyroid and hormonal/adrenal gland issues. All tests normal. Saw an ENT for the tinnitus and also tell me everything looks normal. Only reference in MRI was that the bilateral anterior inferior cerebellar arteries are coursing in close proximity to their respective 7th and 8th cranial nerves. Neurologist didn't think symptoms were typical of neurological diseases so these are ruled out for now. He isn't sure but only speculation that it's possible arteries have irritated cranial nerves but had no treatment to recommend. I have days when the head and body vibrations are unbearable and days when they are more manageable.

Sleeping is challenging and I started on Gabapentin (Neurontin) at bedtime which has helped my sleep. I am also now off all blood pressure medications and my blood pressure is normal again. I have perplexed my doctors. Seeking any insight here. I am beyond frustrated. Not even sure if the Blood Pressure issues and meds caused this or just coincidence in timing. Seems I have some sort of internal tremors but no tests show why yet.

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Hi, I have the vibration specially in my head like the buzz you mentioned. Been to neurologist and MRI, MRA, Encephalogram, etc he does' y know from what it is. I even had and explanation of my breast bags but still the same. No change


I have ringing in my left ear along with headaches, head and neck pressure and brain fog since having covid in November of 2021. Did you have covid?

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I had COVID and feel exactly the same and also dizziness and fainting sensation.


I slightly hear a vibration. It sounds like there is a large electric motor running somewhere with a low frequency, but it fluctuates when I breath. If I hold my breath it is constant. I also think it somehow is related to my severe muscle tightness and muscle pain because when I don't hear the internal vibration my muscles are not as tight and my pain level is less. When there is no vibration it is like a relief of stress.

It's hard doing any type of physical exercise it seems to make my muscles real tight and my pain more severe for several days. It also intensifies the vibration. I can hardly do any work outside without increased pain and tightness. It never gets better even with regular activity. I would think it would subside if I got stronger but that doesn't happen.

When taking an MRI the technician told me to stop moving even though I was completely still. I think the MRI picked up on my vibration. It's strange.

Around 10 years ago a neurologist told me that I had tremors when drawing large circles. I forgot the name he labeled it.

I seem to have pain all of the time now. It would be great to find some help.


I slightly hear a vibration. It sounds like there is a large electric motor running somewhere with a low frequency, but it fluctuates when I breath. If I hold my breath it is constant. I also think it somehow is related to my severe muscle tightness and muscle pain because when I don't hear the internal vibration my muscles are not as tight and my pain level is less. When there is no vibration it is like a relief of stress.

It's hard doing any type of physical exercise it seems to make my muscles real tight and my pain more severe for several days. It also intensifies the vibration. I can hardly do any work outside without increased pain and tightness. It never gets better even with regular activity. I would think it would subside if I got stronger but that doesn't happen.

When taking an MRI the technician told me to stop moving even though I was completely still. I think the MRI picked up on my vibration. It's strange.

Around 10 years ago a neurologist told me that I had tremors when drawing large circles. I forgot the name he labeled it.

I seem to have pain all of the time now. It would be great to find some help.

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I understand completely what you are going through. I have begun a regimen of microdosing Naltrexone which is a medication that is used to treat opioid addiction in large doses. It was discovered that, when the addicts began to wean themselves off of the drug, at a point where they were down to between 4.5mg and lower to just 2.5mg, their pain was very much improved. What the drug does at that low dose is to help the brain create more natural opioids that most people have to handle pain. After about a year, those natural opioids will become permanent. I have noticed a sharp decrease in the pain. I too have very tight muscles over my whole body which I've had for a long time and the usual physical therapies don't help. About a year ago, I started experiencing the internal tremors which every doctor diagnosed as anxiety. But it is not anxiety. It's that my muscle spasms are so strong, it has affected my nerves which are reacting to the tightness of my muscles. I can't take opioids nor can I take muscle relaxants. When I sit, the tremors are felt in my pelvic area. When I lie down to go to sleep at night, the tremors are unrelenting but there is no pain associated with them. I honestly don't know how to treat the tremors or if I can. If you haven't already, try going to an MD who specializes in homeopathic medicine. My MD is very understanding and was the one who prescribed the Naltrexone. He is also prescribing various supplements that might help with tremors. I hope you can find some relief.


I understand completely what you are going through. I have begun a regimen of microdosing Naltrexone which is a medication that is used to treat opioid addiction in large doses. It was discovered that, when the addicts began to wean themselves off of the drug, at a point where they were down to between 4.5mg and lower to just 2.5mg, their pain was very much improved. What the drug does at that low dose is to help the brain create more natural opioids that most people have to handle pain. After about a year, those natural opioids will become permanent. I have noticed a sharp decrease in the pain. I too have very tight muscles over my whole body which I've had for a long time and the usual physical therapies don't help. About a year ago, I started experiencing the internal tremors which every doctor diagnosed as anxiety. But it is not anxiety. It's that my muscle spasms are so strong, it has affected my nerves which are reacting to the tightness of my muscles. I can't take opioids nor can I take muscle relaxants. When I sit, the tremors are felt in my pelvic area. When I lie down to go to sleep at night, the tremors are unrelenting but there is no pain associated with them. I honestly don't know how to treat the tremors or if I can. If you haven't already, try going to an MD who specializes in homeopathic medicine. My MD is very understanding and was the one who prescribed the Naltrexone. He is also prescribing various supplements that might help with tremors. I hope you can find some relief.

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I started taking a muscle relaxant to see if that might help. It made me lethargic yesterday so I cut it in half last night. That seemed OK. I slept better.

I am still in recovery mode after trying to cut some firewood 3 days ago. I had some pressure point massage to get rid of my torticollis followed by hot packs and gentle to moderate massage every day after that. I am still tight and have pain but it is better. I can't live a sedate life so I will try to do a little everyday to see how it goes. It is a struggle.

Everybody is very different chemically. It's hard to find a medication that works for me since I am over sensitive to everything.

This makes life so much more difficult. It's hard to handle lives difficulties while in pain.

How long have you had this condition?
Do you have good support from loved ones.

Please feel free to discuss this with me as much as you like. It may be good to know that you are not the only one.


I sympathise with both the tinnitus and internal tremors but I can't link both from a common origin. Both remain unknown. the Tinnitus has been many years standing but I do think that my internal tremors may be related to my Covid Vaccine. I have had six doses. I started with my internal tremors following my second dose vaccine. (I wish I could remember exactly but can't be sure of timing). I had them for some time and finally went to see a Neurologist. He acknowledged that he had heard people talk about this vibration feeling without visual shaking but wasn't sure of reason. Mine seem to vary at different parts of the day and are mild and more severe periodically. The Neurologist prescribed Alpha Lipoic Acid. 600 mg a day. OTC med. I have been on that for a year. My episodes had really settled down. More commonly noticed in bed or toward morning. I always feel it in my feet but I do have some peripheral neuropathy in my feet so maybe they are more sensitive. But, the tremors had greatly reduced and gone during the day until about a week and a half after I got my last Covid Dose #6 and the symptoms came back much worse and present 24/7 for awhile. I will note that on occasion, sometimes they just stop and that gets my attention. I might be sitting and reading and they just stop like the vibrating machine got turned off. Now the symptoms are most noticeable at night or toward morning again but are less during the day, much improved. I do not know if this is linked but it sure seems to be. I think I have read that some post Covid infection people have had issues with internal tremors as well. There are centers who work with people with long haul symptoms after Covid but they are not open to people who suspect same symptoms from vaccines. I was a very strong advocate to the vaccines and still think they were a big help in lessening deaths when the virus was particularly dangerous. I hope it does not change into something more serious this next fall because I am not leaning toward getting the vaccine. I know you posted this some time ago. Hope you are well now but if not, you are not alone. bye


I have something very similar. Muscles feel very tight to me however Physio and Chiro can move me normally in all normal ways. Tinnitus seems to be in rhythm with spasm/ vibration or tightness.


My calve muscles were extremely tight as an early symptom of the sensory and motor polyneuropathy that I developed after the Covid vaccines. My outstanding peripheral neurologist agrees that the nerve damage was caused by the vaccines. I did not have internal tremors, but a lot of vaccine-injured people do. Many also developed tinnitus. I had pre-existing tinnitus, so it's hard to discern if the vaccines made it worse. My neurological symptoms are much improved now at 27 months post vaccines. Also, I have regained the deep knee reflexes that I lost. Information about neurological vaccine injuries is available from the Neuro V Long-Haulers Facebook group.


@kkinsley I read your post and I almost fell out of my chair. I know what the problem is because I can prove the “damage” to cranial nerves 7 & 8 is the cause. For years, I had a severe headache localized to one spot on the back of my head, but would sometimes radiate to certain areas of my head. I sought all kinds of treatments and diagnosis, therapies, drugs, and nothing worked except basic pain meds or anti inflammatoies and those stopped working when they wore off.

Finally I found a doctor who knew what was up and she did a series of 3 injections over 6 weeks of anesthesia and steroids (not sure the actual stuff, kind of like a spinal steroid shot) in to the nerves in my head around that area. Which nerves did she inject? You guessed it, 7 & 8. That was about a month ago and a shortly after the procedure, blood pressure went up, hands tremble, anxious /interval vibration feelings started, and my ears started constantly ringing. The anxious feeling is more like a “skin crawling” feeling. The only way I can describe it is it is similar to nicotine withdrawal when I quit cigarettes or taking some medications like expectorant or steroid dose packs. My heart feels beats like it would after heavy exercise or on a steroid pack. The trembling is mostly in my hands but other parts, mostly arm, shoulder etc will also tremble sometimes. It’s not like “the shakes” like you would see in some neuro illnesses but more like a vibration.

I think that the “damage” or change to those nerves have created those symptoms because nothing else makes sense and your only passing reference is the exact thing I did on purpose. No other description comes close. I am going in for a checkup in a few weeks so I will definitely post findings or thoughts. I would very much like to get in touch at least on email or messenger and keep in touch on this. It sounds like we just made big progress in diagnosing each others issue!


@kkinsley I read your post and I almost fell out of my chair. I know what the problem is because I can prove the “damage” to cranial nerves 7 & 8 is the cause. For years, I had a severe headache localized to one spot on the back of my head, but would sometimes radiate to certain areas of my head. I sought all kinds of treatments and diagnosis, therapies, drugs, and nothing worked except basic pain meds or anti inflammatoies and those stopped working when they wore off.

Finally I found a doctor who knew what was up and she did a series of 3 injections over 6 weeks of anesthesia and steroids (not sure the actual stuff, kind of like a spinal steroid shot) in to the nerves in my head around that area. Which nerves did she inject? You guessed it, 7 & 8. That was about a month ago and a shortly after the procedure, blood pressure went up, hands tremble, anxious /interval vibration feelings started, and my ears started constantly ringing. The anxious feeling is more like a “skin crawling” feeling. The only way I can describe it is it is similar to nicotine withdrawal when I quit cigarettes or taking some medications like expectorant or steroid dose packs. My heart feels beats like it would after heavy exercise or on a steroid pack. The trembling is mostly in my hands but other parts, mostly arm, shoulder etc will also tremble sometimes. It’s not like “the shakes” like you would see in some neuro illnesses but more like a vibration.

I think that the “damage” or change to those nerves have created those symptoms because nothing else makes sense and your only passing reference is the exact thing I did on purpose. No other description comes close. I am going in for a checkup in a few weeks so I will definitely post findings or thoughts. I would very much like to get in touch at least on email or messenger and keep in touch on this. It sounds like we just made big progress in diagnosing each others issue!

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Also note: I know zero about the nervous system other than what my Dr told me. I’m pretty sure she did not actually inject 7 & 8 directly as the nerves she injected where cranial surface nerves, but those surface nerves are all around 7 & 8 and she touched on that in our discussion when describing everything in there and what she was doing and its effects. I think I got a little over zealous in my description. I will get more detail at my checkup.

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