Internal Body Tremors and Tinnitus

Posted by kkinsley @kkinsley, Jun 29, 2021

I am a 47 year old female who has been in very good health most of my life. I work out daily. In January I had sudden elevated blood pressure and feelings of heart racing/palpitations. I was put on 25 mg of Losartan. An Echo and 7 day heart monitor were normal. 3 weeks into taking the medication, I developed ear ringing and feeling shaky. I was switched to Coreg (beta blocker) to see if symptoms improve.

Symptoms progressed to feelings of internal head vibrations/quivering and sometimes into chest and abdomen as well as a feeling of shakiness in my limbs off and on. I had a CT Scan and MRI as well as lots of blood tests including checking thyroid and hormonal/adrenal gland issues. All tests normal. Saw an ENT for the tinnitus and also tell me everything looks normal. Only reference in MRI was that the bilateral anterior inferior cerebellar arteries are coursing in close proximity to their respective 7th and 8th cranial nerves. Neurologist didn't think symptoms were typical of neurological diseases so these are ruled out for now. He isn't sure but only speculation that it's possible arteries have irritated cranial nerves but had no treatment to recommend. I have days when the head and body vibrations are unbearable and days when they are more manageable.

Sleeping is challenging and I started on Gabapentin (Neurontin) at bedtime which has helped my sleep. I am also now off all blood pressure medications and my blood pressure is normal again. I have perplexed my doctors. Seeking any insight here. I am beyond frustrated. Not even sure if the Blood Pressure issues and meds caused this or just coincidence in timing. Seems I have some sort of internal tremors but no tests show why yet.

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I just got it. Started with pulsatile tinnitus, which grew into palpitations which grew into bounding pulses throughout my body, which grew into internal vibrations. I believe it all got triggered via medicines given to me by cancer doctor that I tried to give up but they didnt want me too.... Have no other symptoms so far. Anyone have pulsatile tinnitus and internal vibrations. The internal vibrations wake me up. Cant seem to sleep more than a couple hours without being woken up either by palpitations or vibrations. It kinda sucks. I dont see there being any treatment anywhere except for anxiety... Neurologists only seem to do headaches.


You know I’ve posted before I have these Internal vibrations for about 9 10 years ive been to every doctor you can Imagine. Every test ??? Most drs look at you like you are crazy . But i guess we got alot of us crazies out there. But reading so so many say they wake u up around 3 to 5 in morning ?? Yep pattern. Mine is the same. Every dr you talk to says something different . Pulling at straws . Too many of us have this all the same thing . Mine is in abdomen. I had cancer went thru chemo radiation . Mine started couple years after that. I’ve also had IBS constipation . But my cancer was in abdomen and caused the start of stomach issues. I was put in hospital a week everytime I had chemo . I also have the ringing In My ears. Please I hope some dr sees this and can give us some hope . There’s a pattern maybe vibrations in different places but do similar I know there has to be an answer some where . Hope please some dr finds it and can give us answers


Started taking Melatonin at night to help sleep through tinnitus. Appears to be working. Still wake up middle of night tinn blaring. Took a second melatonin (bottle says no more than two). Calmed the tinn again, and let me sleep. And I did not get any night vibrations!


I just got it. Started with pulsatile tinnitus, which grew into palpitations which grew into bounding pulses throughout my body, which grew into internal vibrations. I believe it all got triggered via medicines given to me by cancer doctor that I tried to give up but they didnt want me too.... Have no other symptoms so far. Anyone have pulsatile tinnitus and internal vibrations. The internal vibrations wake me up. Cant seem to sleep more than a couple hours without being woken up either by palpitations or vibrations. It kinda sucks. I dont see there being any treatment anywhere except for anxiety... Neurologists only seem to do headaches.

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Hi, I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. I have tinnitus for many years. I developed peripheral neuropathy in both legs. Not sure from where. My new neurologist has put me through nerve testing in my legs and two MRI’s one for my brain and one for my neck. No definitive answers so now she has me going for bloodwork to test for so many things. Telling you this because my first neurologist was of no help at all but I love my new one. She is caring and concerned. Maybe you should try a new one. If you do, I hope you find a great one!


Hi, How are you going now ? I have also tinnitus and internal tremors since sep 2021 that started with these earthquake like internal (only) sensations at bed time when lying down drifting off, its turned into more tremors then weird vibrations moving out from that region. It is very strange and disturbing, I have had a CT and MRI where I was diagnosed with a parotid tumour that too focus last year and am now ok but left still trying to figure out this too. Any updates ?



I have exactly the same symptoms. They started about year ago. I could’ve written this post myself. I am a 48 yr old Hispanic male. I’ve never had anything like this happen and it seems to be getting worse. It’s weird because it seems to wake me just before my alarm clock goes off. I can hear a quiet rush sound as I wake up. I try and change positions to see if it’s because I’m sleeping in a poor posture, but it never helps. The strangest part is every now and then after the bottom of a breath, the rushing sounds stops for an instant and then continues. My tremors brought me here however. I’m starting to realize how often I feel them during the day now. I work with electronics so I’m used to being delicate with precision equipment. I notice now that once I’ve grabbed something firmly, my hand shakes as though I’m experiencing a muscle failure event. Like I worked out my arms in the gym the day prior and my muscles are weak from the workout.


I have tinnitus and internal vibrations. I have Mast Cell Activation Disorder. Mold is a huge trigger for mast cell and I believe mold can trigger things like tinnitus and internal body vibrations. Especially the internal body vibrations. There is much more to Mast Cell so I'm not saying anyone has that. I am saying mold can trigger those reactions instantly or build up in your body and you start getting side effects like tinnitus and internal vibrations and they gradually can get worse. You can also get other side effects as it gets worse. Mast Cell can sit in your body unactivated and things like medications, mold, tick bites, viruses etc can activate it. Mold can be part of mast cell or a separate illness on it own. The only reason I'm bringing up an extremely complicated newer medical condition is because it's newer and I had it for 15 years before I got a diagnosis finally 4 years ago. Up to that point I had been misdiagnosed and treated for many things I didn't have. Medications I had no business being on due to being misdiagnosed can do crazy things to your body and your health and can make the actual condition a whole lot worse. I don't want that to happen to others.


Hello @kkinsley, Welcome to Connect, an online community where patients and caregivers share their experiences, find support and exchange information with others. It can be extremely frustrating when you aren't getting much sleep along with your other symptoms and the doctors can't figure it out.

@lacy2 has mentioned internal tremors and tinnitus in another discussion and may have some thoughts on what you are experiencing. You may also be interested in viewing the following discussions while you wait for other members to share their experiences with you.

Constant tinnitus: Are there any solutions?:

Have you considered seeking help from a teaching hospital or major health facility like Mayo Clinic? If you would like to seek help from Mayo Clinic, contact one of the appointment offices. The contact information for Minnesota, Arizona and Florida can be found here

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As a Tinnitus owner of more than seven years ,probably more ,It is generally acknowledged
by the ENT consultants here in the U.K ,that there is not ,as yet, a cure for this annoying 24/7 noise .
Fortunately it affects just one ear ,and was not caused by noise ,but ,a bit of my brain that does not send "Shut Down " messages to my ears , Stress does upload the strength of the noise ,on a par with a cave full of screeching bats . I do take a sleeping tablet ,to get me off to sleep, because as you will all know, it is almost impossible .I also have Radio 4 turned on , purely for distraction ,
No music ,just the gentle hum of conversation.


As a Tinnitus owner of more than seven years ,probably more ,It is generally acknowledged
by the ENT consultants here in the U.K ,that there is not ,as yet, a cure for this annoying 24/7 noise .
Fortunately it affects just one ear ,and was not caused by noise ,but ,a bit of my brain that does not send "Shut Down " messages to my ears , Stress does upload the strength of the noise ,on a par with a cave full of screeching bats . I do take a sleeping tablet ,to get me off to sleep, because as you will all know, it is almost impossible .I also have Radio 4 turned on , purely for distraction ,
No music ,just the gentle hum of conversation.

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Welcome @storm6, Thanks for sharing your experience along with what helps you manage Tinnitus. I'm wondering if you might also link to join the following discussion to read what others have shared:
--- Constant tinnitus: Are there any solutions?:


All my life I have been super healthy , not much exercise but nothing to worry about except a border high cholesterol, also super calm, worry-free. Since April 2020 I have had similar symptoms as the ones mentioned in this thread. It all started with a couple of big palpitations. I went to see the cardiologist, run several tests and results were good. He diagnosed my heart is healthy. during the following months I could felt my chest different, like my heart was pumping in a stronger way, but I learned to live with it.
Then a night on March 2021 I started to feel like I had an electric toothbrush under my calves, I thought I had done a lot of exercise or had been standing up too much, but not It continued for some days. A week later I started to see my calves moving by itself and feeling tingles in them. At that point I request an appointment with a neurologist.
Dr was very experienced, and I trusted him, he heard me out on all my symptoms and request and EMI CT Scan, blood tests and other stuff. After 2 or 3 visits my symptoms didn't change, as everyone else I started googling my symptoms and the more information I read the more I was worried about ALS or MS. The doctor finally diagnosed me with Benign Fasciculations Syndrome. All test were good, nothing to worry about.
He told me perhaps I as suffering of stress and anxiety. Obviously googling my symptoms I was a complete panic attack walking man. I asked him for a treatment but he stated I needed to address my anxiety with terapy, he also prescribed Gabapentin if I felt I had a strong episode. Never took the gabapentin, I was afraid of side effects or addiction.
It has been 2 years now, I have less fasciculations but more internal vibrations in my legs feet and abdomen. Lately a buzz in my head is bugging me 24/7. It doest not go away.
I have done anxiety therapy for a couple of months, meditation and change rutines, but still have all symptoms.
Now I am looking for a second opinoin, nevertheless finding an appointment with a good neurologist is a battle. UM just scheduled me for May 2024! lol.
Anyways, glad I could read stories from people that have similar symptoms, It helps.

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