How about a laugh, (hopefully)

Posted by Leonard @jakedduck1, Dec 31, 2018

I believe laughter is the best medicine. Laughter has actually been scientifically proven to help people with depression issues.
Let’s give it a try so we can all get happy and feel better. Many Epilepsy forums I’ve been on had joke sections. I was probably the biggest joke of all since I didn’t get a lot of the jokes. They said the jokes couldn’t be above 4th grade level for me to understand them so my jokes may be rather simplistic but let’s give it a try.
Have a lovely day everyone,

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@lacy2 this very moment I do not feel like laughing at all , on bed with various issues and even contemplating whether to go to emerge or no or what to do but I must admit I could not stop my lips from curling into a smile... now I expect a joke from the 'men' ..
in the meantime here's hoping our day finishes better than it began, j. 🦋

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A joke from the men you say?

Let's not encourage that. LOL


This would be more of a chuckle than a laugh, but it made me smile yesterday.
I was sitting in a Q & A booth at the State Fair with two other volunteers. Most people just cruised on by - heading for the fresh apple stand or the honey ice cream, so we had time to watch people and chat.

I observed several gaggles of giggling girls - you know the sight - 5 -7 young teens, gabbing, giggling, goggling the college boys across the aisle. Here is what struck me - every "gaggle" was dressed alike - one group would be in crop tops of varying colors, cutoffs folded just alike, identical high top tennies, and the same teeny purses. The next would be just the same, except long carpenter-style jeans, and so on. I asked my partners, "How many texts did it take for them to come up with identical outfits?" The woman I was with is the Mom of four (!) teen girls. She said, "Oh, not many, my girls call that their summer uniform."

I guess life hasn't changed so much - I remember the phone calls, back in 1965, making sure we all knew what to wear to the Fair.


Seems like we women have a much better sense of humor. Must be from all the sacrificing we’ve done over the years! We get hardened. 🤣😂.
Sacrificing our chocolate is the ultimate…le sigh.

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Sacrificing chocolate is the ultimate sacrifice for me.


Sacrificing chocolate is the ultimate sacrifice for me.

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I agree! My daughter married a guy who prefers anything salty and hot to sweets. I asked her "How did you find him?" Unfortunately her littles have radar when it comes to finding chocolate! I can't even hide it in the freezer.


A joke from the men you say?

Let's not encourage that. LOL

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...well not encouraging, expecting it.... j.


All the woman friends I have are so postmenopausal, that even their text messages don't have periods!


All the woman friends I have are so postmenopausal, that even their text messages don't have periods!

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To all my blonde friends I apologize... Leonard @jakedduck1, I saw this one and thought I might get a smile out of you. Hope your day is going well. Sorry, can't help myself. My sister is a blonde and is always enlightening me. 😂

Two Blondes were driving to Disneyland.
The sign said Disneyland Left...
So they started crying and headed home.


How do you know a blonde has been typing on your computer?
There’s whiteout on the screen.
Maybe you have to be a certain age to appreciate that one.


How do you know a blonde has been typing on your computer?
There’s whiteout on the screen.
Maybe you have to be a certain age to appreciate that one.

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