Do other long haulers suffer with brain changes? Seen any improvement?

Posted by mindig @mindig, Oct 28, 2021

Hi there,
I am new to the site and have been recommended by my Dr to reach out. I had covid19 in November, I still struggle with fatigue, body aches, shortness of breath, racing heart and cognitive brain changes which have turned my world upside down. Does any one suffer with brain changes? and have you seen improvement over time?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

I am seeing an improvement in my symptoms: headaches, brain fog, energy and taste/smell. I take many supplements as recommended by my integrative medical doctor. I take Quercetin*, N-Acetylcholine *, zinc, Omega-3 *, Black Cumin*, melatonin, aspirin, vitamin C (at least 2,000mg/day but best with 4,000, Vit D, Magnesium, Vit B, Turmeric.

Editor's Note:
When considering complementary or alternative treatments, be open-minded yet skeptical. Supplements are not regulated by the FDA. Learn about the potential benefits and risks. Here is an article from Mayo Clinic about evaluating claims made by the producers and/or sellers of supplements, natural products and other alternative medicines.


Hi Patty . I recovered in 4 days from covid . Played 18 holes of golf yesterday on mountain course it was ok . Did you take vitamin D and C ?

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Four days? That’s great! I was literally in bed for 3 weeks. Yes, I’m taking Vit D and C. I’m thinking about adding Zinc. I do think I’m getting stronger each day but it’s hard not doing my normal activities.


Thanks for this list of supplements. I’ve been taking magnesium and Turmeric. I’ll be adding these.


Welcome, @pattykakes. When will it end is a question that no one can answer, at least not yet. It's a struggle and everyone's road to recovery is slightly different with overlapping similarities. Not what you wanted to hear, I know.

It's early days for you. What I hear over and over again from fellow longhaulers is to be patient and to pace yourself. Perhaps this discussion would be a good place to learn from others who have found deep breathing to way to begin the recovery journey.
- Deep Breathing & Mindfulness Class: Anyone else having success?

Patty, do you notice any pattern to your fatigue or your shaking hands? Do you keep a journal of your symptoms?

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Thanks for your reply. I am fatigued just doing normal ADL’s. Taking a shower wears me out. Or if I go to the grocery store I’m exhausted when I get back. My hands will shake, not tremors, only fine shakes. This happens when I’m very tired and feel weak.


After you have a chance to look at some of the links on the page I sent, maybe we can chat agin about what options you might have.
What category of front line worker do you fall into?

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I am a Pediatric Speciality RN. I take care of Special Needs kids in their home. I go to all appointments with the child.


My memory has definitely been effected. Seems I can’t remember fairly recent events. It seems like I have sparks in my brain. I don’t know how else to explain it. It feels very strange.


Four days? That’s great! I was literally in bed for 3 weeks. Yes, I’m taking Vit D and C. I’m thinking about adding Zinc. I do think I’m getting stronger each day but it’s hard not doing my normal activities.

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I am sorry to hear so many of you are still suffering the effects of Covid - my daughter has been a long-hauler since June of 2020, but is slowly improving. She has been able finally to return full time to her nursing career, but still must ration her energy and has to use lists and memory aids.

I would like to remind everyone to be extremely careful when adding supplements to aid your recovery. Even though they are easily available in the drug store and on line, they are not completely safe. There are dangers of interactions and overdose, some of which can be serious. In addition, supplements are unregulated, and can contain unnamed ingredients, so be sure to buy from a reputable source which lists every ingredient, including all fillers.

Supplements should be added one at a time, several days apart, only after research to determine if they interact with any other medication or supplement you are taking or are contra-indicated for any medical condition you have. In particular, zinc can have an adverse effect on your ability to smell or taste, and the total consumed in one day (from food and supplements) should be no more than 40 mg (normal dose is 12-14mg) and magnesium supplements should net exceed 350 mg/day (combined - so if in other supplements or vitamins, reduce your magnesium dose).

I am sharing this information because my sister nearly lost her life taking a huge variety of "safe" supplements nearly 20 years ago. Over the years she has experienced many serious problems related to it, such as pancreatic inflammation, intermittent kidney failure, muscle weakness and is virtually an invalid. Please exercise extreme caution as you add or increase each vitamin, mineral or herb. And if you see a doctor for any reason, please bring a complete list of what you are taking, including the amounts. Off my soap box now!



Good news. That you are improving


Four days? That’s great! I was literally in bed for 3 weeks. Yes, I’m taking Vit D and C. I’m thinking about adding Zinc. I do think I’m getting stronger each day but it’s hard not doing my normal activities.

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Patty. I was always very fit . So that helped am sure .


Patty. I was always very fit . So that helped am sure .

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And I eat a lot of curry so lot turmeric in the daily intake !

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