Do other long haulers suffer with brain changes? Seen any improvement?

Posted by mindig @mindig, Oct 28, 2021

Hi there,
I am new to the site and have been recommended by my Dr to reach out. I had covid19 in November, I still struggle with fatigue, body aches, shortness of breath, racing heart and cognitive brain changes which have turned my world upside down. Does any one suffer with brain changes? and have you seen improvement over time?

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My husband has had cognitive issues from covid for a year. He has had some improvement hut it is very slow. I wish you well.


Hi, I'm new also. I was hospitalized w/ SARS-COVID pnemonia w/hypoxia on April 15 of 2021. I'm almost a yr out and still experiencing extreme fatigue, brain fog, forgetfulness, and I'm having cognitive issues, most recently anxiety & depression. I've had several instant where I've gone to the grocery store or pharmacy, less than 1/2 Mike from my house, and somewhere along my drive I all the sudden have no idea where I am. I know I'm headed home but recognize nothing. I feel panicked for a minute and then something looks familiar and I'm ok again. I struggle with words, and often times completely forget what I'm doing. Don't get me wrong, I had some of this before COVID, when I'd have an extremely long or trying day at work and was working overtime. I don't have to worry about that anymore. My company laid me off once my short term disability was headed towards long term. Honestly, it was probably a blessing in disguise because I have no idea how I'd manage my team, plus my tasks and do trainings. I swear I could sleep 10-12 hrs vacuum, make dinner and I could go back to sleep. I can't stay asleep, ai wake up repeatedly. I've been trying to meditate, and taking a class on neuroplasticity to try to "rewire" my nervous system. I've had an MRI and a sleep study done in the clinic, nothing abnormal. At times I feel a little hopeless. I'm hoping someone can she'd more light on this, and hopefully help those of us that are struggling. I've always felt like I was a strong, smart, capable woman - I definitely feel knocked down. There's days I can't figure out how to even spell the simplest of words.:(

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I think long covid can be defined by making previous conditions worse, and possibly because they existed previously are not pursued as being impacted by "long covid"? Just wonder if really extended monitoring might reveal something unrelated directly to symptoms as a factor?


Anxiety fear and forgetfully. Been 2 years of having my brain turn upside down.


Please tell me anything that might get my brain to work again. This is unbearable


Please tell me anything that might get my brain to work again. This is unbearable

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my daughter has done many jigsaw puzzles. at work she is making lists.... but that became as exhausting as actual teeth cleaning. she has some PTSD when she has to go to local hosp (where she was treated for covid pneumonia for a week) for tests. at least she is driving without difficulty.


I don’t feel as sharp as I used to. I had Covid with Covid pneumonia and a blood clot. I have been a mess. Dr’s just noticed low platelet counts with my blood. Everything else was normal. I had my vaccines and boosters. It’s so frustrating. Weakness and shaking. Anyone else?


my daughter has done many jigsaw puzzles. at work she is making lists.... but that became as exhausting as actual teeth cleaning. she has some PTSD when she has to go to local hosp (where she was treated for covid pneumonia for a week) for tests. at least she is driving without difficulty.

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I hope it will help her to know others feel the same way, I mean feel anxious at times. I commend her for moving forward because eventually I think she'll overcome that feeling, but I totally understand because sometimes my chest gets tight. Then I get busy with something and it goes away so I figure it's anxiety.


Brain change. Memory…


I’m in the same boat, it sucks but hang in there

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