How to Search on Connect - It can help you!

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Dec 14, 2018

Do you know about Connect's Search function? I find it really helpful when I want to find a discussion about a symptom that I have and want to connect with other members with similar health problems.

Have you tried it? If not, I would recommend giving it a test run. It's easy, just click the small magnifying glass icon at the top of the window next to the little notifications bell.

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Fast forward to today, I had a visit with a Gastroenterologist who repeated the blood tests and ordered a transjugular biopsy. I am hesitant about jumping into such an invasive procedure without having an MRI or CT and ruling out an autoimmune disorder. I am thinking about it because of some blood tests and the relatively recent development of bizarre manifestations that may indicate an autoimmune disease that appeared a few months after taking the Covid vaccine ( Raynud's Syndrome, Livedo Reticularis, and random blood vessels bursting and pulling blood under my skin's surface creating bruises not caused by injury or impact ). I also have a family history of autoimmune disorders. My paternal grandmother was diagnosed with connective tissue disorder, possibly Lupus, and my son was diagnosed with Psoriasis. I am not sure if all of those symptoms may be connected. I do have an appointment scheduled with a Rheumatologist in a few days.
Please let me know if my thinking process is correct. I am trying to connect the dots, but the doctors are unconcerned about an autoimmune disorder. It is all very confusing.
Lori, please let me know if you have any suggestions on what I should do or what other doctor I should see; I would be grateful.
Thank you so much for your time and input. Below are some attachments of tests and pictures.

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Oh my goodness, @agnieszka, you’ve had quite a history being involved in the Chernobyl incident. That had to be terrifying for you and your family…and everyone else there! I know that’s huge understatement because the world-over was terrified.
I’m trying to condense everything I read through in your notes…and to clarify I am not a medical professional so I cannot offer any treatments or interpret the results of your labs.
Your liver sure took a hit in 2020 caused by Lo Loestrin. The numbers have dropped quite a bit since then but they are still very high so it’s good your doctor is continuing to investigate.

I know you’re concerned about having the transjugular biopsy. It sounds much worse than it is. It’s very safe and you won’t need to have an MRI first because the procedure is guided by an ultrasound. So the radiologist can see exactly where he/she needs to be. I’ve had this done and it’s painless. But the test allows the doctor to get a good sample of your liver to check for any cellular damage.

This may be way off base but since you’re having these weird liver numbers and also elevated autoimmune symptoms, I thought I’d toss these conversations into the mix about autoimmune hepatitis.
If there is any autoimmune condition that may be causing your continued liver issue, the liver biopsy your doctor ordered can also detect that.

This all has to be very frustrating and frightening for you. I just feel you have a good team of doctors working with you from what I’m seeing. With your family history of autoimmune diseases and your new symptoms it’s good you’re seeing a rheumatologist. So that is a wise next step.
It will be interesting to see what the meeting with the rheumatologist will yield. Hopefully you find some answers. Will you let me know what you learn?


I have stomach pain. looking for someone who has had all the Ct's, MRI, Blood work, Ultra sound, etc. but pain pursist and even at times is very painful. Located in a small area, but doctors have no answers!


is kaposi sarcoma cureable


John, I'm thrilled you started this discussion.
Just a note for everyone. The search looks different on a computer (desktop or laptop) than on a mobile device. The 1st image below shows where to find search on a computer. The 2nd shows search on a phone.

You will find the search function on every page of Connect. Type in your search term and then click Enter on your keyboard or Go on your phone.

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I cannot start a new discussion. I followed directions but do not see a tab for "start a new discussion". I want to discuss tinnitus but the only thing that comes up in search is "hearing loss". Can you please help me or start the discussion for me?


I cannot start a new discussion. I followed directions but do not see a tab for "start a new discussion". I want to discuss tinnitus but the only thing that comes up in search is "hearing loss". Can you please help me or start the discussion for me?

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You should see "Start a new discussion" right under "Search Discussions".

I've overlooked it myself at times.


I cannot start a new discussion. I followed directions but do not see a tab for "start a new discussion". I want to discuss tinnitus but the only thing that comes up in search is "hearing loss". Can you please help me or start the discussion for me?

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@carol1024, learn more about how to start a discussion and more in the Help Center
@scottrl also provided some help with pictures. Thanks, Scott.

Carol, I see you have joined an existing discussion on tinnitus (, which is the better way to connect with others.

Using the search function, I see there are a variety of discussions about tinnitus - over 140 discussions.


I have just joined the forum. Is there a section on Myelomalacia?


I have just joined the forum. Is there a section on Myelomalacia?

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My name is Steve.


My name is Steve.

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Hi Steve, Welcome to Connect. Yes, there is a discussion on myelomalacia. Here is the link:
Chronic myelomalacia:


I don’t have a computer at this time. Can I use my IPhone to see a discussion on nerve pain or nerve damage in the mouth after having a tooth removed. A burning pain. Thank you

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