Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

Welcome to the Neuropathy group.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet other people who are dealing with neuropathy. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with neuropathy, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentor John (@johnbishop) and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.
Let’s chat. Why not start by introducing yourself? What concerns would you like to talk about?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.


I've been living with neuropathy for years I've had countless number of tests countless number of medications but the bottom line is there is no cure for neuropathy not nerve regeneration not dieting not sleep not batwing soup not I have toad you're just going to have to live with it

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Hi @duhhuh, Sounds like you haven't found any relief for your neuropathy symptoms yet but have tried a lot of different medications. Have you tried any complementary or alternative treatments? The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy has a list that some folks have found helpful here -


Good evening @marthamurphysc, it is great to meet you. Do you remember the name of the publication? I see that @johnbishop has responded to your post about fasting. I think he has the answer to your questions. So....maybe we can get him back here to explain the process in greater detail for you. Here is the link to the LCHF intermittent fasting support group.

I do know that John has no pain with his small fiber peripheral neuropathy. However, his other symptoms do require attention and persistence.

Is it you or your husband that is dealing with neuropathy pain and discomfort?

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

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I am the one who has neuropathy. My husband was just looking for info for me. Thank you for your info.


I'm experiencing a psoriatic arthritis flare and identifying some very painful neuropathy. The symptoms of psoriasis, PsA and neuropathy have been with me since 20s; I'm now 80. Only in the past year did I reach out specifically for help with symptoms during a lengthy flareup.
Today neuropathic pain began in my palms and then felt like an attack on feet and elsewhere.


I'm experiencing a psoriatic arthritis flare and identifying some very painful neuropathy. The symptoms of psoriasis, PsA and neuropathy have been with me since 20s; I'm now 80. Only in the past year did I reach out specifically for help with symptoms during a lengthy flareup.
Today neuropathic pain began in my palms and then felt like an attack on feet and elsewhere.

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Hello @ottosnanny, Welcome to Connect. Sorry you are experiencing a psoriatic arthritis flare along with pain in you hands and feet. You might find it helpful to read what others have share in the following discussion:
-- Psoriatic Arthritis: How do you manage PA and flares?:

Here are a couple of sites you may find helpful if you haven't already seen them:
-- Managing Psoriatic Arthritis Flares:
-- Living With Psoriatic Arthritis:

Has your doctor suggested any treatments?


Nothing specific to the psoriatic arthritis has been brought up. I had a virtual appointment during covid with a dermatologist and the report was sent to my primary care doctor.
That included a diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis.Withh topical meds I managed the psoriasis on scalp, ears and body and have maintained good results until about a week ago. The flare up is psoriatic arthritis primarily. I just don't want to have to start a new diagnosis and treatment. It just feels overwhelming. I want to thank you for the sites you recommend. I'm going to read them. You see I'm 81. Im diagnosed with PTSD, ADHD, major depressive disorder and anxiety. To add psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and new regimens is overwhelming.
Many thanks, Otto's nanny


My name is Tony and I have some kind of full body neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy. I've noticed today's doctors and Scientists are not very knowledgeable about nerve disorders, bummer. I've experienced full body muscle wasting and increased weakness. my heart rate is fast every time I stand so life has become difficult to say the least. I brought it on my abusing alcohol. I'm sober now but dealing with the consequences. It would be nice to find some people that have similar issues I guess and chat and relate. Anyways that's part of my story.


My name is Tony and I have some kind of full body neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy. I've noticed today's doctors and Scientists are not very knowledgeable about nerve disorders, bummer. I've experienced full body muscle wasting and increased weakness. my heart rate is fast every time I stand so life has become difficult to say the least. I brought it on my abusing alcohol. I'm sober now but dealing with the consequences. It would be nice to find some people that have similar issues I guess and chat and relate. Anyways that's part of my story.

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Hi Tony @tony24, Welcome to Connect. You are not alone in the way you feel about today's doctors not being knowledgeable about nerve disorders. Although, I would tend to cut them a break as there seems to be a limitless number of rare nerve related disorders and I'm not sure every doctor can be expected to be an expert on them. It does put the burden on us to be a better advocate for our own health and learn as much as we can about our condition. If you haven't already seen the following sites on neuropathy, you might want to save them for future reference:
-- Neuropathy Commons:
-- Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy:

I'm happy to hear you've taken the first step if you've been diagnosed with alcohol induced neuropathy. You might want to read through the following discussions to learn what others have shared:
-- Alcohol-related Neuropathy: Anyone had good treatment results?:
-- Alcohol Neuropathy???:

What symptoms cause you the most trouble?


I'm interested in leaning about treatments for Neuropathy....and coping methods.


I have molded myself to ignore the PN pain, nerve lightning strikes throughout the body especially feet and not to mention, major discomfort with everyday activities. It is so difficult to hold a job and tends to be a constant search and way of life for me. Before I know it, I may wind up in the streets and/or living out of my car because of my medical situations.

And to say the least, I had to invent my own feet and shoe paddings and/or wear double cushion socks to ease pain with walking, exercise, etc.. I am 55 and figured with years of all doctors, specialist, emergency rooms, hospitals, clinics, etc.. I found that there is NO real solution and cure for PN as its been said its related to the diabetes and to only constantly maintain glucose levels and A1C. Sadly, I realize that PN will NEVER go away ultimately and prescriptions are only a waste of time and lots of money.

Most importantly, doctors, specialist, etc. will only prescribe injections and pills which are simply 'Band-Aids' to help with the discomfort of PN. As a result, I now have enormous and outstanding medical bills ever since but will have them until the day I am buried.

Finally, I am still insulin dependent to reduce glucose levels to 250-300 as I had reached before into 600s and 700s but again will NEVER be normal and enjoy everyday life.

And finally, I want to educate and encourage people please maintain your diabetes with insulin, meds, etc. , to possibly lower your glucose and A1C before your PN starts to climb upwards in your body starting with your feet.…. If not, you will definitely regret plus experience substantial and enormous pain each day.....PN is almost like a deadly cancer but with cancer, it will eventually chaufer you to the heavens but with PN, there is no chaufer and you will need to learn plus live with the diabetic symptoms and PN especially nerve pains.



I'm interested in leaning about treatments for Neuropathy....and coping methods.

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Hello @clark1, Welcome to Connect. My favorite sites for learning more about Neuropathy and possible treatments are these two:
-- Neuropathy Commons:
-- Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy:

Here are a few discussions on neuropathy that you might find helpful for learning about treatments and coping methods:
-- Neuropathy 101 - Knowledge is power?:
-- Member Neuropathy Journey Stories: What's Yours?:
-- Neuropathy Pain at Night: What helps?:
-- Neuropathy - What physical activities help?:

Do you mind sharing a little more about your diagnosis and any treatments you've tried?

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