Thoracic aortic aneurysm: Anyone had surgery?

Posted by jbsb93 @jbsb93, Jul 28, 2011

I was born with a hole in my heart and have had 2 surgeries. One to fix hole and the other a valve replacement. I've been recently told the I have a thoracic aneurysm and possibly will need more surgery.. Anyone gone th ru this before??

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You would have a hard time going to Mayo since you have an HMO ...You have the University of Chicago near and they would probably send you there...


You would have a hard time going to Mayo since you have an HMO ...You have the University of Chicago near and they would probably send you there...

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UC isn't chopped liver. Neither is Rush. If you can find a way to go to Mayo a big plus is the social worker arm of their organization to grease the wheels for your trip and recovery. But maybe UC or Rush has something like that too. Rush is in a wicked neighborhood as is UC. This is a big deal. You want things to go smoothly, and they will.


Hi @michellr
I'm so sorry to hear how stressful this is for you and hope you are taking measures to manage the stress.

As for getting treatment at the Mayo Clinic, Dr. Pochettino, an aortic surgery expert at Mayo would be happy to review your records to understand your situation and determine what type of cardiac surgery needs to be performed. To begin this process, please call Dr. Pochettino's patient appointment secretary, Hope Nesbit at 507-255-2000. After determining what type of surgery is needed, Ms Nesbit will connect you to our business office to speak about insurance options.

Here's a video Dr. Pochettino made explaining what patients need to know about aortic surgery

Here's a quick read about the The 4 A's when you find yourself stressing - Avoid, Alter, Accept and Adapt -

I hope this helps. Keep talking with us. You're not alone.


Hi @michellr,
I just wanted to check in and see how you are doing?


Hi @michellr,
I just wanted to check in and see how you are doing?

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Thx. Surgery 2/15. <br />
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That's great Michelle. Where did you end up booking your surgery? How are you feeling about it?


Hi @michellr,
I just wanted to check in and see how you are doing?

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Best of luck Michelle. You're going to sail through it. 


Every one says that. I wish I was so sure. Thanks though


That's great Michelle. Where did you end up booking your surgery? How are you feeling about it?

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I am really freaked about it. I am having it where I work at Edward Hospital with a really good surgeon. Just wish It was over with.


Want to know about thoracic aortic aneurysm risks of surgery.

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