Heart Rhythm Conditions – Welcome to the group

Welcome to the Heart Rhythm Conditions group on Mayo Clinic Connect.
Did you know that the average heart beats 100,000 times a day? Millions of people live with heart rhythm problems (heart arrhythmias) which occur when the electrical impulses that coordinate heartbeats don't work properly. Let's connect with each other; we can share stories and learn about coping with the challenges, and living well with abnormal heart rhythms. I invite you to follow the group. Simply click the +FOLLOW icon on the group landing page.

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I have had irregular heartbeat on and off since i was in my late 20's. Iam now in my 70's and they have become much worse. I have had several 24 hour halter monitors. So far i have been told i have SVT, premature heartbeats etc. My last 24 hour monitor showed 500 events. The doctor just blew it off. I sometimes find that a walk stops the irregularity. I take propanolol for it.

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Yes, I get out of breath, especially when I first wake up in the morning. I will have results from my two-week monitor soon. I am a little scared. I tried a yoga exercise yesterday, (standing position, arms up) and I passed out/fainted and fell.


I have had irregular heartbeat on and off since i was in my late 20's. Iam now in my 70's and they have become much worse. I have had several 24 hour halter monitors. So far i have been told i have SVT, premature heartbeats etc. My last 24 hour monitor showed 500 events. The doctor just blew it off. I sometimes find that a walk stops the irregularity. I take propanolol for it.

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When I first wake up in the morning with PVCs/palps, even before I get out of bed, I have huge adrenalin rushes going through my entire body. Very uncomfortable.


Hello. I am Karen, age 68, diagnosed with A-fib about four years ago and just started having PVCs in the last month or two. I have commented on other threads but not this one. I have a holter monitor until tomorrow and then will get results in a week or so. I am a little scared because I seem to be having PVCs all he time now whereas I only have A-fib a couple of times a week. The PVCs make me feel very weak, out of breath, and generally uncomfortable with adrenalin rushes, dizziness, sometimes slight nausea. I passed out for a second and fell doing yoga yesterday. I am also underdoing cancer treatment (lucky me) which might be adding to my discomfort.


Hello. I am Karen, age 68, diagnosed with A-fib about four years ago and just started having PVCs in the last month or two. I have commented on other threads but not this one. I have a holter monitor until tomorrow and then will get results in a week or so. I am a little scared because I seem to be having PVCs all he time now whereas I only have A-fib a couple of times a week. The PVCs make me feel very weak, out of breath, and generally uncomfortable with adrenalin rushes, dizziness, sometimes slight nausea. I passed out for a second and fell doing yoga yesterday. I am also underdoing cancer treatment (lucky me) which might be adding to my discomfort.

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Hi, I think you should contact your doctor concerning your passing out especially if this is something new that is going on. I really hope you do that. Iam 72 and have had PVC's since my 20's. I noe have SVT. I really hate the PVC's. They bring on anxiety and discomfort. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now. Please call a doctor.


Hello @jeannieg7 and @mommabyrd. Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! Thank you for posting!

Jeannie, has the yoga and meditation helped? And Sonja, how are you controlling the blackouts?

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Please see a doctor about the blackouts.


Thank You. I have an appointment with my oncologist this week and cardiologist next week.


I am enfermo and I have lived with PVCs for more than 20 years.


I have had them a long time as well. Completely bothersome.


I am enfermo and I have lived with PVCs for more than 20 years.

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Welcome to Connect, @enfermo. Would you be able to share some more information, or perhaps some insight as to how you've managed and coped with PVCs for such a long time? Do you take medications to control them; are there any triggers you've learned to be aware of?


Hi. I am Barbara. Happy to have found your site. It has helped me to understand what is going on with me. I started having PVC’s 2 years ago following radiation for breast cancer. It has accelerated the last 8 mos. I am an RN but found there is not much info out there. And, providers have not enlightened me much! I was taken off beta blockers and put on ARD’s which make me feel worse. I am now in the process of getting a second opinion and wearing a holster monitor for a month. I have not had to go to the ER since mid January. I do not view myself as a stressed person but I do have autoimmune issues. Thank you for this group. I am understanding more.

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