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372 total results
Discussions (53)
Any advice for treating pressure sores?
Any advice for treating pressure sores ... My wife aged 81 has pressure sores on
Sanyrene Oil for Pressure Sores from Bipap
Sanyrene Oil for Pressure Sores from ... Sanyrene oil is for the treatment of pressure ... sore.
How to care for loved one with pressure sores on their bottom
How to care for loved one with pressure ... sores on their bottom ... My wife has a big pressure sore on her
Does anyone get pressure sores on toes? If so how do you treat it?
Does anyone get pressure sores on toes ... I have a pressure sore on my toe.
Concerns/Soreness/Neck/Pressure ... Just nervous with all this random soreness
My son was discharged from the hospital with a pressure sore.
discharged from the hospital with a pressure ... sore. ... He developed some sores on and around ... He also had a pressure sore on his left ... We do have a pressure relief mattress
What is best barrier cream for a bed sore on an incontinent adult?
What is best barrier cream for a bed sore ... between stage 1 and stage 2 tail bone pressure
Bottom Lip Sore won’t heal
Bottom Lip Sore won’t heal ... Hello ny husband has had a bottom lip sore ... He is diabetic, high blood pressure
Chronic sinusitis and clogged left ear
My frontal sinuses continue with pressure ... bone and neck behind my left ear gets sore ... I am on day 8 and I still have pressure ... move my eyes up or down the sinus pressure
Weird urine analysis
super weird symptoms - bad cramping , pressure ... in the ovaries, pressure in the uterus ... connected but my throat was a little sore
Legs Cramps and head pressure
Legs Cramps and head pressure ... It feels like a pressure, centering ... horses in my legs, my muscles would be sore ... But, my legs muscles are not sore, so
Cervical facet joint nerve RFA
stings constantly, and if I put any pressure ... back of my head there's a big sore
ENT lesion scab in nose
does help
l have had bad sinuses pressure ... days but my nose doe's feal a bit sore
What can be done to resolve my obscure pressure issue with my left ear
can be done to resolve my obscure pressure ... maneuver, my ear clogs with painful pressure ... The ear is sore all the time and never ... feels stable in pressure, it's ... constant game of ping pong with the air pressure
Does lack of exercise and prolong sitting make blood pressure lower?
exercise and prolong sitting make blood pressure ... and have been experiencing low blood pressure ... up and walk around to get my blood pressure ... posture (neck is always tensed and sore
My Father's Mystery Illness
father first noticed symptoms such as sore ... were the same as in 1999, including sore ... Later, the soreness and swelling traveled ... fevers, light sensitivity in eyes, sore ... history not fully known):
High blood pressure
Reoccuring symptoms: Is this part of long haul COVID?
have problems with my heart, blood pressure ... Sorry, forgot to mention mouth sores
Pain And Changes In Weather...Am I Alone????
down my arms, to skin that just feels sore ... clock that also provides barometric pressure ... is a dramatic swing in barometric pressure
Chronic Mono? 5 years undiagnosed
with no exposure) for almost 5 years: sore ... 50, normal weight/BMI, normal blood pressure
Suddenly have popping in throat when swallowing. Will it go away?
positions, and if I apply too much pressure ... both my nose and chest, sneezing, sore