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2,067 total results
Discussions (169)
So many symptoms, but so many doctors are diagnosing me with different
They diagnosed me with sleep apnea.
Multiple conditions: How do you keep track of all your medications?
Peripheral Neuropathy, Obstructive Sleep ... Apnea, Bone Diseases Metabolic, Lumbar
Gi suggested surgery..... questions
Told I had sleep apnea dint use cpap
Adrenaline spikes: Med detective needed, award given
They disrupt my sleep making me severely ... sleep deprived. ... On rare days, If I sleep through the ... apnea but it should not cause these ... apnea (I don't have other symptoms
Possiblity of GastroCardiac syndrome?
endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, and had a sleep ... fine according to these doctors, no sleep ... apnea/narcolpesy, no thyroid issues
Autoimmune Diseases and Fatigue
but rather for "Excessive Daytime Sleepiness ... " linked to Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
Many medical issues: How do you manage multiple chronic conditions?
hyperlipidemia, HLAB27 positive, obstructive sleep ... apnea, transient confusion with transient
Cleaning your CPAP mask.
Recently I was diagnosed with sleep ... apnea. ... After doing an at home sleep test it ... I was having 18 events per hour of sleep ... extreme dental pain on the first nights sleep
short of breath, lose voice, massive fatigue and skin rash/photosen
don't have reflux, do have mild sleep ... apnea-on machine no difference in symptoms
Spouse's Recent Diagnosis of Fronto-Temporal Dementia
My husband also has severe sleep apnea
lnterstital diagnosis can this be a part of autoimmune diseases?
diagnosis i was being diagnosed with copd, sleep ... apnea , cpap, oxygen and restless leg
Am I addicted or misdiagnosed or both?
Additionally I have used sleeping pills ... but it now takes 30-50mg to help me sleep ... like the others, I needed more to sleep ... ’t matter how much I take, I don’t sleep ... I also have some mild sleep apnea which
Difficulty sleeping through the night
Difficulty sleeping through the night ... I simply have trouble sleeping at night ... I have a sleep tracker on my watch which ... apnea. ... I'm not really sleeping most of
Chronic GERDs with multiple Lap Nissan failures
pressure is controlled and I do have sleep ... apnea.
Frustrated and worried about my husband
unexpectedly had a seizure in his sleep ... in the neurologist dept who did a Sleep ... also been diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep ... Apnea also.
CPAP Intolerance
the years, I have had two separate sleep ... Both studies said "severe sleep ... apnea". ... Conclusion: If you want me to sleep ... machine, I will get far, far less sleep
Choosing palliative care; what is your experience?
failure, chronic kidney disease, central sleep ... apnea, and neuropathy.
Lewy Body and weight loss
accurate as a partial diagnosis), REM sleep ... disorder (part of LBD diagnosis), sleep ... apnea (true), etc.
AARP says...
Seek out a Sleep Specialist, This includes ... diagnosing and treating Sleep Apnea
Long Hauler Worsening Symptoms and Doctors are Stumped
Extreme fatigue, on days where I can sleep ... irritation is especially bad I can't sleep ... Pulmonary function tests, stress tests, sleep ... apnea tests, etc have been given to