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286 total results
Comments (257)
Hi there- I am sorry to hear that your daughter is also going through this. It's...
She is well aware of EBV and CFS. ... She said that the EBV (along with possible ... that seem to help some people with EBV ... for doctor appointments), due to the Chronic ... He also has GI issues, chronic headaches
Ooops @kippi1950 and @loki525, I forgot to actually post links to the information on causes of...
popped into my head are related to chronic ... ... ... health/fibromyalgia/fibromyalgia-vs-chronic-fatigue-syndrome ... any testing done for viruses such as EBV
Absolutely. A severe case of mononucleosis (EBV) at 18 may have triggered all sorts of “problems”...
A severe case of mononucleosis (EBV) ... problem is also related to women in chronic
You sound just like me. I’ve been trying to get back to some kind of normal...
Unleashed viruses such as EBV and HPV ... My PCP diagnosed Fibromyalgia and Chronic
Hi Geraldine! Sorry things are so tough! I think we can all relate — definitely sucks...
My doc is thorough and understands chronic ... don’t know what to think or do with chronic ... infectious disease doc explained that the EBV ... Example: my EBV is >600 U/ml. ... But my viral loads are high in EBV and
I can totally relate with where you are right now! Everything you said I have experienced,...
teen (now in my 50s) and understand EBV ... Fluoxetine (Prozac) for anxiety/depression (chronic
Hang in there! I am slowly feeling better. It has been 3 years since I got...
EBV was reactivated and caused chronic
Thank you all for your post! I have posted in the past in Chronic Reactivated EBV...
I have posted in the past in Chronic ... Reactivated EBV as I have suffered ... found a book by a Holistic Dr. called ‘Chronic ... EBV came back with a vengeance and I ... in a Chronic form, you must tackle
Your story sounds much like mine except my ANA was 1:320 and I have never (probably...
been tested for EBV, or if I was it ... The Invisible Kingdom (Reimagining Chronic
Hi Dunnamac, So sorry to hear you are caught in the clutches of this nasty, under...
the horizon is the new interest in EBV ... Covid is actually a reactivation of EBV ... final
booster, I had an horrible EBV ... Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (sp) and Chronic ... Fatigue Syndrome) and EBV.
Welcome to Connect, @answerseeker. You know you body better than anyone and when something feels ‘off’...
possible mutated gene for CLL, or chronic ... viral infection such as herpes, HPV, EBV
There are antivirals. Can you call National Institute of Health and ask for help. I think...
try and locate a national expert on chronic ... activation of EBV.
Thank you for the helpful info. I am unsure which doctor's to even go to these...
issues, and even show them your >600 EBV ... I have read that high EBV post covid ... and cause ME/Chronic Fatigue, as well
Dear @baileygjcar, Your worried post is the first thing l read this morning, opening my laptop....
unfortunately, know all too well what EBV ... the most part of every given year (Chronic ... Do know that EBV unfortunately is all
sorry for double post, but wandering if we all have something similar. I have my tonsils...
auto-immune disease and it would be chronic ... like other viruses like Herpes, HPV, EBV
Hi, I’m coming to this group for help because I’ve reached a dead end. 3 years...
I have since been labeled as chronic ... It has been 3 years and my EBV IGG levels
@julie868 in response to your LDN inquiry I have just started taking it about 2 months...
My PA suggested it for a case of Chronic ... of course suffering with a flare of EBV ... and am hoping it will help with the EBV
After a year and a half of my long Covid symptoms not going away, I met...
symptoms not going away, I met with a chronic ... specialist and they tested me for EBV ... back in college which is caused by EBV ... vaccines were available, is dealing with chronic ... fix for sure, but hopefully will put EBV
Hi, I have suffered from Chronic reactivating EBV since age 14..I am 61 now.. Omicron in...
I have suffered from Chronic reactivating ... EBV since age 14..I am 61 now..
The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) specialist that I saw at Institute Neuroimmune Medicine INIM at Nova...
The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) specialist ... ordered the following Labcorp tests:
EBV ... Nuclear Antigen Ab, IgG
EBV Ab VCA ... , IgG
EBV Early Antigen Ab,IgG
EBV ... 6 and CMV but they see others with chronic
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