Test Results and Prone to CLL based on DNA test

Posted by answerseeker @answerseeker, Jul 22, 2023

Since 2019 my monocytes have been high

10% on every test from 2019-now

On top of that my immature granule gets arr 0.6% which is fine but w monocytes it concerns me a bit.

My hemoglobin is also high

RBC count is elevated as well
WBC normal

I feel tired and lazy and overall just blah

I have been attempting to figure out why my body feels so crappy.

The doctors say that the results are most likely nothing and I’m probably worrying and just stressed over life. I know my body and it’s more than this. I’m not usually this way I know me regardless but I start questioning if I’m exaggerating because of the doctors saying this… in my heart I know this is abnormal and something is wrong.

I did a DNA test and I had 1 flag. I have a mutated gene that causes a higher increase in my risk to get CLL. This is something I never ever ever in a million years would think.

Do my test results correlate? My platelet test was fine.

Also did a venous blood gas test that was way abnormal not sure if this relates.

Any help would be amazing

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Welcome to Connect, @answerseeker. You know you body better than anyone and when something feels ‘off’ you want answers. The body is incredibly complex, along with your blood. When all systems are in perfect balance you’re feeling at the top of your game. It doesn’t take much to have sense that something is amiss.

It’s interesting that your DNA results flagged a possible mutated gene for CLL, or chronic lymphocytic leukemia. As we age, we can pick up a random mutation in a gene that can create a defective cell. That defective cell then replicates and eventually we can have too many of the mutated cells crowding out the healthy ones. In the case of CLL it would be too many lymphocytes. Your lymphocytes are well within the normal range reflected in the blood test parameters.

You do have an increased level of monocytes which can indicate your body is responding so something such as stress, blood disorder, an immune response to a virus, infection or inflammation. So can having a low count of immature granulocytes showing up in the blood stream. They’re generally only found in the bone marrow. If immature granulocytes are found in the blood it can indicate an infection or inflammation. Healthy people don’t have them in their blood.
(Here’s a good article for you to read) https://www.healthyandnaturalworld.com/immature-granulocytes/

Do you remember having a viral infection such as herpes, HPV, EBV, CMV or hepatitis? Have you had any blood work done to check for viruses or inflammation in the body?
Was there an ALP (alkaline phosphatase) reading in your blood results? If that’s elevated it can reflect damage to tissue or disruption of normal bodily processes.

Don’t let the DNA report creep you out…if you have the CLL gene this type of blood cancer generally develops very slowly and may not progress. I’d suggest talking with your doctor to check for latent viruses or the source of your inflammation. You may even seek a referral to a hematologist, a doctor who specializes in blood. You know your body better than anyone so keep pushing for answers. This isn’t in your head.
You mentioned this has been going on since 2019. Do you remember anything specific happening around that time such as an illness?

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