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372 total results
Comments (312)
Hi. I am on Metoprolol. It keeps my blood pressure pretty good. But I do have...
It keeps my blood pressure pretty good ... do have ups and downs with my blood pressure ... pulmonary rehab last week and got so sore ... my sternum in August and it’s still sore
Hi Everyone! Newly admitted to the club, have all kinds of questions my docs (GP &...
does humidity/damp/big barometric pressure ... grains/legumes) and I’m getting mildly sore
I had an MRI because off partial hearing loss, 50% in RT ear and 20% LFT...
in both feet, varcrose veins,(wear pressure ... Sore muscles in lft prediabetic
congrats! I think Posted by samlupowitz @samlupowitz, 2 days ago yep; Florida Here too (Allergy to...
Large spleen/ liver
Y/ N High Blood pressure ... Y/ N Muscles weakness or muscles soreness
I am still on the Tegretol, and it is working great to eliminate many of the...
skin that was so sensitive to light pressure ... pain I have now is aching, tender, sore
I’m so glad I joined connect and this thread. I had COVID end of June 22...
June 22 and it was a bit mild with sore ... to a headache, more dull but with pressure
Hi, sorry to hear you have Hypertrophic pachymeningitis. Your story sounds very familiar, although i have...
, been a few weeks now ,i have had pressure ... in my mastoid area and sore face ,had
@lhabada Hello, let's talk about your coughing spells for a minute. First, I do not have...
uses an Aerobika (Positive Expiratory Pressure ... force coughing until your ribs are sore
On Tuesday 9/20/2022, I went to my local Walmart pharmacy to get a Shingles vaccine, which...
10 minutes and then I began feeling pressure ... started out just like this, feeling pressure ... was running a fever of 100.2, had a sore
Hello…I am sorry to hear you are struggling with Post Covid as well!! I am afraid...
horrific ringing in the ears, sinus pressure ... Now I have trouble with mouth sores ... and thrush and sore throats and still
Wow! I really sympathize with you. I have an idea of what outer ear pain feels...
Sore enough to feel as though there ... is a pressure pain or an ache. ... called referred pain, that is an actual pressure
She is aware of my EDS, I have an extensive list, all my Drs freak out...
My left side body is sore from all the ... Which caused my blood pressure to drop
Hi Leonard, thank you for the reply. Yes it is more of a preventive than a...
No i did not use it on an open sore. ... This oil is to apply before the sore ... my face to prevent tear marks and pressure ... sore because i am a Bipap user and
I relate to the back and chest thing, in that the pressure and soreness foe me...
back and chest thing, in that the pressure ... and soreness foe me is (also) on both
I am presuming an initial asymptomatic acute COVID infection because literally overnight, from 9/10/2020 to 9/11/2020,...
shortness of breath; dizziness; chest pain/pressure ... these “episodes”; headaches; ribcage soreness
Hi Just reading over your message The pressure sore is so slow to heal When you...
Just reading over your message
The pressure ... sore is so slow to heal
When you mentioned
Thank you so much for your support,prayers and kind words I meant to reply so many...
The nurse dealing with the pressure ... sore calls every day , it is healing
Hx: blood pressure. Left parietal mini stroke. RCVC disorder. Symptoms: First year and 8 months endured...
Hx: blood pressure. ... + mild chest pains + right facial pressure ... swelling above right and left breast + sore
I have worked out and played sports every day for most of my life, probably because...
slowly lest we make our muscles so sore ... gained 100 pounds, has gout, high blood pressure
Hello all. Well have lost my comment about what happened when ent phoned me March 23......
Anyway I have tinnitus 24,7; pain and pressure ... So had all this with sore throat....
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