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892 total results
Comments (811)
I am tired of my life. I can’t wait to die in my sleep so that...
No electric shock treatments, no EMD
I agree I will be 74 in May I've been on ativan for a month or...
the head psychiatrist recommended shock ... else she could do they gave me 10 shocked ... electrical shock treatments that didn
Everywhere… but where he did the work, it doesn’t hurt. It’s just like the usual pain...
burrow their way out, as they are shocked ... with electricity and heated to a molten
@ab6540183 Dear Alfred, Hello and welcome to Connect. I am a spine surgery patient and can...
bent my neck forward, I sent a big electric ... shock down my body.
@shelli1 Some spine patients do have issues with breathing because of cervical spine issues. I agree...
caused me to have a new sharp random electric ... It is kind of shocking when you realize
I believe that I may have the same thing. For me, it feels like the same...
#39;s more intense and includes an electric ... shock feeling all over my body.
Thanks. My current neurologist sent me to a podiatrist for the biopsies and to an orthopedic...
biopsies and to an orthopedic for the electric ... shock testing to determine that I have
Hi, thank you for your response! My right knee is so bad, I actually gasp with...
is so bad, I actually gasp
with a shock-like ... have my right knee x-rayed, it’s
like electrical ... shocks when I walk, the pain just grabs
My neuropathy is unfortunately progressing. The pins and needles sensation has spread and I feel it...
with coordination, fatigue and these electric ... shock like sensations that move my
Hello @sparkmom2, It has to be so terrible to watch your daughter suffering and not being...
causes painful sensations similar to an electric ... shock on one side of the face.
Hi Deb, I suffered with Vintricular Tachycardia for about 10 years and had a pacemaker defibulater....
and one night the pacemaker had to shock ... EP stands for electro physiologist or ... cardiologist that specializes in the electrical
My family and I think that all my issues might have something to do with a...
have something to do with a severe electrical ... shock I received when I was two years ... she grabbed me it transferred the electricity ... She said the electricity going through ... threw her arm straight out and the electricity
I was born with a rare 1 in a million birth defect. It has caused many...
It monitors my electrical beat signals ... major heart event not related to any electrical ... It shocks the heart back into rhythm
Hello mam14, I believe that I may have crps. along with fibromyalgia.It started over two years...
I have electric shock pain,burning,aching
It was five days at noon today and other than stiffness and some pain in my...
my relief all my other pain,burning electric ... shock like sensations have returned
Hi Tiffany, Welcome to Connect. It must be awful knowing that you can be resting and...
can be resting and along comes the electrical ... shock from head to toes. ... shocks throughout my body.: https:/ ... / ... shocks with no answers.
@sleeplessinmissouri Welcome to Connect. I'm sorry you are dealing with an injury and spine pain, but...
I know this is a shock to suddenly be ... epidural injection that caused burning electrical
I could be wrong but I believe this thread is discussing apples and oranges. I am...
cervical/spinal issues that cause electrical ... However, I also had a serious electric ... shock and am extremely sensitive to ... electromagnetic frequencies and electricity ... Again victims of electric shock and
My husband had thalamus strokes in. April 2021...three. He has a serious sensory issue. The electrical...
The electrical shock feeling that you ... Oddly, the electrical feeling totally
Have you found anything to help ramp down the electrical shock like feeling? Husband had tried...
found anything to help ramp down the electrical ... shock like feeling?
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