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@jordchud62 Welcome! I am @GRANDMAr, also known as Ronnie. I have been diagnosed with neuropathy (I...
with my feet flat on the ground, my right ... foot would not sway left to right/right ... Long story short, my right big toe does ... I'd get dizzy, my chest would hurt ... colleage and good friend clutching my chest
@allisonl My experience has been that getting results from physical therapy for thoracic outlet syndrome takes...
There are multiple layers of tight tissue ... looking at me where my body ids too tight ... When the scalene muscles are tight, ... let the ribs relax and it holds the chest ... What I notice is my chest wall moves
@merpreb There's one more thing that I would add to your list of things that affect...
Syndrome... because for me it causes tightness ... in the chest and can prevent the muscles
Hi Dee, Finally getting around to answering you. I originally thought my diaphragm problem started because...
during surgery would have shown up right ... thinking about maybe scar tissue that might ... I had three drain tubes in my chest
....admittedly with the pleurisy pain I've had today I don't feel like a success story....I started...
week to check for clots because my right ... If any of you out there are having chest
So I have been in the hospital since Sunday morning. I went to emergency because I...
three rapid breathing attacks in one night ... They have done an ekg, chest x-rays, ... said pleurisy may be causing sharp right-sided ... chest pain....the pulmonary function
I had an upper right lobectomy at the end of July last year, so I know...
I had an upper right lobectomy at the ... still some "glassiness" in my right ... chest consistent with that many radiation ... Yes, you read that right! ... I heard about these things called Fight
@pandakay727 @gabrielm You might want to investigate allergies as the source of the shortness of breath...
@pandakay727 @gabrielm You might want ... HEPA filter so it blows on my face at night ... with 99% efficiency in filtration at night ... I would get periodic chest infections ... We are most vulnerable at night because
That's a great idea! Thanks. My chest was a little sore because of the tightness..but all...
My chest was a little sore because of ... the tightness..but all good now.
@alamogal635 and karendb-Good morning. I know what you both mean in your descriptions of the feelings...
We all might get cancer again, and we ... I had a chest wall muscle cramp up on ... Because why should you trust anything right ... As you worry you might want to prioritize ... Somethings that might help are:
@bonnieh218 I self diagnosed GERD because I had had occasional bouts of reflux for years prior...
It feels like I might be able to burp ... cold water will cause a feeling in my chest ... like the water is leaking out into my chest
this is my concern: 2 weeks ago I was diagnosed with pneumonia. My chest x-ray showed...
My chest x-ray showed a small area of ... infiltrate on the right lung.
Hi, I am sorry to hear that your struggling with pain this long. You started with...
woke up with a cough that hurt my chest ... having trouble breathing but I still fight
Hi Catmom, My understand it that you need an ablation when your heart rhythm is totally...
Spicy foods like you had the other night ... asked something about pain in the chest ... in one place because it is likely a chest ... that by nature you are a worry wort, right
I am wondering if anyone else has pain in their breastbone, stomach and sometimes the chest...
breastbone, stomach and sometimes the chest ... I feel right now like someone is stabbing ... me in the chest and the pain goes right
Hi All, unfortunately still no solution from any doctors. Mine is now waiting to hear back...
now waiting to hear back from the chest ... an ECHO which was clear, multiple chest ... is no clear physical issue, then we might ... you know what comes back from the chest
I haven't seen anything here that sounds like what i have experienced. At 72 and after...
nowhere i will feel hot on my back chest ... I get light headed and the heat in my ... chest & back becomes so hot and intense
Good morning. I'm in southern California, Huntington Beach. When I said no follow up doctor's visit,...
Ultrasound of my legs, a CT scan of my chest ... The only reason I think I might be able ... offered to communicate with anyone that might
@flusshund Thank you for your kind note. Yes, you have really helped in knowing what to...
private room and awaiting removal of the chest ... of brothers and sisters untied in a fight
Hi, All. I've been diagnosed with severe narrowing/stenosis of the celiac artery. Today the Thoracic physician...
in the hospital now, admitted last night ... days, shortness of breath, weakness, chest
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