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I force myself to breathe through nose when I am running. I sometimes breathe through mouth...
Chest is always tight regardless, and
Maria!! Oh my gosh, sweetheart, I’m so sorry to hear about your horrid experiences with these...
heart racing and pounding out of my chest ... when I wake up in the middle of the night ... 'm terrified to go to sleep at night ... so relieved your with your parents right ... and a little sigh of relief that you might
Have you been to a Motility Specialist yet? I was having serious GI problems as well...
symptoms came later in the middle of the night ... I would wake up with chest pains and ... Well I ended up in the ER with severe chest ... belch , stomach pain, choke or have chest
I have suffered a irregular heart beat for thirty five years. I've been taking Metaprolol for...
50mg in morning and sometimes 25mg at night ... I usually start feeling light headed ... for a LOOP recorder implanted in my chest ... said you had a loop recorder in your chest
I have the same… vibrations when falling asleep or waking up, in my head, chest and...
falling asleep or waking up, in my head, chest ... arms…sometimes mild, sometimes all night
Hi sorry to jump in but trying to find best spot to ask; Age 78 and...
sometimes cheeks, front neck, upper chest ... garden; as eating it started top of chest ... /neck and soon right then left cheek
It’s a long story but I was born with. 1 in a million heart birth defect....
Sounds simple right? ... breast that could be ripped out of my chest ... The night before the procedure, they
My heart took a hop, skip snd a jump last night and woke me up just...
heart took a hop, skip snd a jump last night ... The SA Node in the right Atrial Chamber ... destroy the short circuit, my heart might ... some kind of herbal treatment she might ... With a ticking time bomb in my chest
Hi @patyrod , thank you for reaching out! My symptoms started with rib cage pains and...
the ribs or pressing something on my chest ... pain in my shoulder blade, I believe right ... As of right now, my shoulder still hurts
I as well have this persistent low grade fever. I tested positive for covid on 6/3/20....
have a uncomfortable pressure on the right ... side of my chest almost as if something
I have the Post Covid Fatigue and I am sleeping 10-11 hours at night and then...
Fatigue and I am sleeping 10-11 hours at night ... too much and it is followed by the tightness ... in the chest. ... All of my chest x-rays etc also came ... to push it to the point where your chest
@ninajp I have had some sort of dermatitis since birth. When my pollen allergies get worse...
I had swelling behind my right ear with ... So I researched things that might help ... bumps come on my face, neck and upper chest ... A light breeze, touch, or a smile can ... This pimple-like outbreak on my right
Hello, I have the tremors in upper and lower body. Last night they were closer together...
Last night they were closer together ... pinching pain, the pressure in the chest
Has anyone mentioned it might be costochondritis? This is the inflammation of the cartridge in the...
Has anyone mentioned it might be costochondritis ... rib cage and can go into your lower chest
@kybamerica01 You've had a rough go that past few years and I want to wish you...
When your muscles are tight as I suspect ... they are in right chest area the foam
Two days after my Prolia shot, I noticed 6 red bumps on my upper chest and...
I noticed 6 red bumps on my upper chest ... at my PCPs office and she agreed it might
@windyshores I too am interested in hearing more about how various doctors are following ILC for...
the second time was invasive in my right ... to 9 months but wondering if an MRI might ... They say I'll feel it on my chest
I think the diet might be different for a lung transplant (not sure). Even though it...
I think the diet might be different ... partially to hold the drainage [I had 4 chest
Hey Sue & Bill! Thanks for the help & info! EKG was good yesterday, according to...
I was having chest pain then that showed ... It is right in the middle of my chest
So I did flonase for a while, and at one point was doing flonase and Azelastine...
do a saline rinse every morning and night ... much as possible and not so much the chest
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