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4,655 total results
Red, inflamed, burning, itchy face usually during/before period
feet do the same thing, except at night ... experiencing internal shaking/tremors in chest ... my eyes are extremely sensitive to light
Unmanaged and unpredictable asthma. I welcome your opinions.
Just super tight breathing. ... Chest xray was clear. ... Was just up all last night because around ... 8pm I felt the tightness come over
Possible worsening hiatal hernia?
diagnosed with GERD aged 20, experiencing chest ... actually can’t because my throat is so tight
Does this sound like gastroparesis?
diagnosed with apocrine metaplasia in my right ... terrible burning in my stomach and chest
enormous sputum clearance all the time
white/clear sputum. it gurgles in my chest ... inflammation is a terrible enemy in this fight
lilyanne here, i have osteoporosis and need some teeth pulled. thing is, i have the aggressive...
so onto thyroid cancer, right off ... , onto the thyroid surgeries (2) right ... and the pain goes into his arms and chest
@lindy9 I know the forum can be confusing but I have answered previously. I do not...
short of breath, fish flopping in my chest ... If yours is lasting all night, or more
Mayo posts Reply to @ceila16: Started off having a heavy, hard to fully open, right eye....
having a heavy, hard to fully open, right ... Droopy right eyelid would actually cover ... recommended lid lifting surgery for right ... Only minor improvement of right upper ... neurologist. 1st step was CT scan of chest
I had ER/PR positive BC in my right breast. At the time I asked if both...
I had ER/PR positive BC in my right ... be perfectly OK with a totally flat chest
I also had a kidney disease and I thought I'd share what my doc recommended and...
Lately I have been swaying away and cheating ... Just thought this might be of help to