Support Groups

Neuropathy Support Group

Public Support Group
8,012 total results
Discussions (395)
PN and working full time
I have just been diagnosed with PN and I work full time at a convenience store. I work an 8 hour shift with a 20...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Jun 8, 2021
I have a feet sprain but it’s on my right feet and it doesn’t have a bad pain but it swells up sometimes and when...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Jan 7, 2023
Urinary incontinence, neuropathy, pain, leg cramps and more
urinary incontinence, peripheral neuropathy pain in legs and feet, charley horses at night, numbness in hands and feet, pain at night, got gabapentin, makes you...
Support Group: Kidney & Bladder
Last active: Jul 27, 2022
Accelerated PN , possibly from PT?
I have been experiencing sensory loss in my feet at an accelerated rate in the last couple weeks. Both feet are nearly completely numb. I...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Aug 14, 2023
More Gabapentin, more pain?
The heat seems to affect my feet. 91 is too hot for north Dakota! I also got my gaba increased and my pain is worse!...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: 1 day ago
Peripheral sensory neuropathy - Anyone tried Walkasins?
I have recently been diagnosed with PSN and I’ve been searching for remedies. I am looking into the spinal cord stimulator and recently discovered a...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: 3 days ago
Anyone have autonomic and sensory sfn develop at the same time ?
I had brain fog, high heart rate, headaches, lightheadedness, burning feet, swollen feet and weak painful legs all within a month, many overlapping. I thought...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Oct 10, 2022
Cold packs during chemo
I am starting chemo again. After the last rounds I developed neuropathy in my feet that never went away. This time I am trying cold...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Feb 10 8:09am
Frankincense and Myrrh for Neuropathy pain
Today I saw the Nutritionist that my doctor sent me to.. As usual, my feet were red and burning. She told me that many Diabetics...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Mar 23 8:33am
Blueprint to Neuropathy?
Has anyone tried Blueprint to Nueropathy? Apparently it is a treatment approach that is being used by many chiropractors. It's long in duration and not...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Jun 6 11:52am
What Pool, water shoes do you recommend with neuropathy?
Recommend pool water shoes. I have tingling tight feet. I do walk well Outside use a cane or rollator sometimes. I am 82.
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: 1 day ago
Peripheral Neuropathy - Shooting Foot Pains at Night
Does anyone have experience with symptoms like the following? I apparently have bilateral peripheral neuropathy in my feet. The worst symptom is, if I've been...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: May 8 3:33pm
Is anyone else experiencing pain and weakness in their thigh muscles?
I have been diagnosed with edema in my lower legs and feet, along with peripheral neuropathy in my feet. Is anyone else experiencing pain and...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Mar 12 9:41am
Podiatrist procedure made it worse?
Hey guys, I’ve got neuropathy in my feet, completely numb but very painful. I noticed a couple of wounds on my feet, went to podiatrist,...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Jun 18 3:08pm
Leg-Foot Cramps with Lyrica?
I am hoping that someone with similar symptoms could share any advice on lessening the specific pain that I experience. After an EMG test I...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Feb 5, 2023
Prolo Therapy
I have had worsening numbness which started about 6 years ago. My buttocks, legs and feet are numb and feet painful at times. My question...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Sep 24, 2018
Neuropathy: Does your pain increase when the weather changes?
I have neuropathy in both of my feet. This is probably a strange question, but has anyone else noticed that their pain increase when the...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Oct 15, 2022
Non Diabetic Foot Neuropathy! Help!
I've been suffering from What my Dr tells me is A form of Neuropathy whereby my feet are Numb almost on a constant basis daily,...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Apr 1 2:55pm
Not exactly sure what I have Some say Neuropathy
I was told by an foot doctor that I had symptoms of Neuropathy. My basic systems are that my ankles swell up during the day...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Sep 28, 2017
Light Headedness and Dizziness related to foot neuropathy
I was diagnosed with neuropathy in my feet 3 years ago. I do not have diabetes. I have some burning and mild occasional pain in...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: May 14 6:36pm