Support Groups

Neuropathy Support Group

Public Support Group
8,037 total results
Discussions (396)
Small Fiber Neuropathy burning?
Hi everyone! I hope you’re all doing well with the quarantine. We are hanging in there!! I have a question about small fiber neuropathy. As...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Dec 18, 2022
Desperate for Help! Neuropathy related to cancer or hereditary?
I was diagnosed with neuropathy about a year ago soon after starting on Letrazole for breast cancer. It has moved from my feet to my...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: 4 days ago
Have you tried the new Protocol 525 product for neuropathy relief?
I have used the original version of the Protocol 525 product ( since 2016. I have idiopathic small fiber peripheral neuropathy with the only symptom...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Apr 22 7:23am
New to neuropathy, terrified and seeking advice from you guys
I've had neuropathy in my feet for a couple of years, and the neurologist I consulted has never tracked down the cause. I didn't worry...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Oct 23, 2022
Best Antibiotics if you have PN?
Just wondering if anyone has experience, or links from reputable studies, of the best or worst antibiotics a person with existing PN should take (or...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Dec 29, 2022
Dose anyone else feel like neuropathy is taking over their life?
I am in search of others that are in the same pain as I am. I feel like that the neuropathy has taken over my...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: May 29 12:22pm
Skin Biopsy for diagnosing Small fiber peripheral neuropathy
I was diagnosed with SFPN a few months ago with no known cause after multiple tests to include glucose tolerance. after 4 months, I returned...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Apr 15, 2018
Psychological effects of living with neuropathy
This is more of a whine than a question. I get so tired, not just physically but psychologically, of living with the neuropathy and the...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Dec 1, 2023
Not diabetic with Chronic Pain with Idiopathic SFN, tried everything
I am running out of ideas, I have researched this disease inside and out. I have tried everything under the sun, From holistic acupuncture, chiropractic,...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Dec 17, 2019
Best Car for Folks with Foot Pain
Hi Everyone! My son is 16 and is still having severe pain on the bottoms of both feet 24 hours a day due to his...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Sep 29, 2021
Sudden onset neuropathy and scared
Hello everyone, I do not have an official diagnosis, bur I see my doctor Friday, and I am going to tell him about the sudden...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Aug 14, 2023
Ideas for pain relief from Small Fiber Neuropathy (SFN)
I just wanted to pass along some ideas for those of you with idiopathic small fiber neuropathy. I am a 60-year-old female in excellent health...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Apr 26 7:21pm
ketamine infusion and topamax??
Hello I began my weekly infusions last week,no pain change but I kept wondering what role the the topamax was playing because when i started...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: May 2, 2019
Tingling in arms and legs - will this get worse? Can I still function?
My symptoms began a year and a half ago. I had Sciatica pain, foot drop and foot tingling - all on left side. Physical therapy...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Dec 13, 2018
idiopathic neuropathy and sugar, not a diabetic
I get neuropathy when I eat. Most thing cause some but sweets cause my feet to go numb, burn and pin and needles. I have...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Mar 9 8:31am
can someone please help me? im only 23
Could this still be peripheral neuropathy? Or am I paranoid? Hello, I’m 23F. I’m incredibly active, ranging from 20,000-30,000 steps a day. I work a...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: 5 days ago
Generalized Sensorimotor Peripheral Neuropathy over my entire body
To update I have Generalized Sensorimotor Peripheral Neuropathy. .. over my entire body. I was shocked when she did the nerve conduction test and I...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Apr 11, 2020
I am afraid to take the nerve test.
Have had diabetes for over 20 years. Taking Metformin. Have recently been experiencing burning pain in both feet. Mostly toes. It is not a constant...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Jul 30, 2020
Fatigue from Walking
Recently diagnosed with diabetic poly nuerapathy. When I walk for more than 10 minutes (1/4 of a mile) my feet get heavy and tired and...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Sep 7, 2023
Axonal Sensorimotor Polyneuropathy: Looking for someone to relate
I apologize in advance for any grammatical mistakes. Dictation isn’t always my friend. Hello! Just stumbled upon this website and hope to find someone like...
Support Group: Neuropathy
Last active: Jun 27, 2023