Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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Hello all. I am sorry for the pain everyone is suffering. I, too, have had chronic pain which began suddenly about 4 years ago which I know is a short time compared to many of you. The first pain began as a severe burning on my back which now covers my entire torso. This is central pain syndrome which will never go away. I've had several nerve blocks that haven't helped. I was experiencing a host of other painful symptoms which were finally diagnosed as dysautonomia which can be helped by some meds and an anti-inflammatory diet. The latest problem began about 6 months ago when I started having severe right thigh pain which made walking anything but very short distances impossible even with a cane. I had spinal fusion for this a couple of weeks ago and during the process of MRIs and x-rays it was discovered that I need hip replacement (bone on bone) which is causing me brutal pain and I have to wait 6 months for that surgery. Not sure how I will handle that.

Best to all.

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I know how difficult waiting can be. Docs are so overwhelmed today that they cannot handle all the people in pain and other things. It seems that "waiting" is the name of the game for just about every procedure. All I can do is to tell you to keep yourself mentally busy. For me, it's working on my laptop, doing puzzles like Wordle. Prayer is very helpful for me. Knowing that these earthly pains will some day fade awway and we will be in the presence of a holy Savior is extremely encouraging. Six months will pass, my friend, and you will have your procedure. Be sure to ask to be on the list in case someone drops out of the schedule.

Blessings to you


God Bless You! I have Fibro and other maladies and stay in pain and fatigued a lot. I can't tolerate the two meds you are taking. I take Flexeril on the worst of days, soak in Epsom salt, use Voltaren Gel and heat packs. I'm not familiar with the liquid you put under your tongue. Fibro is a silent physical problem.....we look fine....but we don't feel fine. I have had it for 28 years. Personally, I believe that having Epstein Barr (Mono) back in Junior high, chronic sinus infections for years weakened my immune system and caused the Fibro. I use tolerate massages on my back, but, I can't now. Have you had a complete thyroid panel done? Often thyroid disease goes along with Fibro and can contribute to arthritis. God Bless You and praying for you tonight. I understand and I care.

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Ythank you and I can't imag8ne the pain you're living with. I haven't had a complete thyroid panel but I do have low thyroid and take levothyroxine for that. It's such a struggle for all of us living with chronic pain. I hope for relief for you.


I don't know if I have already introduced myself here, so I will do it now just in case 🙂
My name is Michael, I have worked at Mayo for about 3 years and currently work as a DOS in transplant and love it here. I was recently diagnosed with Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (hEDS), after a decade of gradual mobility loss, injuries and constant pain. I was tested for everything under the sun before finally being diagnosed. It was bittersweet - no more wondering if I was crazy, what the heck was wrong with me, worrying about being seen as a hypochondriac, etc. But it also confirmed that there really isn't much that can be done to help me. There is no cure and no real treatment. I was fitted for a wheelchair, which felt so defeating. I just picked it up and I am working on getting comfortable using it.


Hi, these forums are so helpful and supportive. I first joined the osteoporosis group, and now this. Going thru tests for lower leg pain and burning. Everything is negative at this point, but symptoms still with me. Some days are depressing, but I keep busy with life. I’m 72 and just started gabapentin. BTW, I find the cbd/thc roll on salve works wonders at night.


Hi, my name is Cynthia, 69 years old. Had childhood arthritis. Had special shoes and a brace when I was three for about 2 years. Fast forward, in 1983 I tried to stand up and hit the floor. I had a ankle fusion, did well for a while still in pain, but was able to walk. In 2002 I had a triple arthodesis on the same foot. Pain continued, but was able to function some on my feet. But each year pain increased every time I stand up or walk. I can only stand for about 15 to 20 minutes, I can only walk for about 5 minutes. My major pain is from my foot. The arthritis in the other parts of my body I am able to manage, but my foot pains never stop. I have had several braces, all types of shoes but none of them help. I do take pain medication. But the medication only calms the pain down, but never stop it. It depress me to need the medication. Chronic pain is something that not only effects you physically but mentally and emotionally.


Hi Melissa. I am so sorry for your pain. I have central pain syndrome, dysautonomia and as of late spondylolisthesis. I had spinal fusion surgery 2 weeks ago. I'm taking gabapentin, duloxitine, hydrocodone, diazapam, methocarbomol. The last 3 were added after my surgery and I'll take them until my horrible nerve pain in my thigh settles down. Gabapentin and duloxitine are standards for me. Maybe your doc can tell you if these would be appropriate for you. Wishing you relief.

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Thank You for good wishes. I have not been on Cymbalta and I will mention it to the Neuro guy. I had to look up both meds because I was not familiar with their generic. Can not take Robaxin as it is hard on kidneys. Have some kidney damage with longtime use of Ibupropphen. I was taking that for years in-between the Vicoden I used 3Xday? My Primary MD would only give me the V at that dose. She had no understanding of my pain level. When some kidney damage was noted I took my self to a Pain Clinic. Where I was told no more NSAID's of any kind. Med dos increased & another 1 was added. Have had improvement but since April going backwards. Had multiple procedures done. Help sometimes. Have you ever considered those things they put inside you to help lesson the pain?
Sorry, talking too much about me. Realize all of you out there have your own horror stories. Where is your pain? Ice helps alot. Some use heat. Well thanks for listening. It is time to stop vomiting this story out. melissajessie


Thank You for good wishes. I have not been on Cymbalta and I will mention it to the Neuro guy. I had to look up both meds because I was not familiar with their generic. Can not take Robaxin as it is hard on kidneys. Have some kidney damage with longtime use of Ibupropphen. I was taking that for years in-between the Vicoden I used 3Xday? My Primary MD would only give me the V at that dose. She had no understanding of my pain level. When some kidney damage was noted I took my self to a Pain Clinic. Where I was told no more NSAID's of any kind. Med dos increased & another 1 was added. Have had improvement but since April going backwards. Had multiple procedures done. Help sometimes. Have you ever considered those things they put inside you to help lesson the pain?
Sorry, talking too much about me. Realize all of you out there have your own horror stories. Where is your pain? Ice helps alot. Some use heat. Well thanks for listening. It is time to stop vomiting this story out. melissajessie

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It's so good to hear your experiences and I'm sorry for your continued horrible pain. Your chronic pain doc sounds good. All mine did was do nerve blocks which didn't help. My pain is from nerve pain from spinal fusion and the need for a hip replacement but I have to wait 6 months for that. Temporarily I'm using hydrcondone, Valium, methocarbomal. I do use ice packs. I'm trying anything.
I hope you get some relief and feel better.



My name is Hilda, I have being dealing with a lot of pain from Fibromyalgia and Osteoarthritis in the neck, legs, back and even hips. There days where i can't do thing because the pain is so much to even get up from bed. The weather play a part with fibromyalgia because we feel it before it come when it come to raining and weather change. I have tried everything from Cymbalta to Lyrics and i can say the experience is bad. The Cymbalta was giving me more anxiety then helping with the pain. I tried it for 1 year but don't help stop the pain or even feel better. Lyrica was a good medication it will help with the pain but it had side effect. The problem with Lyrica is that i gain a lot of weight taking it. I when from 159 to 240 in just 1 year and it was getting hard to lose the weight and more condition start coming out making more dangers to stay in the weight i had. I tried Acupuncture but it also don't work for my pain. Cant take Tylenol for pain seeing i have liver disease. I when with Medical Marijuana and i can say it help with pain and to sleep. Sometimes days can be hard but i still tried giving it a tried. Being in the ocean or pool is another thing they help with the pain sometimes. Anything that help with Fibromyalgia that anybody know please let me know. Thank you


Hi, my name is Warren. I have dry eye disease, whose cause has yet to be determined (after 6 years). I don't have pain in the sense of "hurt", but I do have it in the sense of irritation that is constant any time I have my eyes open. For that reason it seems I am more similar and sympathetic to people who have chronic pain than other types of disorders. People do not understand how it feels to constantly have sand in your eyes, or large foreign objects, and burning, and when one looks--there's nothing there! When I leave home or go outdoors, I find that wearing a snug-fitting pair of high-school chemistry lab goggles help keep my eyes from drying out so fast helps, but it is humiliating, and you should hear the comments some people make! I've said enough for now, but I am so glad to be part of this group. I hope I can help some of you. Thanks. Warren

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Hi I to have had your problem and my eye doctor put plugs in my tear ducts. First he did something to measure size not quite sure what but when he put the plugs in no more fry eye. I can't believe you are still suffering with this your eye doc should be able to help you.
So sorry for your pain.


My name is Mike and I have crps for about 25 years. I look forward to anybody's input on how to deal with this. Thank you for letting me in your group , and may God bless you.

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