Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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konrad123, Have you tried gabapentin (Prescription) for nerve pain? Also, low B12 can cause neuropathy like symptoms....please have your B12 & D3 (causes fatigues & pain) checked. I am so sorry you are all dealing with chronic pain & nerve pain. Are injections a possibility for you? Tens Unit? Heat packs & over the counter Volatren gel are helpful to some. Have you tried muscle relaxants such as Robaxin or Flexeril (Prescription)? Of course a doctor would have to been seen for any of these except the heat packs & Volatren gel. I suffer a lot of pain, but, not to your extent and I am so sorry. Have you been to a rheumatologist? Pain Clinic? Praying for you to get some relief.....

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yes, yes, yes, yes and yes, and narcotic and kratom, ketamin and micro dosing mushroom, and i went to panama for stem cell, i live in my ice bath 7 to 8 times a day, but 10 minutes after i am out, the nerve pain comes back!


yes, yes, yes, yes and yes, and narcotic and kratom, ketamin and micro dosing mushroom, and i went to panama for stem cell, i live in my ice bath 7 to 8 times a day, but 10 minutes after i am out, the nerve pain comes back!

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I am so sorry. There has got to be something to help you and I am praying for relief for you. This has got to be miserable.


I'm 64 years old with bad feet. I have 2 foot surgeries gone bad and now need a fourth one. Dislocated 2 toes on left foot and blew my ligament. It's a rare case and can't find anyone in the city willing to do it. So I've decided to live with the pain and take lots of rests. Severe ulcerative colitis also puts me cramping all day. Any suggestions for living with chronic pain? Maria.


I'm 64 years old with bad feet. I have 2 foot surgeries gone bad and now need a fourth one. Dislocated 2 toes on left foot and blew my ligament. It's a rare case and can't find anyone in the city willing to do it. So I've decided to live with the pain and take lots of rests. Severe ulcerative colitis also puts me cramping all day. Any suggestions for living with chronic pain? Maria.

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I too live with chronic pain....not as severe as yours. I hope you can get involved in a good pain clinic to help you and get proper treatment. I'm so sorry you are battling all of this. This is what helps me:

1) My relationship with the Lord, reading my Bible and praying out loud. Some days it's simply, Psalm 12:1a, "Help, LORD".

2) Pain consumes your thinking. It's tiring. I get out my box of cards and write to others that are in need of encouragement and send them a card.

3) When I can, (due to asthma breathlessness, I'm limited), I call someone.

4) I laugh a lot!

5) I get on this website, pray for others and make any suggestions that i feel may help someone.

6) I call a close friend, cry and unload when need be. I try not to wear my friends out with my ailments as that would be too taxing on them.

7) I try and find something in every day to be thankful for.

8) There are two types of people in this world: Those that are self-centered and those that are others minded. I strive to be others minded. It helps me get my mind off me.

9) Bills paid? Food on the table? Roof over my head? Clothes on my back? A few coins in my purse? Friends & Family? Pets? Wonderful church? This website? Thank you Lord.

10) I try and stay away from a lot of negativity as it brings me down. The news, the exaggeration of the media on current events, etc.

You are special and I am praying for you! Hugs & Prayers....


Thanks for all the great suggestions! Good idea to not unload so much. I do try everyday to pray and help someone in a little way! There's a lot of stigma though because I have depression and OCD. Even in the medical field. God knows how abused I am.


Thanks for all the great suggestions! Good idea to not unload so much. I do try everyday to pray and help someone in a little way! There's a lot of stigma though because I have depression and OCD. Even in the medical field. God knows how abused I am.

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God Bless You! I have a family member with depression & OCD that I try to's so hard on them. Yes, the Lord does know. I wish I could give you a big hug. There's hope....don't give up mariajean03. What a pretty name! Hugs, Prayers & Blessings....


Thanks dear. Send updates to me anytime! Maria. I'd like to know how your family member is doing.


An MRI very recently diagnosed my hip and outer thigh pain as terchanter bursitis


An MRI very recently diagnosed my hip and outer thigh pain as terchanter bursitis

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Trochanteric Bursitis

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