Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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Hi, I’m Dan, from beautiful, sunny SoCal. I’m in my 60’s, retired. I have had long term pain in my neck, back and shoulders from arthritis, going on 8 years. I’ve experimented with several things to mitigate pain.

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@dnca7495 I agree with your completely, there is no relief for upper back pain. If you don’t move or stretch it becomes stiffer and hurts more. If you stretch and exercise to keep limber it hurts too. It’s a no win situation. I have used generic topical Volteran from CVS and it has helped me somewhat.


Chronic pain from hip Revision
70 yr,female


Hi. My name is Sara 59 years old with severe pain in my muscles and joints.
I have gotten approx 10 epidurals plus injections.
My current dx is CIDP, lupus, osteoarthritis, RA, sjogrens, raynauds, graves dse, TBI.
Currently on alot of meds and started THC tincture only at night to help with sleep.
During the day increasing pain. What to do ?
I just keep on going day to day, need some answers to keep me going.


Chronic pain from hip Revision
70 yr,female

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Can you tell us a little more about the pain, when you had that revision and why? It will help others to know a little more about you. Then someone with a similar experience can respond.


Hi. My name is Sara 59 years old with severe pain in my muscles and joints.
I have gotten approx 10 epidurals plus injections.
My current dx is CIDP, lupus, osteoarthritis, RA, sjogrens, raynauds, graves dse, TBI.
Currently on alot of meds and started THC tincture only at night to help with sleep.
During the day increasing pain. What to do ?
I just keep on going day to day, need some answers to keep me going.

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Have you gotten secondary opinions? That' a lot of stuff going on in one person's body. Get a second, even third opinion, if necessary to confirm that all this stuff is actually true.


Hi, Im Velma, a mental health therapist. Im on leave from work due to chronic pain and migraine.


Hi, I’m Kim. 58, have spondylothesis in my lower back, bulging discs in neck, and stenosis throughout. I’ve had nagging pains for years, but everything got dramatically worse after getting Covid 2 years ago. Keep waiting to get better (less pain, more mobility) but doesn’t seem to happen. Trying to stay positive but some days are harder than others.


My name is Jeanne. I am sitting right now waiting to have an epidural. I have constant back pain and right leg and foot with neuropathy from a previous back surgery that went wrong! I am starting to be a bit depressed and giving up on finding relief. I was told I will always be in pain but trying to find a treatment that works.
This is effecting my marriage
Does anyone else out there having similar experience in this.


My name is Merle. I’ve been struggling w chronic pain for 15 years, following a minor MVA, and then exacerbated by three failed back surgeries, done by three of the top back surgeons in NYC. They are continuing to fail, cutting down on my previous ability to get around. I have a spinal cord stimulator by Boston Scientific, implanted several years ago. If you are in a state where medical marijuana is legal, I highly recommend getting registered as a medical marijuana patient, and working with the pharmacist at your local dispensary to find what might help you. I take a very low-dose THC gummy that offers a kind of relief that nothing else I take does, and I’m on opiates, anti-seizure medications, and muscle relaxants. I worry about how much worse things can get, and want to avoid another surgery at all costs.


My name is Diane. I have suffered with chronic pain since October, 1986. I had a horse riding accident and crushed L1. I was air lifted to Vancouver, Canada, where I had two titanium rods and screws put into my back and a rib was removed to build up the damaged vertebrae. In 1991 it was found that my back repair had failed and I had another operation where Harrington rods and screws were inserted and bone from my hip was removed. In 2015, I was losing the ability to walk and after many tests it was decided to operate again. This time the Harrington rods were removed and two rods installed. I am now fused from T10 - L5. In 2019 I had a Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator installed. For the first year I was able to walk well, but then I lost this ability and my pain increased. In 2022 my bowels stopped working. I had a CT scan, but unfortunately the rods obscure the picture, but it was found that my liver has moved up in my body and my intestine is squished into the area where my rib was removed. I now have to take three full doses a day of Restoralax. I am on a waiting list to see a Gastroenterologist. My primary doctor would like my rods to be removed, but the titanium rods are unable to be taken out, as they were placed in order for the bone to grow around them. I am waiting to see the surgeon. Due to being in considerable pain I am now taking Methadone. The accident happened when I was forty and I am now seventy seven. In 2007 I had colon cancer and seven inches of my colon was removed and twenty lymph nodes.

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