Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Chronic Pain Support Group.


Hi! My name is Kate and I live in Iowa. I have am 75 yr old and have had back issues most of my life. I have had to 2 back surgeries and cervical fusion for degenerative issues. in 2022, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, and will be having test the end of September for fibromyalgia. My RA is well controlled so I can buy into having another issue. This "new" pain started after my surgeries in May. The pain is not in my joints but other places all over. I have terrible brain fog, and fatigue (also part of RA). I look forward to learning more about my issues.

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Precious Kate, I just wanted to let you know unless there have been a lot of changes since I was diagnosed 28 years ago with fibro, there are no tests for fibromyalgia....they only can do tests to rule out all the other autoimmune diseases. The doctor will palpate the trigger points to see if you have fibromyalgia & go over the bloodwork for the other autoimmune diseases. I have had fibro for 28 years. I will say this.....Arthritis, thyroid disease and other autoimmune diseases such lupus, RA, Sjogrens, Raynauds, Connective Tissue Disease do tend to go along with fibro. Praying for you Kate. You have a lot going on and I am so sorry. Hugs & Prayers....


Hello, my name is Rebecca, I have chronic pain and rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia,osteoarthritis, and now liver cancer, and no one to talk to about it about to go to radiation, I’m scared to death, these doctors don’t seem to care about chronic pain, would appreciate any suggestions. Thank you


Hi my name is Karen and I live in Tennessee. I've been struggling with back and neck pain since as long as I can remember. Always working harder then I should have and now at 54 I cannot work and I never get a break from the pain. I'm terrified I will lose my ability to walk and enjoy life as it is a struggle.. looking to meet new people with new ideas and share happy vibes 😊


Hello, my name is Rebecca, I have chronic pain and rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia,osteoarthritis, and now liver cancer, and no one to talk to about it about to go to radiation, I’m scared to death, these doctors don’t seem to care about chronic pain, would appreciate any suggestions. Thank you

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Good morning, Rebecca @bectech and welcome to Mayo Connect. My goodness you are in a world of hurt with the chronic pain you’re enduring and now you have liver cancer to add to the mix. Getting a diagnosis of cancer, any cancer, fills us with fear. So you’re not alone there. I’ve found some of our members who also have liver cancer so that you can connect with them and not feel so alone.

These two conversations will be helpful for you to speak with others who also have liver cancer and can offer you some encouragement along your journey.

Living with Stage 4 Liver Cancer
with @cu2 @dbamos1945 @gilbertre2 @alfonso22

~Liver cancer: I'm weighing treatment options including transplant with @alfonso22 @kathycaudle @duckduck2020 and others who have liver cancer or have loved ones with cancer.

With your chronic pain have you been given any medications to reduce the inflammation and pain?
Do you take any arthritis medications?


Hello everyone. My name is Michael and I was very recently diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome after 10ish years of not knowing what was going on with my body and my mobility issues. It was so frustrating having injuries and illnesses that I couldn't explain, fatigue that made daily tasks nearly impossible, and worrying that people were going to think I was a hypochondriac. As scary as it is, having a condition that has no cure/treatment, I am relieved to have answers now. It has been a very long year (Covid twice, with long Covid, as well as battling severe fatigue and brain fog and not having the support of my Sup at the time), but I now know what was wrong and that it was beyond my control - and I have a new position with an incredible team and I feel like I have found my footing again. I have been fitted for a snazzy new custom wheelchair and I'm facing the future with a positive can-do attitude!


I just want to comment that there is not any solution being posted for people with nerve pain or even chronic pain, is this just a avenue to cry about our sad state, because I not sure that really helps anyone, it’s is not helping me! Does it help anyone else to just post what Is going on with you, I want solution!


Hello all. My name is Cindy. I have been struggling with burning, aching pain that began in my low back and has progressed down my buttocks to my knees and feet for 3 years now. I have seen multiple dr, had all kinds of injections, and seen multiple physical therapists. Nothing has helped and I remain undiagnosed. Right now I function day to day with medication and lots of rest, but my life is drastically different than it was 3 years ago. My family and friends have been very supportive, but I have to say that reading the posts on these boards - although they don’t offer solutions to my issues - has been great for me. Chronic pain can be very isolating in that you feel like no one truly understands what you are going through. Just knowing that there are others who do understand and that it’s not all in my head is comforting. Thank you to everyone who shares on these boards!


I just want to comment that there is not any solution being posted for people with nerve pain or even chronic pain, is this just a avenue to cry about our sad state, because I not sure that really helps anyone, it’s is not helping me! Does it help anyone else to just post what Is going on with you, I want solution!

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konrad123, Have you tried gabapentin (Prescription) for nerve pain? Also, low B12 can cause neuropathy like symptoms....please have your B12 & D3 (causes fatigues & pain) checked. I am so sorry you are all dealing with chronic pain & nerve pain. Are injections a possibility for you? Tens Unit? Heat packs & over the counter Volatren gel are helpful to some. Have you tried muscle relaxants such as Robaxin or Flexeril (Prescription)? Of course a doctor would have to been seen for any of these except the heat packs & Volatren gel. I suffer a lot of pain, but, not to your extent and I am so sorry. Have you been to a rheumatologist? Pain Clinic? Praying for you to get some relief.....


Hello, my name is Rebecca, I have chronic pain and rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia,osteoarthritis, and now liver cancer, and no one to talk to about it about to go to radiation, I’m scared to death, these doctors don’t seem to care about chronic pain, would appreciate any suggestions. Thank you

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Look, don't give up! Keep looking for a good pain specialist or neurologist. There must be one out there who can address your health issues. Chronic pain CAN be addressed by certain meds along with something like a spinal cord stimulator. Not sure about the liver cancer. Perhaps a top notch oncologist. You may have to go to one of the big hospital groups. My buddy went to numerous, local doctors in PA for his cancer with no results. Ultimately, he went to The Cleveland Clinic. There, they were able to pinpoint his problem and get him back to good health. Just saying. Praying that the Lord directs your steps. Let Him be your guide.


I am suffering from Pudendal Neuralgia, for which there is no cure (so far).
The only reason I am following the postings, is hope that I will hear of a new solution for my problem.

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