Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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Hello everyone,My name is Lorraine I have browsed information on fibromyalgia,MS and Sjogren’s. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about thirty five years ago but I did not have any debilitating symptoms.After having a virus the end of February 2020.The virus lasted about one month and I was left with aches and pains and tingling.Now I feel like I am wearing a suit of armor two sizes too small and standing in a camp fire. I really need a diagnosis,May third I have my first appointment with Phsyciatry and hopefully I will eventually have the medical testing to come up with the diagnosis. I will give updates as I get some answers.

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Hang in there my Warrior friend. I have fibromyalgia and my pain has gotten worse since having Covid. I know it’s hard but try to stay strong. Taking a warm bath with Epsom salts helps me to relax and takes away my pain.


I have osteoporosis and now have compression fractures of my spine, t8, 12 and L1. Happened 8 months ago while bending over. I did 12 weeks of PT which helped a bit. Although the initial excruciating pain is gone, the daily pain is always there, level 2-3, which I know isn’t bad compared to what it could be. It is tiring and frustrating. Tylenol and Advil help some, but it’s never gone.I figure this is how it will be. I’m 72. I’m just wondering what others are doing with similar issues.


i am a 67 year old woman who has chronic pain for different reasons like lumbar and cervical radiculopathy, osteoarthritis of knees and shoulders, fibromyalgia, etc. i have suffered from a recent brain stem stroke and i've had a heart attack secondary to sepsis. i have neuropathy which leaves me with symptoms too from diabetes. i admit to not having been too good to my body throughout the years but what am i to do?


I had nerve conduction studies done and they were normal. I have been having these symptoms for over two years.It has progressed to the point where I have no quality of life.

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@daliea I know how frustrating that must be for you. I had a situation that was similar. Have you had a skin biopsy to rule out small fiber neuropathy? Do you feel there is an unknown diagnosis yet to be found?

Unfortunately, moving beyond the acute phase and into having chronic symptoms means having to best learn how to live with what you have so you can regain control and quality of life. Granted it may be a newly defined control and quality of life.

Have you had the chance to watch the video I attached earlier?


@daliea I know how frustrating that must be for you. I had a situation that was similar. Have you had a skin biopsy to rule out small fiber neuropathy? Do you feel there is an unknown diagnosis yet to be found?

Unfortunately, moving beyond the acute phase and into having chronic symptoms means having to best learn how to live with what you have so you can regain control and quality of life. Granted it may be a newly defined control and quality of life.

Have you had the chance to watch the video I attached earlier?

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Yes I did have a skin biopsy it came back within normal limits but not conclusive.
I did watch the video and I have to say that it was not encouraging. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about thirty five years ago it didn’t stop me from doing anything.We used to go hiking ,gardening.We had horses ,a donkey raised all our meat raised five children and did therapeutic foster care for seven years after our children were grown. I also refinish antique furniture and pretty much did what needed to be done.My husband could rely on me,now I depend on him.
Yes I am having a hard time adjusting I have never been sedentary. I know that even with a diagnosis I probably won’t have much for pain relief,that’s what I have to accept.


Hi, I'm Cindi Waters, not sure if I added my name before. But here I am. I need a hip operation, hope it works to reduce the pain I'm experiencing. If there is one benefit for me to have had this situation, it's to make me more sympathetic with people I see who have trouble walking or are in constant pain.


What does the app look like


Geniene...I've had 4 back surgeries needed asap at that moment and now my T9 is broken from a fall. I habe been on pain meds steady since 2012 paralyzed after surgery. I walked out of the hospital!! ✝ Now my T9 is sticking into my spinal cord with skin still attached. When it breaks loose I will be completely paralyzed. Pain Meds for the rest of my life until paralyzed and then I hope God takes me right away. I lost my son 5 months ago. Lyle was my everything in one beautiful son. No of else in my life on a monthly our yearly basis.


Hang in there my Warrior friend. I have fibromyalgia and my pain has gotten worse since having Covid. I know it’s hard but try to stay strong. Taking a warm bath with Epsom salts helps me to relax and takes away my pain.

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Thank you for your encouragement. Fibromyalgia is not for sissies you have to dig deep sometimes for courage.

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