Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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Hi @elizabethmartinez! 🙂 I have been taking Gabapentin 4x/day for 1 year now and have never gained any weight off that medication. It's not a side effect I'm familiar with...I'm not discounting your concern, just in speaking for myself I have not associated any truth with that as of yet. There are a lot of members here on Gaba, so hopefully many will weigh in soon and you can find peace about it. Wishing you all the best!

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Thank you so much for your response. I'm also are supposed to take it because I get a lot of muscle spasms. With my lower back I was getting frequency ablation for my lower back which did not help. My pain doctor recommended the gabapentin as well. I really need to give it a try.


Your right, Gabapentin does affect the brain as do all Anticonvulsants. I know, i’ve been taking them for 55 years. Most however don’t bother me at all. It's to bad you had a bad experience with this drug that is very beneficial to many.
I took the max dose of 3,600 mg for seizures and Neuropathy and I didn't have any side effects. Unfortunately it didn't help either problem. My brother is on the max does for Neuropathy and other pain from a severe auto accident that helps him tremendously. I know a number of people who take this as monotherapy for Focal seizures with great results.
There are some drugs that I refuse to take but I know they give others relief so I can't condemn them based only on my experience.
I hope you find something to ease you pain without any side effects. Take care,

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Seems that many of these medications do not have the advertised efficacy.


Hello all I am suffering horribly I have had a total of 6 back surgeries 5 lumbar lower lumbar fusion and most recently cervical neck fusion. I am now much worse after cervical fusion. I cannot sleep more than 3 to 4 hours and then awake from the pain in my shoulders neck arms hands and fingers excruciating pain… It is constant 10 24/7… I have tried opiate's and Baclofen and Lyrica…just got a Boston Scientific stimulator in my cervical region yesterday… I was hopeful but woke in same horrible pain again after 5 hours rest…had to reach for my Percocet immediately and Baclofen… Doctor seems to think I have CRPS and Carpel tunnel and ulnar nerve damage as well. Nothing is helping except the pin meds provide some relief. But he wants me off the pain meds and has tried twice unsuccessfully…. Feeling very frustrated and hopeless…Please HELP…
My hands and fingers feel like balloons and on fire every morning and neck and shoulders stiff as a rock 24/7 but mornings are the worst.

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Hi, we sound like twins. I have had my neck done all disks front and back with discs removed and cages and rods implanted. My lumbar spine was done,every disc. I have struggled for over 30 years with OA. In 2012 I reached the place you are at. It was the cycle of pills and sleep ad naseum. I appealed to my Doctor, Dr. Thanki and felt at the end of my rope. He said I was inoperable and the only thing he could offer was a drug delivery pump or stimulator placed in my body. After testing I went with the Medtronic morphine pump. It gave me my
life back...I could get out of bed and move around and my pain was significantly reduced. This may be an option for you.
Talk to your doctors. At first, I didn't like the idea of this, but I had run out of options. I hope this offered you some hope. Good luck.


Thank you so much for your response. I'm also are supposed to take it because I get a lot of muscle spasms. With my lower back I was getting frequency ablation for my lower back which did not help. My pain doctor recommended the gabapentin as well. I really need to give it a try.

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Ouch, that doesn't sound fun at all! I hope it works for you without any side effects!


I have been taking gabapentin for 6 days for a pinched nerve in my left upper back, 200 mg with dinner daily. I have had significant relief from the pain without any side effects. I am pleased so far and look forward to next week's visit with my doctor to review my x rays and discuss further treatment. Coincidentally, my dog was just diagnosed with hip dysplasia and a partial tear in her cruciate ligament (knee), and the vet prescribed gabapentin (200mg. twice daily), along with an ant-inflammatory. Apparently gabapentin is used as pain treatment in dogs and cats.


Hello my name is Elizabeth. Two years ago I went to the Mayo clinic in which they confirm fibromyalgia. Along with that I do have the generated this disease and osteoarthritis. I am supposed to take gabapentin but I hear it makes you gain weight and since I'm a little beast I need to lose weight. My rheumatologist put me on Tylenol 500 mg three times a day what are your thoughts about that?

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My experience on gabapentin for one year was a 20 pound weight gain. I stopped the medication; increased weight caused more back pain.


My experience on gabapentin for one year was a 20 pound weight gain. I stopped the medication; increased weight caused more back pain.

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That's why I am afraid to take it even though I know for some it helps. With back issues the generated this disease bulging disc. I can't afford to gain weight. Thank you for responding.


Those are the same health issues I have. Doc changed me to Meloxicam which did not cause weight gain.


I have taken gabapentin every day since 2018 - no side effects - quells my symptons of axonal sensory neuropathy - I couldn't live without it. We're all different. Doctors usually try the most conservative treatment first and if it doesn't work they try another one, and another, until they find something that helps you. Peggy


Those are the same health issues I have. Doc changed me to Meloxicam which did not cause weight gain.

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That was also given to me. I just feel so overwhelmed with taking prescribed medication. I don't want to be on a lot of medication, but I also do not want to be in a lot of pain.

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