Side Effects of Mavacamten (Camzyos)
I was on Mavacamten (Camzyos) for 6 months. It immediately triggered Burning Mouth Syndrome, Chronic Lingual Papilitis, and a metal taste in my mouth. I have never had this before. I had to stop the drug because this was worse than HOCM. Quality of life was awful. I couldn't taste anything. Reported it to Bristol Meyers Squib. It had only been on the market for 1 1/2 years when I tried it. At least it is documented.
Has anyone had any bad side effects on Mavacamten?
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) Support Group.
You are more than welcome @holly1275
Please find another Cardiologist that treats patients with Camzyos and ask an opinion about the side effects.
My first 2 weeks I got some dizziness and I was taking also (Coricidin for a bad cold which will make the dizziness worst). Because my muscle blockage in my heart was starting to reduce from 2.2 centimeters to 1.4 cm in only two months of camzyos, I felt something inside my heart that was kind of strange as if "someone was very slowly manipulating that blockage". I tried to relax and I avoided being in panic so all is working in only 2 months a lot better in my heart and the blockage reduced from this huge size of 2.2 cm to 1.4 cm which is considered a mild blockage compared to the 'severe blockage of 2.2 cm'. My dizziness was temporary and was not all day long no way it was for a few seconds on and off for a couple of weeks. Now I am not dizzy anymore and I do not feel any strange thing manipulating inside my heart.
I hope my experience helps you in some way. God bless you and protect you.
I am glad you are feeling better and Camzyos worked for you.
I can't say the same for me, I was only on it for ten days and my joints starting burning on 5 mg. I couldn't sleep bad chest pains.
Called my Cardiologist and his assistant made a appointment.
When I explained my symptoms he basically said stopped taking it then.
He was rude and said what do you want me to do.
He basically in the past said there is no other option.
I've tried other medication in the past but my stomach wouldn't have it .
So now I've got to try and find another Dr that knows how to treat Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy not a easy thing in my state.
I will if I can get in go to Mayo Clinic I four hour ride from my house.
Thank You For Your Reply Best Wishes
HI @holly1275 ,
Please try to go to the Mayo Clinic that is 4 hour from you. Here is their weblink:
Click on the upper right side where it says Login, then click where it says "create an account" then follow the prompts. After you create an account go their weblink:
Then click on request an appointment, then you will select the Mayo clinic city location that you have closer to where you live. Each location has a "Central Appointment Office" phone number with their open office hours". Please call that number during their office hours and make an appointment. The Mayo Clinic is the best for cardiology in the USA so take advantage it is 4 hours from where you live. I am sure they can help you even when you cannot take camzyos. May God bless you and I will pray for you.
Hello @holly1275, and welcome to Mayo Connect. I'm so glad you found this group. It must be disheartening to not be able to tolerate Camzyos. It does not work for everyone, and sadly, you sound like you are in that category. I have posted a link to use to self refer. @manuelpo also gave you some good information. There is a tab on the right side of your screen that also shows you how to Request and Appointment.
Mayo Clinic in Rochester is home to the top cardiologists in the world for treating HCM and HOCM.
I traveled from far northern California to Mayo Rochester for my HOCM, and ended up having open heart surgery. It changed my life so much and I have so much appreciation for their expertise.
I was referred to Mayo by my cardiologist who had no clue what I had. He had diagnosed me with five different heart conditions. It was not until I got to Mayo Clinic I knew what I actually had. Have you asked your doctor to be referred to Mayo Clinic Rochester? If you are not comfortable talking to him any longer, I understand that. I was so discouraged by mine too. But he did refer me, so it doesn't hurt to ask. If you are not feeling like you want to do that, have you thought of asking your family practitioner to refer you? You don't need a doctor to be seen, but I think it does help a little. It is so important that your cardiologist knows how to treat HOCM, and you should not feel embarrassed or uncomfortable to ask him to refer you. It's your life!
Thank you for the information, I will look into this on Monday, and hope to get a appointment.
I am see a cardiologist at a teaching hospital that supposedly, he is a expertise in the field of heart transplant and Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.
But he won't listen to what I have to say it's basically he refer me to other patients.
When I asked him about the side effects of Camzyos, he said none of his patients have had any reactions from it. I thought to myself I am not his other patients I guess I was so shocked I couldn't say anything ..
Then he told me if I was having side effects then stop taking the Camzyos, then he said well what do you want me to do.
Every side effect he said was not related to Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy it must be something else.
I was dizzy headaches trouble breathing sharp pain in my chest joint pain.
I basically was trying to ask about the side effects.
So mad and disgusted I thought he was better than that.
I was referred to the hospital by my original cardiologist I saw at the hospital and his office when I was originally diagnosed in Dec.
He was the one who said he couldn't do anything more for me .
Thank you again for your kind word.
I will surely look into Mayo Clinic On Monday
God Bless And Thank You
Don't forget!
Monday is Memorial Day...when we honor those who died serving our Country.
It is never a bad thing to get another opinion. Especially from the world's leading authorities in HOCM at Mayo Clinic. It really sounds like your cardiologist is not listening to you. That can be so frustrating! I had to see three cardiologists before I was diagnosed correctly, so don't think you are doing anything wrong by seeking more information. Especially if you feel brushed aside and unheard...
I was thinking Memorial Day was next weekend LOL yes my family all served and it is a very important holiday.
Thank you for your reply ...
Hi everyone, I have HCM and started Camzyos three months ago. My most recent echo showed "a trace pericardial effusion, which appears to be free-flowing." I’m wondering if this could be a side effect of the medication. Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks in advance for sharing your insights!
Hello @mcgu, and welcome to Mayo Connect. It looks like this is your first post. Have you had a chance to poke around here on Connect? I gave you a link to the Camzyos support group in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy that has lot of information about all sorts of things related to taking Camzyos.
I also posted the Camzyos link for patients, have you gone there to look for answers?
I was not able to take Camzyos, and had to have open heart surgery for my HOCM, so I cannot speak to what all the side effects of Camzyos can be.
What did your cardiologist have to say about the pericardial effusion? When is your next echo?