Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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Hello, I really believe doctors know very little about LC. My vertigo, short of breath, anxiety, brain fog have only gotten worse. It is the most horrific virus. It seems to have many roots, many personalities. I am at a loss!
Many blessings.

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On top of my LC symptoms my legs and arms, actually my entire body is in pain. Is anyone else suffering from this type of pain? Please let me know.


Bought 100 tea bags of cardamom many do you drink a day to see results? Thanks

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Any luck


I never guessed that the phlegm sticking in the back of my throat was a result of COVID. It is an annoyance, and I thank all of you for giving me ideas on how to deal with it.

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It is becoming very apparent that hundreds if not thousands are having these phlegm symptoms. The constant clearing of the throat leads to irritation and inflammation in the that area. I am certain that is why I feel like I have an ice cube stuck at the base of my throat. I found that sleeping slightly propped up stops the cold and "moving" sensation but, after I rise, the games begin. One Day At A Time...that is how we must live. Grateful to be here in this life today, phlegm and all!


Couldn't agree more!!

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I had two episodes of was very disturbing to say the least. I thought I was going mad!


I, too, have a constant post-nasal drip along with the feeling of phlegm in the back of my throat. I also have had a chronic cough since covid (march 2020). I went to the ENT at about 6 months in for all things ENT - drip, phlegm, cough, ear pain and hoarseness. He said I did not have a post-nasal drip, phlegm, etc. I was shocked! I said it was there right now and that I could feel it running down the back of my throat.

I do not understand LC at all.


I, too, have a constant post-nasal drip along with the feeling of phlegm in the back of my throat. I also have had a chronic cough since covid (march 2020). I went to the ENT at about 6 months in for all things ENT - drip, phlegm, cough, ear pain and hoarseness. He said I did not have a post-nasal drip, phlegm, etc. I was shocked! I said it was there right now and that I could feel it running down the back of my throat.

I do not understand LC at all.

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I’ve been to 3 ents with the same step is gastro..suffering since first Covid in March 2020 and worse since 2nd Covid Feb 2024


I, too, have a constant post-nasal drip along with the feeling of phlegm in the back of my throat. I also have had a chronic cough since covid (march 2020). I went to the ENT at about 6 months in for all things ENT - drip, phlegm, cough, ear pain and hoarseness. He said I did not have a post-nasal drip, phlegm, etc. I was shocked! I said it was there right now and that I could feel it running down the back of my throat.

I do not understand LC at all.

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Many doctors are clueless in terms of LC.


I had covid this Sept. and ever since I have had a cough with phlegm everyday. Yesterday I went and got a covid vaccine. My cough is completely gone, first time in 3 months.

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Oh how great for you! How are you now?


I have the same feeling. Mucus in my throat that never never never leaves. I can't cough or back it up. Gargling does nothing. I've been doing sinus rinses with the squeeze bottle. I use one saline packet and I add baby shampoo to the solution. Nothing ever comes out when I rinse. However, while the solution is still in my nose, immediately after squeezing, I hold my nose and bend over, letting the solution to into my upper sinuses. I leave it in the for hours before I blow my nose. After a couple of hours, I blow my nose and get thick thick thick white wood glue type mucus out. The mucus in my throat seems to thin slightly.

I've had crazy clear and white mucus since I had a very very mild case of COVID in March 2020 ( no fever, cough, test, nothing really)

Really don't know what else to do.

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Did you read on this thread about the person who took a covid vaccine and their phlegm production stopped? I may try that. Also there is a video by a doctor from Mayo who stated the same thing


Did you read on this thread about the person who took a covid vaccine and their phlegm production stopped? I may try that. Also there is a video by a doctor from Mayo who stated the same thing

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It didn’t help me, but I don’t regret trying it.

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