Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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This might be part of the issue. I to contracted Covid 3 1/2 months ago, and along with G.I. issues have a ongoing histamine issue...does not seem to stop. Given there is a possibility that the COVID has altered something in G.I. tract, and created an environment of bacteria.

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I found this very interesting. Thank you for this. I pray you get better. God Bless you.


For me the onset of post-nasal drip came with anxiety and panic attacks. Literally at the same moment! I've read about a connection between the drip and the autonomic nervous system, and this has been helpful, especially in terms of trying to go to sleep. Slowing down my breathing, holding the exhale a bit. The first 2 months were HORRIBLE tho, I lost SOO much sleep! Things are getting better with the warmer weather coming. The drip/throat phlegm seems to be lingering a bit more than the anxiety, but I think maybe I'm finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. Hang in there everyone, this has been a miserable haul for sure!!


Yes!!! All of the same and right after shots…..still dealing…BUT. My magic bullet that put the most of this down is Cromolyn sodium nasal spray ….Amazon……it works…..! I even got the eye formula which is sold under vet medicine but pharmacist told me totally safe for humans. It cleared up my eye problems as well….running eyes and chalazioms….sp?…..the phlegm and choking and constant post nasal…..gone…..I use that spray every day to also clear sinus and brain fog……it’s like my coffee!……you can only get it on Amazon!! Cromolyn is the big gun used in hospitals for covid. I was reading white papers on this and checked out to see if they had it in nasal spray and only Amazon carried it. Checked out w Dr and Pharmacist and they thought that was pretty smart..!…….btw….I am also not having any migraines anymore! Have to wonder if the spray is why??!!! Good luck!


the thing with me is doesn't mater what i eat or drink ever and as soon as anything goes in my mouth, the thick phlegm starts almost immediately because the mucus is always...i mean always in my throat, it never leaves! i never had any of this before covid, i could eat anything and nothing ever bothered me...right now the only thing i can do is to try and keep it calmed down so i'm not choking..this is all day, everyday, everynight, 24-7.....take care...hoping we all get over this so we can have control of our bodies again...

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I am also suffering from this constantly producing mucus since I had covid towards the back end of 2021.


Yes, I have been dealing with the same thing for 3 years. It is really impacting my daily life having to constantly try to clear the thick mucus... sometimes from the back of my throat from my sinuses but always by my voice box. I've tried everything.


I am also suffering from this constantly producing mucus since I had covid towards the back end of 2021.

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hang in there..i know it is a pain to deal with, i feel this is not the normal type of mucus/ is a lot more sticky and is a clinging type of coating in my throat, i don't wish this for anyone to have....


Yes, I have been dealing with the same thing for 3 years. It is really impacting my daily life having to constantly try to clear the thick mucus... sometimes from the back of my throat from my sinuses but always by my voice box. I've tried everything.

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same with me for over 3 yrs..hang in there...


I was talking to one of my friends the other day and he told me he too has a post nasal drip. He said Sudafed really helps so I got a package from my local grocery store. And he was right. I've been taking one 10 mg tablet once a day and I hardly even notice the nasal drip. The package I got (over the counter) is called Maximum Strength, Sinus Congestion, Phenylephrine HCL 10 mg Nasal Decongestant, Non-Drowsy. It contains 72 tablets. This works better than the Flonase (at least for me). Comes in a red/white package made by Kroger. It's cheaper than Flonase.

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My best help:
Sudafed sinus plus mucous control. Nasal rinse right before bed, followed by ipatroprium bromide nasal spray. Then, elevated sleep— many pillows. And… I put 3-4 OraCoat XyliMelts in my mouth all night. I have an extremely dry mouth, and it seems to trigger more post nasal. I sleep with a humidifier. I want a magic bullet, too— so if there are any Super Sinus Heroes out there? Help us Sina-one- kuh-leenex— you’re our only hope….


I had this for about a year since I had covid - having to clear my throughout every day many times a day. It may have not been as sever was what some of you herehave experienced, but it was still a reduction in my quality of life. I eventually went to see an ENT and he put a tube up my nasal passage and down my throat, and said the mucus looked very dry. He told me to take Rhinaris 3-4 times a day (over-the-counter here in Canada), and drink a lot of water. I did that, and it started to slowly get better. Then I got covid again, and after I got better from the covid, the phlegm, throat-clearing thing came back, even worse, and with a cough this time. I started using the Rhinaris but was a bit lazy about it, only used it once a day or twice when I remembered. After about 2 months, I got a regular cold, and the long covid completely stopped. Then after the cold ended (after about 5 days), it came back, same or a bit worse maybe. Then I started taking the Rhinaris, but diligently, 3-4 times a day, and drinking tons of water. After a week, the phlegm, throat-clearing, and cough completely went away. It's been about a week now, and it's still gone. One other thing I did during the week with the diligent Rhinaris is took an expectorant a few times - not sure if that helped or not but just wanted to let you know exactly what I took to get to this "cure". I hope this works for others, fell really bad for you all, and hope it ends for everyone.


That’s really nice to actually find someone that has recovered from it.
I ll try your method and hopefully works for me.
Thanks you!!

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